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Show 0f the Sciiziml Vc/ir/rr. Book-ljhrtI-‘V. Book I. Part IV. as the Seminal Veficles are accommodated withal. To which I make hold, with the leave of this worthy Author, to fpeak this return: That the Semiml \J'el'ieles are a fine Compage, made up of a Membranous Inbltance, and many llndll Glands, which isnianilefi to Senlfle‘7 and bath a Furniture com. m the I" (1.5. '- poled of many Vellels of diH‘erent kinds: As he hile-lf conlefleth in the liibli'quent language, in which he Treateth of the Seminal Veficles. Cm{la/zl, mt il/e, ex Membrane fluir temii per 11mm turtle Arit'rz'arum, Vcmzmm, Klara/Orton, c) (lulu); prom] wafurum L)‘I)lpljdiit0r‘lml ramificatiomr cxmrrum. To which I may Aiilwet, That the Seminal Veficles have not only Arteries, Veins, Nerves, but alfo fume other linall Vellels, which I conceive to he Seminal, conhllting of many l'Vlinure Branches, terminating into one common Chan- nel, which are found in the TeIiicles, and Parallats, which are undoubted The r [out JMLOMI :c-«te Organs, fiibfervient to the generation of Seminal Liquor; and thefe VeIi- ill the Reid in the Sam at Veil l , :x cles are furnillied with the fame Vellels, which the Tcl'ticles and Parafiats have, and are Colatories of the Blood and Nervous Liquor, which tliele VeIicles may prepare as wellas the other, though not in lo great a quantity in order to the production of Semen, which is difcovei'ed in them, of a (min t than that of the A eludes, Colour and Cotilillence, manifellly divers frorn that of the Tefiiclcs and l'at‘ztliats. A Man: myed a Woman that hail no lcllitlcs. And it may be farther urged in defence of this Hypothefis, that Seminal Their Circunzhrence is much greater in Hogs (then in Humane Bodies) W ons ofD"""""' th and are thiclt, oblong, and lbmcwliat round, adjacent to each lide of dw.iifliif.§ urethra ; and contain in their Cells, a thick, flippet'y, \V‘hitilli Matter, of Hogs [litmthc conlil'tcnee of a (ielly, which is tranlinittcd by one large Infertion ( ac- $2232?" cording to Daftor ii"? HNUH ,) placed Eight Fingers breadth below the termi- mythic nation‘ol‘ thz: Delerent and Seminal Velicles, into the (Urethra, but man; uelly. Curious I); ('I‘rltlf; alliguetli Ten in Man, ‘and Ninety in Dogs The l'roflars are drelled WiLll all kind of \'eliels,Arteries,Veins,Nerves, and fixing? Lymphaduft', running in great Divaricationsthrough the Ambient parts, marrow". and Coats ol~ thcle Clandulous bodies hand allo enter into the inward Ca_ viries, in which many Duets may be dilcovered, which do Exonerate them- Lid"- " {elves into the Urinary paIIage, where their terminations are covered With "Emma" NIinute Carllncles, putting a flop to their perpetual Efflux into the urethra; tau-q my." or that the Particles of Urine {hould not infinnate themfelves through theft: ;?T,:§"S'C",;flf finall Perforations of the l/lretbm, into the body of the Proflrats, lel'c they Hamlets, Ihould vitiate the Seminal Liquor, ' ' _' . Thescmim And if any Pei-Ion Ihall be Io Curious, aS' to make a farther {catch into iiucitmhh: thefe Minute Ducts, it may be efl‘eé'ted by Blow-Pipes" ( when. their Liquor kit"; $5,352: ‘iS Iqueeltxl out, by which Breath being immitted into the Cavrties of thofe $21333" {mall Tubes, feared in the {pongy fubl'tance of the Proflrats) whereupon iubflancc. Seminal Velieles, by reafon a Man that had no Tefticles ( enjoyed a Wh- many elegant Divarications will appear, as alfo many little Federations-about man) whore Body being opened after he was Hanged, his Seminal Velicles were found turgid with Genital Liquor; of which Learned fie Craaf, giveth an Iiillance out of Calrolim, Lil). dc Virorum Orgmzir : Air ille tertio fltrfle Hammer tcflibur carenter, qui nibilaminm Vefitu/M Scmiimler pofl mor- the bignels of Muf'tard-Seed, which grow enlarged upon the Inflation of the fmall Ducts, terminating into thefe numerous Holes (as. De Graaf hath Experimented) {0 that at the firl't fight it may be conceived, that the {oft fiibfiance of the Prol'tats is compofed of many VelTels, adorned With round, tcm famine rep/ems lmbebtmt, uti ex Cabrolio excl/[Flo fitperiM allegata tom/I'm obl n Fi ures in the manner of C linders. tin/r: Ar in it): [41th m'refl-ario femen in Vefit‘ltlir Seminariix gcm'tum fmfle. And (abrolim faith Further, Obfi'r.AIIlefl. trrtia. Videritfldolefcmtem Illleflalmfl, 711i tiwmz onrcm [[ltXil, (5' complurt'r libero: 32mm. So that it is V61'y plain, ling Elli molt acute Author, hathy made a farther Obfervation, which is 3&2];ng worthy our remark, That thefe fmall Tubes (branched through the inward g:‘;u§f}::g Teflicles, that Married and had many Children; which I conceive was ef- fected by Genital Liquor, produced in the Seminal Velicles. The Prol‘tats confining on thefe ufeful parts, are endued with a white fpongy Subllance (made up of many Minute Glands) and being Hattilli in their upper and lower region, and round on each fide, are beautified with an Oval Figure, except in that part where they are {omen/hat hollowed about the entrance of the Deferent VeIIels ; and being about the bigneli‘ of .1 Walnut, are encircled with a [hang thick Fibrous Membrane, fpring< iiig from the Deferent VeITels, and the lower region of the Bladder of TLr Pionats greater in t‘v‘ieninriulgmg Vcncry. 5; ; Liquor, dil'tiné‘t from that of the TcIticles and Paraliats, is'generated in the that this Learned Author, giveth an account of a young Man, defiitute of The llrue‘lu e i i (It: Yuflats, 0f the Seminal Vtflrlcr. Urine. Thefe two fine Compages , the Receptacles of Seminal Liquor, are compofed of many Glands of different {hapes and files, lodged at the Root of the Twit, above the Sphincter of the Bladder, on each lide of its Neck, without the inlEttions of the Deferent Tubes, and Seminal Veficles; and are ordinarily of Iii-tall Dimcnfions, except in Perfons much indulging V5" "cry, in Whom they are much enlarged, as growing big with Seminal Liquor, before Coition;_ and if their inward Penetrals be infpefied, many Hydatides feem to appear, as Veficles full of Liquor, feared in the {pongy {ilbflance of the PtofiatS, dilcharging thernfilvcs upon compreIIion into Ducts, implanted into the Urinary pallage. _ Their fubltance of thefe two Glandulous bodies) have no entercoutfe by Inofcu- culanons- lation with each other, by whofe Mediation, the immitted Particles of _Air, are tranfinirted our of one Duct into another: So that the part only, ll‘lto which the peculiar Tube is inferred, groweth Turgid, and the other part of the fpongy fubflance being unconcerned , retaincth its native Lanknel-s; whereupon, if it be intended to render the body of thefe foft fubfiances big, it is requilite to immit Air into many Tubes, whereby the whole fpongy compage of the Profiars, will grow equally Tumefied. |