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Show ThePREFACE. xvi PREFACE. The "‘Hn- figfifiéfi? the "fefiicles, receiveth a Percolation, as having its more Elect SL333? Xyii The Blood being tranfinitted into the Glandulous bodies of albuminous Particles, fecerned and mixed with a Liquor, ex, uding the terminations of the Nerves. . Theft: choice Liquors, the Mareria firbflmm of Tome, being propagated from all parts of the Body, are endued with the unprefsic-n of their various Figures, finely modelling the di» king up the fine Fabrick of the Urerm, faitned by two broad Ligaments bEllind to the ijdcrlmz, and before by two round ore; to the Share/bones. T he deferent Veilels or Oviduc'ts, are two round mcxnbraa Them- nous Contextures, framed of many nervous, and carnous Fia Elihuf brils, and take their rife near the bottom of the Womb, and "'15are very finall in their firf't Origens, and afterward have great, {tinét parts of the Body. The firit rudiment of the Seminal Liquor, are {trained in the Glandulous body of the Tefiicles, the Blood and ner» vous Juyce, which efpoufing a mutual union, are received into the Seminal velTels, full of various annders, for the preparation of the Semen, which being tranfmitted into the Parai'tate, receiveth a farther elaboration, and being conveyed into the Glandulous fubfiance of the Seminal Veficles, obtain- eth its ultimate perfeé'tion, and is lodged in their numerous Cells, as To many Receptacles, prefervative of the Semen, till it be ejected into the Urethra. The Tent: ( being a fine Pipe infiituted by Nature for the er dimenfions, and then have Flexures like the Tendrels of Vines, twining diverfe ways; and near their terminations have broad jagged Expanfions (fornewhat refembling the Fringes ofGatments) whofe elegant Figures may be plainly feen, if the firm/arm be put into Water, by the helpe of a Microfcope. Thele Tubes are encircled with two Coats, the outward is fmooth, deriving it {elf from the Teritonxum, but the inward being furniihed with man fine flei'hy Fibres, is alfo endued with many folds, efpecially in their Extremities. The Ovaries of Women are encircled with a double Coat, and in reference to their fubfiance, are rare Syfiemes of Arte; ries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphaeduéts, Glands, and Veficles, Them," 3th 0"- The, com. 5:58:17; better conveyance of Semen and Urine) is an aggregate Bo, dy, confiiting of various parts, (viz. the CuticM/a, Cur/a, Mem/ bran/z carnofzz, as common coverings, and of more inward parts, two nervous Bodies, the Sepmm, Mufcles, VefTels, which do import and export Blood into, and from the Terra) ‘Uret/am made as Conduttapipe of Seminal Liquor and Urine. The nervous Bodies of the Tomi, are endued with a {pun- gy lubilance, compoled of a great company of Fibres (pal: ting various ways in admirable Figure) which firongly con, fine thefie loofe Compages within their proper bounds, left the lhould itirler a great difcompofure in a great diilenfion of the Tami. (Teddi: I The Organs of Generation in Women are various fine ItflfiflVO- ‘ onteXtures, .made up principally of the Womb, deferent VeiTels, and Ovaries. Themeim The Vagina uteri being a Gallery (leading into [/emu Tem- uteri is 'made up of pie, the body of the Womb) is compofed of diver-{e Coats variou ' ) L r V CW: iiitcriperltd With a fpungy fubllance, affixed to. the inward Tlv‘fZ/er , " } ic‘omp'o," nerx OLiS' Coat, endued With many orhicular wrinkles, befit, 1 11‘ . n, (90311511 ting tiis round [oft Channel ( the {heath of the Term) termia containing a tranfparent Seminal Liquor. The Globules ofthe Teflicles,relating to Women,are Com- pages made up of many [mall Glands, which are an aggregate Body; confif'ting of preparing Arteries, Veins, Nerves and Lymphaeduc‘ts , whereof fome VefTels, the Arteries and Nerves import vital and nervous Juyce, into the Tarembyzm of the Glands, and the Veins, and Lymphaeduéts do carry Blood and Lympha out ofthem. The Veficles of the Tefiicles or Ovaries, may truly have Thema- . Birds (contained in their Ovaries) by reafon their Veficles are filled with Liquor (much relémbling the white of an Egg) which being held over the fire, is concreted into a white folid fubflance, the lame in Tafie, Colour, and Confiltence with the white of a Birds Egg, coagulated by the heat of Fire. The Seminal Liquor ( lodged in thele Veficles) is genera» The manted ( as I conceive) alter this manner, the Blood is tranl: 353353? mitted by the fpermatick Arteries, into the fubfiance of the 35:32,, Glands, ( belonging to the Ovaries) wherein the Albuminous sensrarei {e1 .ivm name iiiitripiifs 5 into the W0 mb, a"? _ an". ‘ compofed of whole Body is two Coats, interlined with Glands, and enamelled with various Branches, of Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphxducts ma . , king ms 0; W0- the Appellative of Eggs, as they hold Analogy With thofe of men. part of the vitaleiquor being alTociated with a Juyce dillilling out of the Nerves, is carried by fiecret Duck into the Cavity of the Veficles, where it is lodged till a due time of Impregnation, which is performed by the fpirituous Particles of the Malcstiliiie e emm |