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Show 0f 5/70 Penis or 74271. Book I.Pa1‘t IV, Boot i. YTart IV. by degrees, and dieth in the Clans. And it is obfervable, That when the Nervous bUCllt.S are Tumefied with plenty of Blood, the lpongy liibftancc ot' the Hrel/Jrzz is forthwith enlarged, which lpeaketh the great entercourfc the l\crvous bodies, and the fpongy Compage of the urethra have with each other, made by the communion oi various kinds of Veliels. yfl'clsof The Nervous bodies, and fpongy liibliance of the (Penis, are endowed with divers forts of Vt'HEls, Arteries, Veins, and Nerves, Which being curioully interwoven with each other, do make a fine kind of Net-work. v "Fireman G The Arteries take their rife from the Arteria Hypogaft'rita, and ‘Puclma'a 1 . _ ‘ . i . ~ the AVEL'HCS DFIhcl'mir, and delcending from it, do firll enter into the root of the 'Perm, and after~ ward are divaricated in numerous Branches through the Back, or upper Regi- on of the Yard, and then pals into the inward Recefles of the Nervous bodies and f'pongy Compage of the urethra. ‘TheVLinSuF The Veins come from the Vcm Iflpogaffriw, and 'Pudemla too, and are. ""me the allociates of the Arteries, as having the fame progtefs with them in nu- merous Ramifications through the whole body of the (Pm, which carry Blood into the Hypogalltick Veins. Thefit‘rvei The Nerves belonging to the 'Pem‘r, do arife from great Nerves pafling "MM?" into the Thighs, and from the Vertebral Trunk, and do accompany the Blood Veffels, derived from the Thighs; foine have fruitful Divarications of Fibrils running through the Nervous bodies, and loofe lubliance of the Urinary pailage, and do import a feleé} Liquor, imprazgnated with Volatil, Saline, and Elaiiick Particles, which running with the Spirituous parts of the Blood, do Tumefie the Nervous bodies and Mret/Jra, in order to Ereéiion. I"; ‘§§°,‘,"‘;‘ The Internal part of the urethra is Membranous, and is its more proper figfggmii"s_ Q‘hiiéiiizriis (qualin big1,5,3", of it. Integument, as covering the fpongy fiibliance, and is a Cylinder adorned with an oblong Cjoncave Figure, of the fame bigneis from one Extreamity to the other, and is ordained by Nature, both to excern Urine; and Semen too, in the act of Coition. "can", The Claus, or Head of the @6721)", is a loft Helhy part, appendant to £26,332 :33 the Nervous bodies and urethra, exceeding them in bigncfs, and is endued Connexion. with a different Figure, encircling the other parts of the Tam}, in the manner of a Crown, and inclineth {omewhat more to 3 Cone in the top. It is heautifled with an oblong roundilh Figure, being fomewhat fmaller in its Termination, and is parted by a Fiflhre in its lower Region, which ,E‘ECé'fifffhuf leadeth into tlie‘I/lretbra; where this Appendix of the (Penis is flaccid, it is £14m}. men coated With a kind of Blewiih Colour, and with a Red hue, when rendred tot [0 Off/Jr Penis or ‘Ym‘rl. 537 i115 incurring/m, d)» (",1 ratiom- in [arm/1 imam, welut fcmimzm Corppris, 7T1€Ql"'»""a .zf/rcshzrct .9 Q11.el"1trmi7m mark if: mnplcxm/z rueref, cum (9 now. mcfl'nr glyfl/LI/IVU lit/Jorz'ojiz fit, (9» firtm‘ exclu/Ia dirir (rut‘itztibm mole/fa, farm], Mina/i2, (9» tr/z'lz firm: cducatio [>101th fil/ic'zz‘udilm, mfi inrret/ilzi/i oalupmtir tzflru [err/ix; [L711 Gel/imlm. ‘ . _ The (31am is cowred out of Coition, With a SkinJ which in forne 130- $3,333,": dies, is cafiiy Lli‘;1‘.