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Show 0f t/Jc Ligmnmtr of t/JL' "one. Book 1. Part IV. of this (of: part, being highly lenfible, {hould be diftompolbd with a rough hand. Fo.nentations (after the Womb is reduced) may be applied to the En- trance of the Vagina, made of the Roots of b‘iilorte, Tormcntil, Cumphrcy7 the Leaves of Oak, l3 amblrs, Shepheards Pouch, Plantain, liibwort) lVlifl- foile, Myrtle, Cypicls, Sumach, the Cups of Achorns, Uri. In a great cafe Clipping-Clalles may be applyed under the Breilis \iith- ‘15. T‘ c Connexirn vi the "mill l,iga~ "KM". this Cale, if they do not give a great pain and trouble to thePatient. as deferent Veflels into the Clitoris 5 to which Imake bold to give my art‘- The Round Ligaments of the \Vomb 'l do arife out or the tides belong» ing to the upper region, or bottom of the Womb, as the Antients call it, near the place where the Oviduets are Conioyned to the "term, and lwer, That I humbly conceive the Round Ligaments not to' be Concave, and thereupon not fit Organs to convey Seminal Liquor into the Clitoris, but if this be granted,it will be difficult to apprehend how the Semen lhould be traufinitted out of the Tulne Fallopiaux into the Round Ligaments, into which they terminate near the Clitoris with many fmall Fibres. If We nearly infpea the fubliaMC of thele ligaments, we may diicover them to be compode of a double l‘vlembrane, of which the inward is adorned with various kinds oil Vellels, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, and Lymphatducts. They are more expanded near the Mlcrnr, and are not only Faltened to the fides oi. the ‘v'Vomb near its botram, but to its Neck too, and as they approach the Conlines of the lower Apartiment and Groin their Tet- mination have leis and leis dimenlions in the Fat, facing the Share-bone, and at lalt dilappear near the Clitoris. The hrllule of the round LigimJilS The Life oi their Round Ligaments is to i‘ecure the womb in its proper place, which is more eminent in Women with Child to keep the "term from falling to each fide, when it is more and more diflmded by the increale of Dimenfions relating to the Forum, as it arriveth greater and greater Maturity; 1‘0 that thefe Round Ligaments detain the Farm in the Middle, left overmuch inclining to either lidc it {hould give a trouble to the "term and Mo» ther, and hinder the regular motion of the Farm in order to Birth. The Frcontl u c cf the round Liga- turns, The meaning of this learned Author is, that XVom'en (as well as Men) into hich the \emen is conveyed From the Ovaries and Oviduéts, é Te ten. 1;; (ya PtbitFaIlopz'anis, as he calleth them, through the Round Ligaments The Round Ligaments after they have quitth the loweii Venter they make an oblique progrefs over the Share-bone toward the Fat, (Covering it,) yimtnts are uleri rotunda fucrtmt appellant) Elitimzt, fcu at! Clitoria'cm Defiuxn fim‘um,‘ \\a\', may be gently put tip the Vagina, and are often very advantageous in Hicrniiz lrzltfiizmlis in Ingm'nc, which is proper to Women. rui us Vere Hint eodem mot/0 at ‘zziri: per Venermm Cogimtioncr/I,mar. Uitoridis fiiilionem, copinfi Spirimi AniMaler and mm? Sanguine Arteria/i) at! obfcmmr part6! drflmmt (5‘- i/IM "who, graloq', (alert perfimn'rmt, at earl": para; wala'e rarefaritmt, fitq; Semen code/12 Calore attenuate"! alt/[mt Iii parte 3 "fl-lbw (in tubis per V4/4 defcrcmi/z (ii/a ftilicet qute Ante/Mt male Ligamenta are, gratified with a Venereal appetite feared in the Clans of the Clitoris fiuuate tl]€n1{€lV€S through the over-much dilated pafiage of the rPeritonmmz into the Groin, whereupon it growcth turnefied; and this Difeal‘e is called Riluil'Cii uith ducz' Mcfefli.' fitit. the ls‘upture, and that of Cajizr's may be applyed to the Belly and Back, and allb Fumes