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Show 7611.115. 1121 v. L 111p;\ I V 0/1/70 [1411//(.':1c/ .I‘d/1 .1e maintained in t1 " due Situation, there, .1cqui."lcmg ,1; "id,"3,, t,,,.,;. '1 litre line Wooden Platesdo fontewhit refemble tlieth111 {how-w Expanliom ' ofthe Abdominal Mi‘fcles, \‘1 inch 2.11.‘ lodgedin each nth-e15 (>1. ces, and ‘ 117130115 Model-3 compoled of 1012': of diVers vent-15 , 111111.111 1;," ,.)i‘.‘ari:.1'.'ions throunh the ful‘li'ancc of the Melltles which the \‘V (1. ProperCenter‘sg the 1i .mulcles by realon of the 1,7 libres, paflincr th1‘0'11gh1.‘ r :111d‘1le ot the Belly, from 2.1L to the 01 @llbij‘, do in. 11211‘ ToniclL Vlotion, contrict t1‘1L l‘t1.1i<g,htLine.~3'j and the Oblique defceud cnt Mnlcles1‘11 obl11'1, ‘ . "aid and the oblique alcendent in tEeVil Lines up"ard, and the Traaner Mulcles1n lii‘aight l rues crofsways. So that thele various Mufcles, by reafon of the difI-cicrit order of their 131171-65 do c]ton12.51 themfclves1n fL'Veral Angles, inward zigi t dovmVV:1in {enLl.- do imitate, as they COIIVCV v2.1i0115'Liquors PL1‘1:L7IZLAiIL.l1_,‘lv 111111 1111.. .7111:1ll\ the lenotlr and breadth ofthe body of the ['1‘1m ‘ .1111; Treated tomevx h it of the Mu‘c les of In.‘1 "3, and 1r2111111r‘ the body of Treef, as they hold .‘oruse A1111 '5' L7: 1‘Vla‘1‘15'l'717d", and more pitticuluiy 01 thole o. the BellJ. .1d obliqu: ly nowaid211d downward, and overrhwarmt And thus by a Varie I V1.1. maltel‘l‘;7.d to nivc 2. farther account of the ules of me"1; ‘b‘ 700131;; 111 which rirV'L‘fil the C1111 and In tel‘ims, ..‘.s V." ith lo 111.111V (-11 111L11‘ that they ieem to be one e11ti:e t1.hicl.‘\\eft~ 1ne11t,aiid f0 lilite11to the Body, that I my {it on it 1rlte 1:""1 lhaped ApparrLl, VVithout Htirnoles 01‘ ‘1‘ risileS', 10 that th‘11‘ fine leiL‘ Cover. ingu, ($ch no 1101‘117le to the 11‘.10‘e tender inward Recelli‘s oi the Belly, which 3111': ch: 11' :‘d‘7y their on11 heat, as lteptho:‘11 1110:e l'iee Tranfpirirtioii b7,..11‘.- ‘1 u lculai‘ encloltu‘es, and defendcpd againft Storms of (2011,11111 the allliaults of hard and folid Bodies, \V‘ll1ich otherwile would prove Vtryoi‘l fenliie to the loft E ritrals of the Bell;. Th; 11.15111". Another ule may be attributed to this rare Syfleme of Abdominal Muf' 01.513.1nd106 1112:."1C c1e1‘y way,:1all the Vifcera (lodged within the Circu... {Lg-mo: ofthe Belly ) are conferved within their prooer piaces, without 0. 1211111 the 13.11} violence one to another. Alourlti ule of the Abdominal Mufcles may be to afrifiE :tpirationy by reducing the Ribs after lDlFII'fltiOIl from right Angles to 11131. mute) which i5 their natural polition in Arches. Ii1lpi1'atio11 and Expiration, are performed by altern.‘1t1 motion of the 1.1111134, which 111.11ing no Caruous [‘11. e., cannot move themlL-lves, andc i‘quently in order to Motion, mult be afli fied by fome neighbouring Mulcies, Vvh.131'e11ton the Ir1tereollal5 and the Diaphiaome dilatinc the [horax 11‘. e 1 1117.91, 3211121 liberty immediately to dilp‘ ay thcml'lelves being1 1.elled with t‘he11‘ce dra1gl1rs of Air, lillino up the Bi'ohchia and apotnlant VelrclLs, to the full extent of the Thorax, enlarged by the Diaphragme contraéli111: and red- it felf from an Ar.11 to a Plane in Inlpirarion, andimme.111..iy met the Lungs fubfiding, the Air is forced to rc'tieat out of the 11263335, 1.1111251n Expiration and then the Diaphragmsis related by the motion $15,713,111 ofthe Abdominal Mufclles, \VhiL‘h beino fallned to the.C tLrnon and Ribs, do niihiilMul‘clfa fcle:, is by a {from Contraétion, to draw tlrefe Inl‘cr‘nments of Mmion in ward, and tlrr'eby lelleninw the CaVity of the loVV'elr Apartimentoftlrc B111V, to comprcrs the Caul, Stomach, Inteliines to qui‘iten the 1'sriltall'itlt motion of the Intellines, and difcharge the more pro-lie EXC‘.tments by Stools and the VVatr'y by Urine, and to promote the tl1r0w5 of the [Items in order to the exclul1011 of the l‘oetus, and the motion all) of the [11rel1ines B1:der, and Uterus, is Very much allilled by the 1312.1liragrnt, by giVing 110,) to 0111 Breath after a {bong Infpir'arion; with which ...'