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Show 650 Of the generation of (1 Poems in Lin/i. Book LETVT E3319?pain fizrt/ . At‘rrrfivurtr After the Hen hath fare fourty hours upon an Egg, the circles imw ZtlxmL-UTTHRI muting the Seminal Liquor in the Limtrirnla, make a grater. and rqorc clear i.l.‘i;T,i-mtzf,"' filCVV, at which time they are elegantly painted Wit; variety 0 colours \\ill.\y'inic(y (bmcwhar refembling the Rain-bow, and the tiglueof t re lLye, as having 3, m CW"). protuberance not unlike that of (bruw; this Prominence encn'cleth a mofl; tranfparent Colliqnatcd l iquot,‘ lomewhat‘altin 11} colour to that of the wa- try humour of the Eye. This line fightof Elle (Harriett/4 is very elegantly deferibed by great [Jam/6y, Seauzdti orz/i III/Tiecizorie, lzxercztalioncdetzm j[extra Air illc, Pra'trrim die frumdo, drift Cit‘zrtriezz/te cirmlz ten/pcfizorer dry, (wt. p/iorer flint, ad wrigzziludir/cm ilflglllf (1'13in ammlarri, (73V inlay/Hm med", griz[im tom mam/it in (Jim; regime! (aliquam/o rrcr) raj/1, dwcrfir fane coloriliirr 0bfim'c r/ifliflfiis c/iwidilur, acnli guram plane referent, tine prom/Jeremie allqtm qua/ii in Cornea "mica rwyilur, tiny: magnmrdmc, 11m: 121mm bimwre trait/pgremc,@~ [iiciclifl'iiiio iilturroizicmo‘, (Myer (tantrum Fulfill-dill refine/enter, fed pm; 0 gear/rim al/Jo in centre exiflcnre, rim/71mm aoicstlte alimym occllm fnflii zenem five Czirzirziéiizm ( ut {vacant} in media pupiILe pateretur : 01) 71mm jlmI/zmdmem out/Hill am" nonzinaoimmx 'thlittle FI$5323." "‘1" . Now the fine compage of the little Foamsbeginneth‘more clearly to {port it felf in the pure Cryftalline l iquor, in which the Spine cometh to larger dimenlions, and the OrbicularClobules relating to the Vertebres ariflmore completed, and the Velicles of the Brain approach nearer to the fu ance of it: and the lineaments of the Eyes COiififling in two little Orbs, arrne greater perfeéiion, and the Beating-point, the ‘firil: draught of the Heart now beginneth to difcover it felf in maniieft different motions ' T" MN" The outward Mai‘oent of the Umbilical Area is walled in With a Venous 1mm": hath TDan Aperture ‘ ' bendin t,1 toward.. the . Heart,, or Dancrng' ‘ brimming]. Circle, \ihich . h Sci»I point, which in its contraction doth impell the whitilh liquor into the, rig t Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart, and from thence into the left, and is then tranfmitted into the Aorta, fron‘. whence one Trunk is propagated into the Head, and another all alonrr to the extremity of the Spine, tranfmlttin‘g, many Ramulcts into the Umbilica region, wherern they often affociate 3?] part agzain in the manner ofa remm' r plexe, which is alfo Very eminentin t e numerous branches of other Blood-veflels. . _ "5"" "‘4 m". s The Beatingpoinr being enducd with fucceliive motions of Confltifiion Ll‘ tut moi" and Dilatatiori, which doth plainly evince it to be the Heart, whofe ambicgt {iiiiifii ("1" parts are enclofcd within thin Mufcular walls, not as yet clothed in Re , D ‘"‘"""‘"‘ which is its befl and native aray when brought to due perfection. d The Vital I iqnor firft araycd in whitifh and afterward in Ta darkerI in reddiih colour appearcth Hill in thelterminations of the Umbilical Vefife s 63mm m, ' fore it is tranfniitted into the right auricle and ventricle ofthe Heart I‘ljot minim; Km!whence it maybe inferred With great probability, that the 3100 reef ‘erml is its fitft rudimentin theambient parts of the White, and is afterward 13193" iiiiig" "1 ted to the Heart lodged in the center of the Body 5 and I humbly conceive, "‘fT'i‘,TTTT,_ That the firft draught of the \' ital Juice, is a ltind of the Qolquuatleld Sifli , Liquor. minal Liquor, which after fomc Fermentation, is endued With a ye 0Wf and afterward with a reddilh hue, before it is tranfmitted from the Circum 61'ence toward the center of the tranfparent Liquor, in which-the Beatillilgpoint playeth up and down, as fporting itfelfin fucceflivc motions: SM :1: Vital Liquor is by divers Reps clothed with Purple, before the Heartbegmfle