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Show 0f t/Jc Stone: of the [(tnlrg‘r, Bock l. Part TIT, Book I. Part ill. 0f the Stone: of the IQa'ncyr. 491 the Purple Liquor is torre red with an intcnlb unltiiizliy heat,produ€‘tive ofa lied bodie , and put a refiraint upon their fluid nature, by confining them to a lhbulons Matter ; whicn hath been found upon Didi-{thing to adhrere to the proper place; but the produélion of firm Concretion in more fiilid bodies, Voile-ls (of the Liver) and Kidneys, through which, as mixed with Urine it palit'th by the Pelvis and Ureters into the Bladder, and is thence (7'06th through the common paflhge ol‘ Urine. The more immediate Miami; Sahib-am of the Stone in the Kidneys, and earthy l .- (lLlC>. other parts of the Body, are Saline and Earthy Particles (to which Sulphur may fomewhat contribute in reference to itsiblid confidence) which areof a as Stones, mutt be Fetched from a dil‘l‘Erent principle ofLapidefcent Juice, or Spirit, by turning the Tartar of grofs Liquors, into the hard compage of Stones. r", . , Th: earth: of And the caule of Petrifaétion, cannot be folely attributed to Salt, as ha- petriraérion, cannot be en'ving an inward principle of Concretion', and though common Salt, made ligned lblely up of Minute Particles, may {well by many accretions into great Lumps, fixed nature, and are the rgi'eateli Ingredients in point ofSolidity, rendring the compage of. Bodies firm and durable. Salt giveth acheck to the putrefiié‘rion of Humours, and dillolution of Bodies, as a great bond of mixtion, whereby its various principles efpoufe a near union, and preferve the integrity of Compounds: And to l‘ eak more clofcly to our purpofe, it highly promotes the Coagulation of folid Particles,and as havinga fixed faline difpofitionfind by reafon it is confedera- ted with ioincwlirtt of Sulphur, and moii of Earth, doth impart Concretion to the meg: lord and compac'i bodies of Minerals and Metals. And r: 3r 5 they give a more perfeft account of the Caufcs of the Stone, Iwill con; v 1‘, the remote and near Caules, the gliirirr'rs Nlatter of Chyle, Thr rffir'ent Ca‘llls‘ll the Smnc arc in{lrumtnt I, or p; i..<ipal. Blood, nervous Liquor, which {ervcth as 9, Cum :7-‘ to affift the more firm uni offolid Particles, arifing our of the Salve» "Ti Earthy parts, as the immedi e matter of the Stone of the Kidney, and ohcr parts. The Ellicient Caufes requifite for the generation of the Stone, are alfo Infirumenral and Principal : The firlt is Heat, which may be {iiled an Antecedent Cattle, as feared in the Blood, which being firf'r rcndred grofs by intenfe Heat, as having fome warty parts, which make a recourfc to the Kidney, where they being heculent, do {lay loine time in the Capillaries, whereupon the grofs parts are apt to adhere to the fidcs of the "rich, by realbn they are long detained in the Glands 0f the Kidneys, and thence borSome afiign and [0 bk the unit of the Stone. row the firlt difpofition and origcn of Concretion. Others aflign the Infirumental Caufe of it to Cold, which doth gather together the loofe Particles of Nitrous Salt 5 which they conceive may be well performed in rheKidneys, and Bladder, as wellas aUrinal. "This feenieth very improbable, becaufe the Body is enlivened by a principle of Heat, derived from the Blood: So that in reafon it cannot be apprehended, that fuel) Coldnefs ( as long as the Body is acted with Life) can be found to give a power of Concretion to the Saline and Earthy parts of Liquors. And it may feeni more probable in fome manner, to attribute a Coagulating principle to the Ferment of the Kidneys, as the Vellels have Particles .of i ixivial Salt (flicking to them) feparared From the Blood, in its pallage and though the Coalitions of many {mall faline parts may conltiture hard bodies, as in Salt of Gemm, and Follile, and Marine Salt, yet thefe faline Concretions arc difl‘erent from thofc of Stones, as being leis hard and folid, and more fi'iable: So that the principle of Petrifiié‘tion, doth fuppofe not only Saline, but