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Show Of tbe common Integumenrr of tbe Ma/c/er. 78 Chap. XII. Whence the Blood (the fountain of Life) grew difpirited, and being extravafated info great a quantity, made fuch a compreflion of the adiacem VeiTels in that part, that the Circulation of Blood was fupprefled; whem Head , .109: its upon this Carnous Membrane, invefling the Neck and tone, and afterwards was Gangrened , and Mortifiedg which plainly aP, pearcd, upon opening the Cutir and Membrana Camry/21. amp. XI I. 0ftbe common Integnmmtr of tbe [Wu/den The Pericranium, is a. Membrane enwtapping the Skull, derived as Well film; as other Coats, from the Dura Mater, the common Principle ( as is comm- ,{lrznpgliEt-rm ved) of all the Membranes, appertaining to the whole BOdy, and confe- Shrimonp‘ff' quently of this common Membrane; fo that the upper Coat of the Brain Li?,,,;‘r,;fls is made a eommon Vefl, expanding it {elf to all the Mufcles, as their uni: verfal covering. Others are of an Opinion, that the common membrane of the Mufcles borroweth its principle of difpenfation from the Vertebres of the Back, a; which it is i‘trongly affixed, and is there more thick and folid, than in any other part belon mg to in . C H A P. . . a . .. P .‘5"‘<r‘d‘.i‘"c irsdirprnnu. on from the Ei‘ggfig': filiiih ittids , ic , But, I humb y conceive, that this common Integument relating to the gndvihsrtir X I I. Mufcles, taketh its firft canception and birth in the Uterus, from the more butmomma; it is my clamrny parts of the Seminal Liquor ( the common Parent of all Membranes, ii‘iisniiiii'pigit De Membrane. Mufculorum Communi. as well as other parts of the Body) which being carried outward toward Effififi'm" the ambient parts, groweth more folid by the heat of the Uterus (flowing brancsai?: 0f tbe common Integument of tbe Wit/clot. from the Blood) and is at 129: Condeniéd, into a large expanded Mem- 22!:lflbci';|lc(:r brane, encircling divers thin flefhy bodies, as f0 many fine Organs of mo-' tion. $53533: The beautiful Pile of Humane Body in reference to its Bulk, is com:hardand ion, pofed principally of two parts, the more folide, and foft Integrals: iiijiihifrcdor The firfi is the Skeleton, a Compofition of many Bones ( fome Plain, fome MM" Wrought, adorned with variety of Shapes and Sizes) the Foundation and Support of the Other Flefhy and Membranous parts. . "mum" And again the more Solid parts are often overfpread With the tender co$32?ng verings of the Mufcles, which are Aggregate Bodies, made up of divers portaérn. Tubes and Fibres, curioufly wrought, and conyoyned to each other by the Kisiiii'és. interpofition of many thin Membranes, and their empty fpaces are filled up with intercurrent Liquors. Tthurck, The MlliEular parts are f0 many diflinét Bodies ( beautified with divers gamma?" Figures and Magnitudes) enclofed in proper Membranes, as fo many Bourt 3:25;:ng daries to pteferve the tender fabrick of the Mufcles, which are again immureii keep theirfoi't Within a more firong common Membrane, as a Wall to fecure them in their gaging: proper Spheres, left they fliould quit their Stations in extravagant motions, and thereby grow defiitute of Action, to which they are chiefly defigned by Nature. The common In the common Membrane, thefe Remarkables ofi'er themfelves, their 3531:3323 Situation, Connexion, Origen, Compage, and [11325. And as to the fubflance of this common Membrane, fome do conceive it The common may be ftiled a curious Compage (as very fine and much thinner then the £25m: Membrana Adipafa, and being Tranfparent, is not fullied with Fat, or tin- $33333: ged with its Yellownefs ) made up of many fmall and thin Tendons (fprou- niuchthiiicr ting out of the proper Membranes, enwrapping