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Show 0f the Placenta Literina. 63+ T136 {Mend Book I. Parthi _ ulc of the theinward fut-face of the "term.‘ ; by the Nerves, the Nervous Liquor is impor_ . . fallni:g or: red into the fubliance of the (Jlands, and by the Arteries the Vital Juice is Book I. Part IV. $122M" conveyed into them, to give life, heat, and noutilhinent to the Foztur, and C H A P. XXVIII. the fuperfluous Blood is returned from the Glands of the Placenta into the "term, and thence toward the Vera (arm in order to be tranfmitted into the Heart. "camp, f;ff°1"" Of tlac Membrane: encircling the Forms. Thefe ufes of the adhefion of the "Placenta to the VV'omb, do lead us to the defign of Nature in the formation of this ufeful part in reference to the {01:31:53 prefervation of. the Faztm, which 15 performed by the Spetmatick and Hypotricionof the al'ttick Arteries propagated from the Womb and tranfmitting Blood into hiiifceism' the glandulous fubfltance of the Placenta, wherein the Chymous and Albu- minous parts are fevered from the Purple Liquor. The Nerves alfo do contribute much to this feparation of the foft parts of the Blood by reafon they convey an aciive Fermentative liquor into the Glands of the @lizrezztzz, where it meeteth with the Blood and openeth its Compage, and aflilteth the fepararion of the mild parts of the Blood from the more fharp, which cannot be minil'terial to the Nutricion of the Faun, and therefore they are returned by the extremities of the Veins (implanted into the Glands of the Placenta) into the Theme, and thence toward the Venn CHM, and right Ventriele of the Heart. Another ufe of the @latenta is to be a warm integument of the Foetut, and " ‘ THC Foam 15 tmmured Within many Coats, the mofi: outWard is flefhy The an Coat or glandulous, which I have already fpokeri 0E The fecond inte- unhermn gument is the outward Membrane, called the Chorion very thick, and con- fl'mymgm‘ ""h'"?econ:l is . ‘ , fifieth of a double TlmlLlC, whofe outward futface IS uneven and rough, The Msmbmouiand its inward fmooth ; its exterior furface is convex, lodged within the foft 3:13:33} concave bofom of the @lacemtz; and its interior region Concave embracina "‘ECW‘W' the outward furfacc of the Amnior, and the humors contained iii the othe: Membrane. The figureof the Chorion is orbicular in Women, in Cunneys it relirmTh: figurcof bleth the Grape of a Kidney 3 in Mares the inward furface is like a long Bag the "mm according to Dr. Harvey; in Sheep, Cows, and other Cloven-footed beafls' W hofe l/ltmot is divided, it is lhaped in the manner of a Wallet extended rd both Horns, and fo filleth the whole "term, in Cunneys, Hares, Dogs to give reception to the Umbilical Velfels confil'ting of two Arteries ( and Cats, Mice, Rats, and all Animals that have Teeth above and below, have, one Hepatick Vein ) which difpenfe Blood from the Foams into the Glands of the HePar uterinnm, wherein it meeteth with the Vital Liquor del‘tilling a Bipartite ‘Uterw, it doth furnilh but fome part of the "term. out of the extremities of the Uterine Arteries, and with the choice Liquor, (coming out of the terminations of the Nerves) which exalteth the various confederated Blood coming from the Mother and the FIZUH", So that theli: various Liquors, confifling of different Elements, are endued with Fermentative difpolitions, which colliquate the Blood and fever the more mild parts from the red Craflament, and conflitute a fweet wheyifh humor fit for the nutricion of the Farm. The Fact»: is coveredin Woman for fome Months with the Chorion, as with an outward Coat. and about the fourth Month a fmall downy fub» fiance appears through delineation of the (Placenta, which afterward grow. _ eth into a red glandulous fubfianee, encompafling With its Concave, the convex furface of the Chorion. Tthami! "mm" with the Chen "0" More h ' isioiiiifi." The Chorion IS a thick Coat confifiing of a double Tunicle, between mvcmi. which are feared many drvarications of Arteries and Veins derived from the £33313?Umbilical VelTels, made up of two Arteries and one Vein, which carry Blood '1'? 33"." . - ‘ l n to and from the Chorion. ‘ ° °"°"' Thefe Veflels have alfo many ramifications pafling through the Glands of The Glands or Bruits.~ which making many aiioeiations, produce firl't red fpots, and after- 253:3 "viii" bran‘ ward many round glandulous prominencies, by whofe interpolition the Cho- many (mo; VCR rion is affixed to the "term". feis- This Membrane in the firlt delineation of the Farm, is free in all Animals, The Chorion as not being in any partof it fafined to the inward Membrane of the llterM, imitating; till all parts of the Fri-1m are formed. :‘r‘l'gffil'hacll The Chorion in Dogs, Cats, and fome other Animals, is difiinguifhed as Ff'm‘cm' with a Girdle, that it feemeth to be a double Coat, but in truth is one en- fighhoriqn tire Membrane, which is a very thin fubf'tance the firfi Month, and after- iiiaigiicaiiiii- ward groweth thicker 5 its inWard furface is finooth and flippery, and its out- iililac‘lcir‘dic; Ward is rough and uneven, as in Women. The ufe of this Integument is as‘a Fulciment to fuliain the Umbilical Vef- Thclir‘0f1hc fels, tranfmitting Vital Liquor to give warmth to the Faetm, and to convey Chwon' Surat: Nutriciur, derived from the Placenta, to fupport the Eméijw, which it enwrapeth and defendeth againf't outward alfiults, and alfo ferveth as a Bale upon which the. red Caruncles do lean in Bealis, and the (Placenta in 31Vo- meu. , In Bruits another Membrane may be eafily difcerncd, lodged between the 1h? 4170139311 Auntie: and the Chorion, called by the Antients ifldfl'fifldiifi 1"4rtiim'm1fi:o ('0 m" mm called |