\‘!1i'l)r\Vilrd and backward, whereupon the Clans may be invcil‘ed, or rendred bare by a gentle touch in inol't Perfons, except where the Pi'm‘puce is 11) contracted in its Termination, that it cannot be flipped over the (ilans, without offering a great violation to the body of the Fem‘r, which fometimesit f0 lltongly encircleth, in the manner of a Ligament, 395.2152?" thatitintercepteth the Current ol the Blood,and rendreth it flagnant in the Eiiiciiiiiii; Nervous bodies, and fpongy fiibfiance of the rUral/m; : Whereupon I faw a chm: of inonl‘trous Tumour of the Yard in a Gentleman, a Friend, whom I pre- mm" {£me cafcd, by Opening a Vein, and by an InCifion made into the Praepuce 9 whereupon it being enlarged, and made ealie to the Patient, the Inrlammation was appeafed, and the Tumour difappeared upon the application of Anodine, Emollient, and Dilcutient Cataplafins. The Skin covering the Clans, is called by the Latines, Prcputium quad rhccvaizfuf: pm P1!t[071([i.f exiflir : And is much greater in 7am and Twig, (as fome have iiiisthansreported) then in Chril'tians, and hath grown to lo monltrous greatnefs "‘"M" in Egip/iimr, that it gave them the neceflity of cutting off Tome part of it: Which the 7am do obferve at this Day, in Circumcdion, as a piece of the Levitical Law, which the Mal/01mm)" do imitate. This neighbouring part, is appendant: to the Termination of the Nervous bodies, which often clotheth the Clans as with a Duplicature, to whole lower Region it is ailixcd, by the interpofition of a Bond, called by the The me latines, mem; which is a thin Membrane, and upon the tetraélion 0f°f‘h°Yard- the Prapuce, may he dilcovered in the form of thin Membranous .VVedg, appearing Edgewili‘, in thelower part of the Yard, and is falisned in one Thmmm Extreamity, to the infide of the Prrepuce, and in the other, to the begin- orthemnm. ning of the Fiiiure, running in the lower fide 'ol" the Claus, and is an appendix of the infide, relating to the lower Region ofthe Praapuce; which being truly confidered1 is air elongation of the common Integuments of the ‘Pcm'r, to Which it. is lo loolely affixed, that it may eafily be removed. from and to the Clans, which it lei'vetli as 3 Covering for its fine tender Skin. :iffi'g‘g‘figj, with a mofi fine thin Membrane; which is produced originally ( as Learned The q'em'r is not only flirnilhed with Coats, Nervous bodies, and the "Urethra, but with Flefhy bodies too, commonly Ptiled Mufcles, which are Four in number", Two of which are called by Spigcl/m Collaremler, by others iihiinllaici: Ereé‘forer, and have a Nervous origen, and are lhort thick Mullles, taking ":3?" :fi‘1fiifg‘fhh, flier/redirect}; will have it) from the urethra reflected, and expanded over iiiiniiiiii‘riiiri the Clans, which is endued with a moflexquifitc Senfe 3 which is {0 far bodies, into whole thick Membrane they do Terminate, and {0 their Heihy miaii'cndg. Tenfe by a quantity of Blood, impelled into its futhance and Membranes, "C"‘k‘l‘ by the Arteria ‘Pudmdcz, in time of Erection. Tricnrtnmn. It is endowed with a peculiar, foft, fpongy, flelhy fiibf'tance, encircled Emergent], lnghtned in Fruition, that it giveth us a kind of trani‘port of Senfual Demni 0 light, to court us and amale us in the meaner aét of Comon, where we CH- gage into the Vagina ‘Uterz', feared between two receptacles of Excrementsi to which we are earneltly follicited by the mofi acute Senfe and Pleafiltf, feated in the Clans: Well defcribed by Learned Andreas Laurentim, All" tom. Lib, 7. Cap. I. Him (Air ills) ab/mnarnm parrz‘um riIi/latio (fir/"J" quuz‘tiflimm. Qgtir enim per Dem}: [Winona/em, Cannibitum, rem adeo fmdam fillititaret P Amplexaretur? Et indulgerel .3 Qua vmlm Die/hm»: illud Animl, Plenum rationir é» corrfilii, quad wacirmus Hominy", gbfmnar h'flllllffllfit patter, their rife from the appendix of the Coxendix, below the origcn of the Nervous Fibres dil‘appear. . . Two other Mufcles are alligned to the @071", called Accelerator" urm from dilating the urethra, and are long thin Mufcles, derived from the mgr‘ftflf Spin/25hr Am, and are carried underneath near the fides of the urethra, In- "mum. to whole middle they are inferred: According to Dzemerbraerk, and to De Grtmf, into the thick Membrane, relating to the Nervous Bo. (lies. . The rife commonly afligned to thefe Mufcles, is to erect the @emr and to dilate the "Urethra. Which Learned 'De Graaf, contradiéteth in his Tia- éiate dc Viromm Organir, Page 107 Ratio ( Air z'llc) prapter quam,wntm 30 Yyyyry W" The ufcgf‘thc Mufclcsofthe Yard. |