the numerous bodies of 31:3?de Mufcles) rarely interfeéting each other, and parting again, interfperfed with many {mall Area, as being fo many membranes decking the fpaces of the minute tendinous Fibres, which are enlarged into a. great thin Vail, covering the adjacent Engines of motion. Others have another Sentiment, judging them a rare contexture of Net- some deride il‘ . ' . . vous Fibrils, fome being firaight, do pafs up and dovVn the whole length himis‘iiiii‘i'o of the Membrane; and other Fibrils are Circular, running Horizontally, :fi‘figf‘gfi CP'QRHMOb- So that, many rows of liqueNervous and others are Bevil, making an oblique progrefs: \ thefe fine Fibrils pafiing in divers pofitions up and down, Crofs-ways, and Fibrils, inter- obliquely, do frequently interfeét each other, above and below, and being 223635331 in many curious well-fpun Threads, are wonderfully interwoven with each other, forming this rare texture of the common Membrane (facing the The Fibrilscf Mufcles) Whofe numerous Fibrils being {'0 many minute round Bodies, can- $32371" As to the firfi, This not be {0 clofely conjoyned to each other; but there mui't be, notwithfiand- £315,333, the/"mitts" large Integument is feared between the Membrana Adipofa and the Miifcles below to the of the Body, as a medium by which they are fixed to each other 5 and this ing the union of them, fome remanent fpaces, which I conceive may be gunman ervous 1'; £2522?" Membrane hath a connexion above to the Membrana Adipafa, and below to NW" the proper Membranes, the particular enclofures of the numerous engines mofigm of of motion; and this middle Membrane is fafiened to that above, and below whereupon the Membrane is rendred plain and even, as more eafie to' the Neighbouring parts. The firft ufe of this common Membrane, is to encircle the Mufcles, as Ttéfirflufc Ally/211. and . . ' . the common by vertue of many fmall thin Membranes. witha large Vefiment, enwrapping the whole Body, made up of one kind géhiifiiafomi Membrane giayfccmtod It borroweth its Origen (as I apprehend) from the numerous Tendons $31,115.15; of Mufcles lodged under it, which being united, and expanded into one 33:12: Sf," thm large Body, may feem to confiitute this common Membrane ( invefting Xiiiiiiii'ncm confirm their Hypmhtfis, is ferthcdironi gilfifggdfi'? 3:45:32?6 the proper coats of the Mufcles) fomewhat after a manner, as the mem' brane of the Linea Alba, is integrated of the Tendons J relating to the Ab‘ dominal MllfClCS, Which finely decufiate each other; as it appeareth in the furface of the Linea Alba, looking likea Lattice, and there are many minute Areas, interceeding the fine Tendons of it, filled up with a white "115mb"- Abdominal Murcies. nous fubfianee, made up of clofer Fibres, interlined with accreted Nervods Liquor, ' filled up with ooncreted Animal Liquor, adhering to the fides of the Fibrils, quor- Th: of fine fubfiance, covering the Arms and Trunks, Back and Belly, as with 32:21:32ng a Waf'tcoat ', and the Thighs, Legs, and Feet, as with Drawers, and Stoc- 3"" m" kins. to guard the confines of the Mufcles, againfi cold and heat. The fecond ufe of this Univerfal Coat, is to render the Skin more fixed The ("and ' ' ' . . . . . , , ufc of the m 1‘5 proper fiation, which is efi'eaed by an innumerable company of Fi- Mcgibrgnrglis bres ( fpringing out of it, as a fruitful Soil) decuffiting‘ each other for lgtfietinetcrjh great" firength, as being in a mutual aiTociation; a prefCrVatiVe of their many P°""°"‘*‘ Mem- thin weak Bodies, which are tranfmitted through the Mai/2mm Adipofa and bran" {Pronto tiirgout ofth: Fats and do continue the fame Interfeétion of each other, in their Termina- ammonium tron, * . t, , - .a W, ,1 . , a 01837:. |