of leit/EJ' may be received into the Virgina uteri, which lo that the Intcltines being carried downward by their own weight, do in- which are afl'lxed to the {ides of the bottom of the Womb; lo that the Se» men lliding out oil the Extremities of the Tuba: Fallopiame into the beginning of the Cavity ofthe Womb llaould there flop and not farther fall down into it, which is more ready and ealie to receive the Seminal Liquor, naturally tending downward into a larger Sim", pafling in a {trait Courfe, than for the Ligaments to admit the femen into finall holes (if any) feated in the {ides of the VVomb 3 and above all, the Round Ligaments hold no commu- nion or entercoufe with the Clitoris, as having their Extremities inferted into the Fat, covering the Share-bone, and no where into the Clitoris, f0 that they cannot convey Liquor into it; of which I {hall give a more full Difcoutfe when I {hall Treat hereafter of the Semen in VVomen. Here a (niefiion mayarile, How the VVomb can move upward and make its approach near the Liver and Stomach, which feemeth to oppole Reafon, becaule the broad and round Ligaments do detain it within the 'Pelwia , {'0 that the "term" cannot move upward in Hyfleric Fits, as the Antients have conceived, and it: is not a good Argument by reafon the VVomb can move downward as the l igaments become relaxed, and [‘0 Fall down as opprefled trary to the nature of folid Bodies, except they be forced by fome external Caulc, as the VVomb is driven upward by the bulk of the Fattm,diltending _ it by degrees. Again, The afcent of the VVomb (being empty) in Hjfleric Fits, con- tradié'ceth Ocular Demonl'ttation, by realbn VVomen dying of violent Convulfive motions upon H}fleric Fits, having been Diireéted, their VVotnbs have been found to be confined within the narrow bounds of the @elwis. And the hard Bunch or Globe that is found about the Navil or near the Stomach in Hyfleric Fits, is not the body of the VVomb, but the Guts difiended ( as I humbly conceive) by fome great Flam: (pulling up the Cuts in the form of an Egg) which is quickly clifculléd by Spirit of Caflor, ble, as this Worthy Author Ptyleth it) as being Vaflz deferentizz to convey Harts-horn, Fal-Armoniac, either Simple or Succinated, which is the more Seminal Liquor from the (:varies and Oviduéts into the Clitoris, Lib. 1.11m:- milde, (9:. Ail 17/2, neaflé emf, ut Mulieri aliqmz part intflét, qua? ad libidinem cam fortiter flimularer, atq‘, fituti in writ flimulur I'flc (9 Glande (Penis fliéiione fitfcimtur c/yv femim} tranfim all fummum augctnr, in: in Mulicribm quoq; flimulm ifle irztentiginc fen Clito- rzr 11' The motion ofthc Womb forc'd upwords, is improbable. by its own weight; that therefore the Uterm- {hould move upward, con- Learned 'Diemerlzroetk hath found out another Life (which is more no lom. p. 223, 224.. Cap. 23. De rParlz'lmr. Mulitbrz'lmr $75... ridi-s Clandc frifiiiom‘ fifth/"AK? [eminir tranfimztio‘ tilillalionc ad fitmmum flrn per (irjiir tentigiriem fimmm (um volitpmtc Extil/dt. creep up between the Duplicature of the rPeri/warn»: (which I {aw in a Woman lately Diileéted in the Colledg Theatre) toward each fide of the (3min ; and thefe Ligaments come out oi! the Abdomen in \Vomen as the Spermatick Vellcls do in Men, whereupon Women are liable to Ruptures as Well as Men, by realbn the Rim of the Belly being over-much enlarged in the place where the round Ligaments creep out of the lower apartiment; The round I [- 0f t/Je Ligament; of the Womb. out Sca:ification,and te Countcfles Ointment, as allb the l'laifier againlt keep up the Womb, as allb l'ellatics made of Cork, Sponge, and Bees- The rt untl Liwm‘ its of (hi Womb. 1 7114 \'.V. Book I. Part IV. The Fwelllng aboutthe Nae vil in Hyflm'a Fits, may be judged thcaiilcntion of theGuts by a Flam. |