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Show Tran/parent and OPHCC gather. Chap. 1: Another [nftance may be given in other precious Stones (.which being em and polithed, to give them Luftre and Beauty). as the Hyacmth and baphire, whole frame being flrié‘tly infpeé'ted, by putting them into feveral Pofliires, and by Oppofing them various ways to the Light, the fine clofures of the thin ‘ ' Flakes may be difcovered. TheedgcsOf And this (lbfervation may be made good in unwrought or rufl Diamonds, inotiiigziilgiiiiiiy which being viewed with feleét Glaflés, give a clear light of thCFOImmIfures itififfii'ffn of the Plates, which were not f0 exactly Joyned in a perfefi Plain, bu: {hm ‘1‘" ""1"" cominil'irci; an. 11. CHAP. II. 0 Natural and e/{rrz'ficinl Fermentation 0 Li MON , at f holding flint/0g} wit/9 thofl 0f Mam 11:00.? minute uneveiiiielles were difcoverable, running like finall edges one above starlet: "0th". . f . are framed. Another way of Fxperimenting thefe flaky compages o JCWFIS'. is made Anotherway by the common practice of Artifls, in fplitting‘of Diamonds: which is accom- Aving given you fome Account of the nature of Denfe and Rare Tranfparenband Opace Bodies, it may feern to follow of Courfe3 to {Peak fomewhat of Thick and Grofs, Thin and Subtle Subfiances: The: 34333;," plifhed by forcing the Steel Inl‘trument according to the grain of. the Stones, firlt is lo entituled, as having a hard and compact Cofiflence, made up chiefly "byrcmm‘g elfe they cannot be rendred fiflile, but will break ofl" lhort, deceivmg the atfviiwr T0015, tempt and expeétation of the Artificer : Which to prevent, they to place their of fixed Salt and Earth, and of little or no Volati l Parts, as is obfervable in divers kinds of Stones. iiiccoiiiliiiiri? Tools upon frequent trial in fuch a pollute, as will follow the Ducts of the Zi‘cxiiiiiiiiriiiiy fine Plates; which being of unequal thicknefs, do not always run in perfect And fometimes hard Bodies are compofed of grofs Sulphur, fixed Salt and Earth, which are originally of a loofe compage in fillutir q'rintip iir, and at} terwar Diamonds "mm" Phifical Plains, but make Angles in the bodies of the Stones, which hinder their exaét fplitting into equal pieces. And now, Ifuppofe, it may be worth our Scrutiny, how thofe Tranfparent Bodies, confifting of numerous thin Plates (as f0 many fine coagulations may partake of Light) whofe flaky contextures having more or lefs Rarity, make difl‘erentrefrafiions, and fo impart greater or lefs irradiations to thefe Diaphanous Subftances; which being originally Fluid Bodies, have loofe Compages, fitted for the trajeétion of Rays, produced by many minute paffages, ranked in fuch order: As Pores for the mofl part are placed direéily oppofite to Pores, throughout the frame of thefe Diaphanous Bodies, and when the fmall Dufls areirregular, as not anfwering one another, the beams of Light are refleéied by opace lnterfiices, and f0 play ( as I conceive) between fine the commiffures of thefe flaky Textures, and therein communicate many bright reflections, which give a luflre to Tranfparent Bodies. ds concreted in the bowels of the Earth, as Minera ls and Metals: Of which it is not my intendment now to entertain you any longer, defign~ ing to fpeak at this time of Fubfiances lefs crafs, of the qualification of Ve- getables and Animals, and of more Fluid Bodies; which are termed more or lefs grofs, as they participate of greater or lefs degrees of Denfity: And on the other hand, Subflances are called thin and fubtile, which are Spirituous and Volatil, full of Motion and Activity. Thefe oppofite Schematil'ms of Grofsnefs and Subtil ty, of Denfity and Grimm" Rarity, are made by different pofitions and Frames, refiding in one Matter :ubmm teat inRruthe and are like Twins, firugling in one Womb sand the great Machins of Fermen: fifiir‘igoiii ration, caufing various intefline Motions, as {0 many brisk Difputes in the °"' inward needles of Bodies, to reduce each other to greater Maturity t‘iion. The more fpirituous and fubtle Particles are confined withinand Perfethe Bow. els of the more Crofs, when they are entertained for a mutual Advantage, the Owls fixing the over-fubtle, and the Spirituous again fpeak their returns, in advancing the more crafs Particles 3 and the more Subtle vainly afpiring to flie upwards, and embody themfelves with Airy Particles, are rendred more modeft, and leis active within the more fober limits of are improved in their aéiive converfe with more Spirituous folid parts, which Subfiances, thereby gainingr more refined Difpofitions. And Nature hath molt prudently inflituted upon the account of contrary Three condi~ Principles, variou. s natural Operations, which are ' very much aflified and to _ "D""cq umd Intelliri: promoted by ArtifiCia I ContriVanceS; and they are very numerous, and can mm"hardly be reduced to diftinét Tribes and Famili es: And may be chiefly Rated under thefe three Heads. TliC'fil'fl: is, The Frame and Conflitution of thofe Bodies that are more or leis ful))€& to Intefline Motion. The {econd implies fuch requifite Conditions as will ad vance, or give an a lay to Fermentation, in a due Subject Matter. . ‘The third fpeakerh the great variety of Intef't ine Motion, and to what end it is Configned, and what eHEé'rs and altera tions are the Products of it. ‘As to . the {id} . Clams, . That Bodies {hould . acquir Thefirflonqm- of pCifcfliic of their Nature, m a proper Inrefiine Motie fuch a Difpofition, as is lifitati on. ffdfijffllf Firft, That Bodies mould be endued with an open and loofe Compage, "1'", is "'7‘ wherein the Volatil P articles . . . of a l ofe may freely expatiates wherefore Vifcous Bodies, Compoage." whofe Fluid Bodies. |