its Pulfation. And ill\C as in the production ofSeeds,the Eggs of Pl nts,a San or tramparent Seminal Liquor, is firlt conveyed out of impregnating the Seed, out of whofe the Earth (as out ofa fruitful Womb) bofom the Carmina, the firft Shoots, Trunks, Leaves, and Flowers are formed by variety of 321p and Air-veilels entli ltlllCHIEs big with feveral fermentative, concreting Elements, which produces thedif: fcrent Integrals, making the curious compage of Plants; in like manner the Fit/Hr of other more per-feet Animals and Juices, contilting of different principles, Birds too is generated of many T," by which the various parts of Animals producing leveral Intefline motions, big; at many receive their firfl: draughts. and after Inicesas out ‘ Uldl lent ward A their more admirable finilhings, wher ein we may fee and adore the "my great WOI‘hS of God and Nature in " the divers procefles of, Generation 3 whereupon we may plainly perceive the Firm: of Birds to have its parts gradually ipronting out of the Seminal Colliquate d Liquor, made up of many fermenn tative Elements, by whole oppofite motions the Blood arriveth greater and greater degrees of perfeétion, at lalt putting on its purple robe befor e it malteth its perambularion in feveral gefles through all the parts of the Body . After the Hen hath fate three days, the Chic (ions, and its parts grow more diftinéi, and ken acquiieth greater dimenw is lodged in the Genital Liquor, with a crooked Head and prone petit ion of body, and the Veficles of the Brain enameled With Bloodwetlelsare atte nded with the {mall orbs ofthe Eyes adjoyning to the ambient parts of the rudiments of the Brain; and the Spinal Marrow is lodged in the holl owed Vertebres of the Spine, and the external parts of the Colliquament begin to grow Opace, encompalling the ambient parts of the Seminal Liquor as with a Rayment, and the Veiiels taking their rife from the left Ventricle of the Heart, begin their courfe toward the middle of the Abdomen, and emit many branches'of Arteries, The Veficles which before were difcovered to be five, are in after-days Mtcr three diVided ' ' only as it ' were into ' ‘ the 05611)!!! two; in I , h~ei' . feemed to appear a Vcficle ken "W T "C acquiieth beautified with a triangular figure, and the lower region of the Sync/p ut, "MW e; is cndued with a kind of oval fhape; near this Vcficle 25| ini s in" r" doe appear two f‘crcntcmm other, which I conceive, are the rudiments parts: of the become more diftinguilhable, in which the G'upil Eyes, whofe parts now (hue-d with Black) may be difccrned, and the Cryftalline humor is encirc led with the Vitreous; and now the Auticlcs, Ventricles of the Heart are more matured, and the di{tint} motions of the Ventricles are rendted more confpicuons. The fourth day being paft, the Chicken becom eth more mature, and the Veficlcs of the Brain are more enlarged, appro aching nearer each other, and the Globu les of the Eyes receive greater dimenfions, not changi ngt their fliape; andthe Spine and its Vertebres appear more fair, and the Wings and Thighs grow more in length, and the Spine receiv eth the addition of the Rump, and the whole Body is clothed witha mucous Matter, as an imper~ feet Heih, interfperfed with great divarications of Vell'el s, and the Cord of Umbilical Veffels begins to creep out of confines ofthe Belly, and the Blood is clothed with a deeper Scarlet, as impelled throu gh the Arteries, and re» turning by the Veins is hued with a paler red, and the Stomach is formed in fome part, and the Inteftines are made lip of a ltind of mucous Matter, as their firfl rudiment; and in Eggs arriving greater maturity, the Heart is immured within the confines of the T/Joriix, by reafon of a thin Membrane enelofing it. The fifth day being pal}, And C- the Vcficles of the Brain, the Clobnles being month . . , the Vertebres, confiiti uting . . . the Spine, May receive greater dilhné‘ tion, the Heart the J" HH‘I Vchci s admitteth more tivulcts of Blood, clothed with a deeper red, and rhel am« iiiiiir ., till, Lil-r iient |