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Show xxxvi The P R E F A CvE. The P R F. r A c E. xxxvii was capable of, which was to be like‘him that made him' and and Powers of his Mind commenfiirate to it, infpiring him MJD'S 50111 $15531; C EVEN 331735;"; by raininf]: WEE; with a reafonable Soul, as 9. Particle of his Divine Nature, to which he deligned an excellent end fuitahle to it, Health and Happinefs of Life, proportionable to the natural inch} nations of his appetite, giveth him a freedom realbnabl to enjoy thole fenfual pleafures, which God made him natural, ly to defire, imparting to him peculiar appetites, elpoufing 33;:ng- fuch objects as are proportionable to their Nature, and gave hirn inward Functions, not only to apprehend the guft and pleafure of outward objects, but make Ireflexe acts upon its own apprehenfions, and ferioufly to View and confider its Manisca- own operations, how the Dictates of the Underflanding con, Elli? his duc't the Will, and how the Will manageth its elicite acts $2232?" of Confent, choice of Good, and refufal of Evil, and by 31in birt- its imperate . acts, commandeth the operations of the Irafcible, texeals, , . Theclicite and Concuptfcxble Appetites. WW:- and impe- "[93.er of It cannot be conceived without offering a violation to his $2,323; great Mercy, that God, who created Man out of his infinite Elii‘fcfliit- Goodnefs, lhould only inlhtute a Being fuitable to hls Na- ahlc to his ture, and not alfo difpofe a complacency in thofe primitive MW' and regular appetites and defires , wl"ch he framed and infufed into him; for if it had been Cinerwife ordered, the unhappy conftitution of Man, had been at inflrument of a continual difiompofure, and the formation of him had been attended with ahigh Curie, as that outward objects not holtL ing Analogy with the inward Functions, would prove occa‘ lions of frequent troubles, and dilfatisfied appetites, perpetu' a] infiances of anguilh and affliction. Therefore God inl'citua ted the Oecononiy of Nature in fuch Mercy and Prudence, that Man might be matter of Happinefs 5 which that it may be eflected, and Health enjoyed as its companion; it is na‘ d 01': turallylconfequent, that the Appetites lhould be orderly, con; mes {gum filting in a due commenfurarzon of their Objects to them, in inadie in order to its attainment, he was fulficiently inltructed with natural Aids and Inllruments ; becaufe it is moli evident in Nature, that Love being the molt noble pafsion in great coma pleafa ice, goetli out of its fubjeét to meet and court the Oh, ject with which it conforteth, endeaVouring to make an Elsie niilation of thc Object, and Faculty, whereby Man being a derivative of that ellential Good is nearer, and nearer akin to God in likenefs, according to greater and greater degrees of Love. . And it was molt reafonable in a high degree, that the head of Maninhis Mankind, being out of God's great Goodnefs made partaker 3:33:31" of the Divine Nature, lhould by all ways imaginable love Egg" that Elfential Being, as his great Father, Benefactor, Creaa 'tor, and the Supream Good, he being that immenle Ocean ' of Excellency, li'ziyiing all its Rivers, and Streams, God be) ing the Am and mm, the beginning and end, all Good and Perfection beginning in his Power, and ending in his Glory; and whatfoever is apprehended under fuch amiable circuml‘tances, is mof'c reafonable for us to love, and efpe» cially God himfelf, who is our molt Glorious Maker, and Gracious prefti‘ver tne fountain of Good, upon whom all our W'fffare and i'izippinefs doth depend. Wherefore , God being not only the. Author of all Perfea pream G°dm°5"‘ . . Mo- e'tion and Goodnefs, but alfo of Dominion and Power, and narchover as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is an ablolute Mo, Sigma narch over his Creatures, the works of his Glorious and Om; nipotent Hands : Whereupon he hath Authority in himfelf alone to conflitute fuch Laws, as are agreeable to His Sacred Cop's\‘]'i11 VVilh the molt jufi Rule of his and our actions, which are Ettohritii. judged lawful or unlawful, as they conform or not Conform °"s‘ to:‘.iincn!ii- which, the enjoyment of Man's Happinefs is founded, be, to it; and therefore it is our Duty as well as Interefl, to ay ObedienCe to the Dictates of his Will, either written by glature in the Tables ofour Hearts, or revealed b' His Spia rit in Holy Writ, becaufe he declareth himlélf a Igiiend and fiiiliéjfia, caufe nothing can be Ptyled Felicity, but that which is right; a Rewarder of thole that obey his Holy Commands, and a h ' , . 2:11;"3 ly enjoyed, when regularly defired 5 for when we are h/lalters Ontllat, which we do not defire, or defire that we cannot enjioy, or defire that which is irregular, we are expofed to the feveral degrees of natural and moral unhappinefs. Now Man being created after God's Image in original Righteoufiiefs, his prime Appetite he had, in reference to his greateft Good, was to be rencrec as perfect as his Nature W 2.5 Judge and Avenger of all difloyal perfons, by refenting the violation of his Laws, by affixing penalties to the tranfgref' fors; and therefore our difloyalty to our Soveraign Lord is naturally inconfillent, not only with our love to our own Health and Happinefs, becaufe it giveth us great troubles and ficknefs, but alfo with the Love we have for God as k our |