-.e1~VV-.-...1 the Intercoflal Mullcles do fiicceflively co--oper.1te in the D1 lataition of the 816211, upon their contraction, put the étcrnoth and Ribs downward and inward, and f0 lellen the Cavity of the Thorax. And 170w having recounted the more publick ufes of the Abdominal. Mufcles, I [hall endeavour to give a fhort [-Iillory, of their more peculiar becaufe \Vhen the CaVity of the Breall: being filled with thL Lungs, the Dia17hr1gme is fironoly comprlel ed, and highly:9 forced down'Vv111‘,d and the Sto- 111 1th and Intt ftinesLieprerled with it, which 2110 promoteth the mutual Motion ofall pairs lodged1n the loweflApartimeur, and upon that accoun‘ttliC 2115115115111 their piivatc Capacities, wherein they d11w the Sternon and cxpull1011 or divers torts of Exc1ements ish afined Therhitd ufc of the Mnfcles of the Belly, may be thus conceiVed to be ward, and the Loins upward, when the Body is r‘epoled in a fupiue Poli- 01‘ l'ulu'r diryeé‘tly, and the ()1 Ilium and Ribs, obliqurly upward and down- grefs of their Tibet: The 0bl1que,delLendent, alcendent 211d traaneth tron. . The right Mufcles faflned above to the Sternon, and belon to the 01‘ T1101 P11b11,which remaining immoveable, the right Mulcles abreviarino them- WWW-L ter' 0| 1110111111. fixing", Mufcles, being finely encircled within each others VVi110'5‘,i11 uniform Arch1651 fclvesby cor1traéIing downward mult of neceffity pull the E‘chnorileOWll- iiiiilhé‘igilf 10,1 15-1-11. derived hour the natural Situ2111011 of them, and va1ious p01itionc, and pro, . and111 theii concave lurface, do entertain each fide oftlre Peritonrrum, the IS 1611' l iiiClinfiiimfiic And this motion of the Sternon downward, i. not wholIIy pe1fotmed by» the right Mulcles of the Bell1, becaule they are too I117111 to mow by them- 2,21,13,23; lelVes alone, the great weight of the Thorax, 1.1dtl'1L‘1we (:1; I c011- WWW which draw- .111111: the Lateral Mufcles, which being in conjunélion with tl‘C tioht, do make up the whole circumference of the Belly‘, f0 that the \ ifccra being who) it is principally efleEted by the moic‘1 5‘1: audit 101g1.1‘1VItilclesiea- flii‘ifwif-m‘ ted within the BodV. called (Pfoar, which being affixed to t17-"‘1\'Infcl'.‘s of mm, as well ‘ 1‘51 as 1.y 1...." being many Mufculai ExPanlrons lodged between each other are lo 1112111 "'11 '5 (Bandagc)",,o mp ch1 eral Machines ading their parts, in the lcenes oi diHL-rcnt ToniClx' 1‘"0‘" 11 ward toward the Navil, 211d confequcntly the Bre21ft and R 117:; C211l and Intef‘rines, Stomach Spleen, and Skirts of the Live‘1, and the right 1\1ufcles, palling all along between the faid lVqucles, the Whole length 0‘ the Belly, from the Swordlilte Cartilage, to the Sharebone, do verv "WC" 1'}c-polhd\V‘ithin its foft Confines are preferved in {0 equal aB.112111ce,t1131 ,WWM they do not giVe a fenlible trouble either111 R011, 01‘ I‘V/Iotion, 10011131711E the 11.1mm more then another 751 11.11 111,..3‘1101 And the different Mufcles that form the excellent li‘ame ofl th eAb101116117 '1 ' [Ivait‘s‘d‘faflic 0115, \‘1‘hich they readily perfor‘,m by their Various progr‘els e 711i1' l". 1‘35: 11.1111 111111.11 fearedin divers P0f1ures,wherein as in feveral ways of Bandauc. d‘ic;71.1tcs."'" 11111111 0/ the [lira/Her of £1,1i'irt‘7‘t‘111. . " t1. \ "" 1h? Bach, do upon the contrarf‘tion of their Fibres ( 71.1L‘::dto'.\‘ar1l the Q7121.) leilenl the length of th: rP0.12, and "(116113!" 1'1" ' y a flexior. (11"1'L Veitebr't's of the Baal; do l71i111" the T1link01ward by drawing thL Sternon LL.)'1\'11" W15 \' hiL‘h action 0‘. the P/om, is p1omotL-d by cor ' $11017 (1 the right 11,1;‘1';""" When the ff,,;;‘f‘;‘f',§:f 11:03:11,351: Mu‘.L‘les ofthe Belly, ‘1111L‘h a1cau:;ili.111c.; to the (Id/2.57 in 31;: motion ofro‘nrr11111cm. [he Sternon L"."0\V"1‘.VV" T _ Another onpohrL motion of me 91111:701m upward, isthus etl- ' 1 when the Steinon (to 11111ch the Origeu of the rich: Mulcles of t.‘ l "1805 |