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Show Book i: Book I. Part IV. Of [/JL' fDi/m/er of the {Vow/1 and it! Cin'cr. 609 be applied made of Purflain, Endive, Plantain, Night-made, VVatcr-Lil- C H A P. XXIIl. lies, and Vine-leaves : This method of Phyfick gave cafe and recovered this fick Patient, who hath lived many years in health fince {he hath been reflored by the mercy of the Great Phyfician. Of the Dye/If" 0f the l/I/Omll, and their (fitter. Sometimes the womb is affected in the Neck, and other times in the Body of it with a hard indolent Tumour, proceeding from grofs Chymous Blood, imported by the Hypogal'trick and Spcrmatick Arteries into the fublhnce of He \Vomb being a noble Utenfil, framed by Nature for the propagation of Mankind, is liable to many Dileales, various kinds of SweL, lings, Ableell'es, Ulcers, Gangrens, Cancers, (9%. The firfl: Tumour I will treat of is an lmfiamarion, proceeding from too great a quantity of Blood, or from the grofncls of it, derived from thick the womb, where the Chymous Particles not allimilated into Vital liquor, are concreted by Saline Particles into a hard Swelling, commonly called a Stirrbmx umflimilated Chyme, allbciated with Vital Liquor, impelled through the Hypogafitick and Spermatick Arteries into the fubflance of the Womb, in which it Stagnates, by tealon the Extremities of the Hypogallrick and Sper- matick Veins, being very fmall, are not able to give a reception to the exuberant and gtofs Blood, producing a great heat and beating pain in the womb, which is more inward in the body of it; and if the Vagina be affected, the outward Orifice may be dilcerned to be turnefied and red, as befet with divers turgid finall Veins i‘cfeinblitig Cobwebbs‘, and the Inflamation of the Body and Neck of the Womb, is ever attended with a Symptomatick Fever. Needing is In order to the Cure of this Difeafe after an Emollient Clyfler hath been iiifliihihti‘dnm admiuiflred, Bleeding is to be celebrated in the Arm, to divert the courfe "mm" "‘5' of the Blood from the womb, and for derivation of the Blood to the neighbouring parts, Cupping-glafles may be applied under the Breads and to the Loins. In Caclancby"kh S A Saleman's wife being much aggrieved with a Tumor in the Vaaimz uteri, eafily dilcctned by the Finger of an Artil't immitted into it, :vas Cured by alterative and purging Diet-drinks, dealing and fweetning the Blood, and by Emollient Decoétions injected into the Vagiua uteri, which abated, and by degrees took away the hard Swelling. The womb is alto obnoxious to a Carnous Swelling, mixed with a quan- tity of ill humouts lodged in the body of the "term, between its Mem- branes) An Inllance of this diFaIlEélion may be given in a Plump Woman about forty years old , who felt a great weight in the Hypogaltrick Region, wherein after Death a great flelhy Tumor (upon a deep Incifion made into the Cavity of the Abdomen ) was difcovered in the fubf‘tance of the womb, which was accompanied with thick Membranes, Tendons, and other diffe- rent Subflances, lodged not in the Cavity, but in the Intetllices of the Membranes encircling the body of the 'Utcrur. The "term is alfo liable to AbfcelIes and Ulcers, from a quantity of Women over-lifting themfelves by taking up fome great weight beyond their f'trength, whereupon a great quantity of Blood is fetled in the Glandulous parts of the womb, firi't producing an I'nflamation, and afterward an Ablcels terminating into an Ulcer, ( which fometimes Corrodes the womb and forbotn, left the Flux of the Mcnflrzm be provoked and the Vitious humours 1:223???" have a violent recourfe to the womb, whereupon I'crong Vomitories are dantiié Wm» gerous , as making a great agitation of humours whereby the lnHamed iiigiiihfhc womb is highly clilcompofetl. suffix," Alterativeand Cooling Medicines are very proper to give an allay to the peratinng- high Efibrveleence of the Blood in reference to the Fever; and in want of Eiffffifiii, me‘wc" Acournor Rclt dormitix'e Potions may be fafcly advilied, as giving repofe and a check to the Inllamation. Thiscoutle of Phyliek proved very {iiccefsful to the wife ofa Captain iiifairdiiiiiirn relating to one of the King's Ships, who had a pain in her Groin and Back, 235$," m aceompanied with a Symptomatick cher and other fymptoms belonging to the Inflamation oi. the womb. The Patient had been firlt treated Empetically by a Man-Midwife well verfed in his own Profeflion,but ignorant in the practice of Phyfick, who firfli gave her a (bong Vomit, which highly irritated the {harp humours, and applied leeches to the Hagmorrhoides, making a greater Flux of Blood to the parts affected, whereby the lntlamation and Fevergrew higher, whereupon I thought it proper to draw Blood from the 'Uterm by opening a Vein above in the Arm, and alfo by advifing Cooling and Atempetating Deco- c'lions, allaying the unkindly Fermentation of the Blood. and by prefcribing proper Medicines to be injected into the Vagina uteri, r-nd Cataplafms may 8 The Abram-u and ulcers of Blood lodged in the inward Subfiance upon the laceration of the VeIIels in In Cachochymick Bodies gentle lenitives may be given, as Syrup of Peach-flowers, Caflia, Tamarinds, Syrupoi Rolés-Solutiv. Violets, Cichory """‘ with Rhubarb. The Lenitivc Elcétuaty, (9t. and {trong Putgarives molt be The Carnous Tumor of th: Womb. neighbouring parts) which is ealily known by a Purulent Factide Matter, inflictingy great pains on the tender Compage of the Womb, which is afterWard Excerned by the Vagina ‘Uterz'. A Semllrels in taking up a great weight, found fomething as it were to crack within her, whereupon the was fenfible of a high pain about the Loins, with a great heat about the Hypogal‘trick Region, and after fome time {he avoided a quantity of Faetide difcolouted Matter through the Vagina uteri ; and two or three Months after {he difcharged the fame Matter through the Ami/J 3 This Difeafe got a great head, as being a fordid inveterate Ulcer, before {he Pent to me for my Advice, which I gave to her, gratis, as being a Woman of a mean Condition, and attempted by all probable means to telieve her, but withoutliiccefs; {0 that at lafl: {he concluded her miferable Life in a comfortable Departure, as being a Perfon of great vertue and pa(ICHCC. And afterward (he being Opened by agood Chyrurgeon, the pofierior part of her \IVomb was highly Ulcered, and its filbfiance corrupted, and the In- ' teflz‘mim roam adioyning to it was rendred Putrid, having a great hole in it, through which the {linking corrupt Matter was difcharged through the Anm‘, which was formerly Excerned through the Vagina uteri. Rrrrtrr An the Womb. |