alfo Earthy parts, which give Confiflence, and the other bind the Earthy more clofie together, which is rendred more firm by a Chymous Glutinous h/Tatter, whence the compage of Stones becometh more compaSt and hard then that of Salt alone, molt confpicuous in artificial Congularions, madehy coiiidn of Salt Water, and alfo in natural faline Concretinn, produced by an innate principle in the Bowels of the Earth; lo that a due proportion of Salt and Earth, is requifite to form a Pcrong Con- cretion, by rc‘ifon the Earthy parts do hinder the folution of Saline, when they are moili ed with Liqurd bodies, and the Saline do give the bond of inixtion, leil‘ tne Earthy being dci'citute of Salt, fliould confiitute aloof: Body in the form of Powder; whereupon too great (a: quantity of .911: cannot turn an ineonliderable part of Earth into Stone. Whence it may be in. ferred, that upon a due pro-portion of Earth, being obferved by Nature, the greater quantity of Salt, dothmake a more folid and firm Concretion. So that Saline and Earthy parts, being united in a due quantity, and embodied with a petril‘ying Juice, or Spirit, do generate the Stone in Humane Bodies. This Peti'iiyiiig Liquor is found in every Soil, imprzrgnated with I\/iinerals,aml mixed with the Juice of the Earth,givinga growing difpofition this I apidelccnt Juice (is entertained into our Bodies with our Aliment) which is not {accrued in the Stomach, *caul-cdvhy thevwveaknefs of its Con~ coflive Faculty, not well extraéting the Alinientar Liquor, and fiaparating the Heterogeneous parts From it, whereby thcf Chy e‘vitiated with Mineral Juice, is carried through the various Laé‘teal‘ V,cflels into the Blood, and tranfinitrcd with it through the Heart andLungs, and afterward the Defcendent Trunk of the Aorta and EmulgontAtteries, into the glands of the Kidneys'wherein the i apidefcentJuice, piiitedwith Tahoe andparthy particles oi‘the Serous Liquor,th turn them into Sandy Particles,or little Stones; which through the empty [prices of the VefTels; whereupon this Lixivial Fet- being Cceniented by a clamrny indigcfied Chyme, do increafe their Dimen~ lions, as concreted into a larger Stone, dilating the Interfiices of the Vef- iels, and the Cavities of the Urinary Ducts, and Pelvis, which give great pain diicompofing our Erie and Repofe : And if thefe Sandy Particles be car- ried Farther through the Ureters into the Bladder, the Urine growcth turbid, by reafon the parts are not well embodied, and equally mixed; {0 that the Ioofc Ialiiie and earthy Particles of Urine (accompanied with a petrifying f‘fc "tin rm ' The principal and mofl: aélive Efficient Caufe, of the generation of SIORCS difpofition) falling to the bottom of the Bladder, do Coagulatc into a Uin i cant 1.or mi, S'we ik‘d pctril'yn‘. g ptinLiPlr. in the Bodytof Man, is derived from a petrifying Principle, A firm; zmt flii- From, which receiveth greater and greater Dimenfions, by the accefs ofnew«- rim lapidefccme, and not from Elementery qualities of Heat or Cold: 35 l y petrified liiline and earthy Accretions. {01116. imagine; 0F Which, one doth evaporate the watry particles of lei- And now I will endeavour to give fome account, how Stones are generated in all parts of the Body, which proceedeth from the various Ali- mentary, \o 165, Saline and earthy parts incor [rotated in a dueproportion. do produce the Stone. to Grals. which is thonouriflimentof mof‘c Animals we feeder" whereupon ,ment doth impratgnate (as I conceive) the ferous parts of the Vital Liquor, and give them not only a difpofition of being fecerned, but alfo a fitneis of having thevSaline and Earthy parts of the Blood to be fevcred from it, and prepared for Concretion, where thele grofs parts do Pray in the Interfiices of the Veflbls ( to which they are accreted) by reafon they cannot be readily received into the Minute Orifices of the Urinary Duéis. quors, and give them greater confidence 5 and the other doth congciclligvid to Salt. but as mixed withEirth. The manner of the produn (lion of the Stone. |