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Show . 670 The womhs of Seeds have many Saga- vellels. A M 0f the PM" of (finer-aria" M T1421". ":2 Book I. Part IV, £00k I Part IV. The numerous common wombs of Seeds, are made up of many velTels of Liquor, divaricated through thcfe fine Coats, which are fo many allodgmerits of the Liquor and Seeds. The colour of thefeApartiments relating to the Juice and Seeds, are Whitifli, and are fine thin Contextures made of many tender Sap-vellels (interfperfcd With Air-pipes) taking their progrefs in a reticular pofition, as C H A P. xXXVii. 0f the Saw/r or Egg! of T/mtn making fruitful Inofculations with each other, and do carry Liquor into the juicy part. The womhs of Leeds are adorned "ith akiiid of f:- mlcircularfigore. The Seeds are [cared in Cells as In many Wombs. "' Thefe feveral Apartiinents, as I conceive, are f0 many wombs of Seeds, adorned with a kind of femicircular figure, and have their Convex parts toward theRine, and their more Concave toward the center, and are linaller in both Extremities, and thicker in the middle toward the Kim, and more thin toward the center of the Orange, about the round Cortical Procefs, into . , diied With many Sap and Air-veiTels, fubfervient to the Styliforni Procels, the firfl rudiment of the tender Womb; My task at this time is to thew how 1t 15 accomplilhed by degrees, and how the Seeds, the Eggs of Plants are \‘vhich they are implanted. In thefe Membranous Apartiments are juicy Compages lodged, as numerous Veficles ( big with Liquor ) which being cut or broken, do difcharge their pleafant Liquor for ufe. The Seeds are feared iri tliefe Allodgments, in many fmall Cells, as fo Fowl and Fifh in the Ovary. _ The leaves of Flowers and their Filaments do wither, and fhed when the The lcavesef Styliform Procefs is enlarged, and the Colliquared Liquor, confined within a $3323?" many wombs, placed between the'Veficles full of Juice, and have their more Veficle, is matured, as embolomcd in the cavity of the Womb, adorned ""5"" acute Cones faflned by little {talks to the parts of wombs near the round Corn with :1 Tube (arifing out of its body) full, of Perforations, and is crowri- ed in its head with little Capillary Filaments, out of which dellilleth a clammy liquor fomewhat refembling Turpentine. And as the \Vomb receiveth more maturity and hath greater dimenlions, the Tube is more and more lefléiietl, and at laf't is wholly decayed; And the Womb in its flourilhintj ePtate, is befet with a kind of Down or Hair in its ambient parts, and coritaineth two Veficles in its bofom, in whofe center is lodged a minute bot; tle of Colliquated Liquor, as the ruder draught of the Seeds or Bags of 3 Plants. tical Procefs. The feeds of ju:tv fruit are enduzrl with a COLICk llgurc. . Aving formerly defcribed foine of the Infiruments of Generation in . Plants, Their Flowers made of Cups, Leaves, Stamina-.15 being enu The Seeds of thefe juicy fruits are endued with a Conick figure; Their upper extremity hath an obtufe Cone, and the lower an acute, which is affixed to the womb (about the Cortical Procefs) by a Ptalk which is befet with many Sap-V'eflbls, conveying nourilhment to the Seed, which is enwrapped within two Coats, the firfl: is the thicker, fupplying the place of the Cborion, and the inner and thinner is inflead of an Amnion, immediately eiiclofing the Seed, and tralilinitting notii'ifliiiieiit to it, Generated, and then after What manner they are receptive of many fuccef- five alterationsin the Infant Womb, as the Eggs of other Animals both é't'ilrim'riiinihc fiii'cgcr'hgiiiv iifbfljfcj'f "I" } The Styliform Procefs or womb of Plants is furniihed with variety of Vef- The womb or fels, fporting themfelves in numerous divaricarions (running in reticular iii'iiiciiisvii'ii Plexes ) proceeding originally from the {talk of the flower firfl: of all, and WE," °f afterward of the fruit, thefe various l'r amulets, united in frequent Inofculations, have many Veficles feared in their liiteritices. ‘ m. The Sap carried into the body of the fruit by many Tubes, is by degrees "may of; more and more concreted into a pulpy fubfiance, and the earthy and faline gigiifoii'gm particles of the Sap are petrified and turned into a Stone, confif‘ting of two mm Lamimc, or flakes clapped together, and CnCIOIIUg the Seed; and as the Womb groweth bigger, the Veficle or Secundine ( in which the Colliquated Liquor the origen of the Creed is lodged) is more expanded, and is outé wardly accommodated with many Tribes of Air and Sap, taking their progrefs after the manner of Network. The inward recelles of the Womb of Plants being infpeé'led, a Veficle TheCel‘mor may be difcerned,"accompanied with minute Cells,big ix ith fomewlmt of Co: ii'gri'igii'iiim agulated Liquor, and through the middle of the little Bladders may be fem, figfi‘fif‘" a firaight Tube climbing upward that may be flyled an Umbilical Veerl, be~ fet with numerous Air and Sap-veflels arifing out of the flalk, and importing fome choice Liquor in the Veficle, the firf't origen of Seeds. And when the Tube difap'peareth, as the Womb and its Eggs, the Seeds TheTiibcva. more and more increafe, the fruit encompaffed with a lVIemhr-anc, l'efrinneth $2359" to difcover it felf, and is made up in fome part of crude concretetl Liquor, gr°""""‘""‘ brought intothe body of the fruit by many branches of Tubes, interfpei‘lbd with Velicles, which do conflitute a great part of the fruit, which Circle];A ftt |