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Show The PREFACE. were Typical of that moft ExcellentSacrifice of the true Pafa chal Lamb,who offered himielfonce upon theAltar of the Crofs as a Propitiatory Sacrifice for the Sins of the whole World : And becaufe the Levitical Rites were only Shadows, they were abolifhednvhen the more perfect fubfiance came into theVVorld "mm and dwelt among us, and continued With us (as long as this chcn- moft divine order of Nature {hould lai't) that Prayers, lntercefl [iiiiiqicto iions, Eucharifi, Adoration, and the obfervance of his Holy M5" Ordinances, Moral Precepts, Faith and Repentance (as the Conditions of the New Covenant) fhould be eiiential to Re, ligion, and of an unalterable Nature, by which a way is chalked out, wherein we may make our mofi humble Addrefies to the Throne of Grace to Celebrate God's Glory, and pre- fent our own needs to our Eternal and nlof't gracious Creator and Redeemer. God out of his moft fignal Love and Mercy did highly efpouie The New Man's happinefs in refining the Oeconomy of Nature, by foonfiltis eltablifhing a new and better Covenant With him, founded up» upon‘morc on better terms, and upon more gracrous conceisrons of greater $31355" and clearer prornifes of the Gofpel, giving us both the Hiflory Eigélifsm of our Saviour's Life, as our great Example to imitate, and of 131:1.th his moit dolorous Pafsmn and ignominious Death hpon the Ltofs, whereon he freely oflered himfelf as a Propiti atory Sa» DIVERS HYPOTHESES RELATING TO Natural and Experimental PHILOSOPHY; Explicatory of feveral Terms and Notions, ufed in the Subfeqnent Anatomical Difquifirions. crifice for the Sins of the whole World; And did inflitute two mofl iZOly Ordinances, of Baptifin and the Lord's Supper, that in the firil, the Laver of Regenerationnve might be walhed by his inoft precious Blood,fi‘0m the guilty pollutions CHAP. of Original Sin 5 and in the fecond, the more high Sa11€tion of the Holy Eucharii't, we might fpiritually by Faith in a mof't myfterious manner eat his Flelh and drink his Blood, and thereby parti' cipate the Merits of his molt bitter Death and Palsion, by w iofe mediation and the fupernatural aids of his holy Spirit, we may firii rife from the death of Sin to the life of Righteoufnefs 3 and afterward by the power of his Refurreétion, we ma rife from the Grave to accompany him to Glory. To God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghofi, to the Three Perflms in one Godh ead, be given all Honor, Glory, Eucharifl, and Ado, ration for ever and ever. e1men. THE L 0ft/2c Pam, and Dzflmfltiom of Humane ‘Bodier, dtfiriéed Mei thrmim/l} under general and Tartimlnr Wiom. Ities have their Suburbs, Houfes their Porticos; 4 l Vefiments their Fringes, Mufick its Pre- L _ "7" 1 f1 mggfltm d§>¢gy 4 "m: ‘ Wm? "£1 N 5/ffiy ‘ w, 'R‘ m 7‘,‘ "5&2" [a ludes, Plays their Prologues, Books their Prefaces, Difcourfes their Prolegomena, which are duly premifed, as fltPreamblcs, to ulher them in with the greater advantage of Order and Decorum- Truththetnd Truth, to which we afpire in amoft curi- ofallourStu- Vii" ous fearch, as pcrfeflive of our Underfland~ S:;j;""‘"‘- A ing, is a Divine Ray enlightning our better .-:;= 7 ' ' parts at our Firft Creation: All Entities in ijwggf thFlF Tranfcendental Capacities being {0 many Emanations, holding Confortr' "my, with that mofi Heavenly mind, as being feveral Copies of that ggat B n- |