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Show M2 0f the Liver of 3/7). BQ:I Book I. Part I I I. , 11‘: Lieu of a butt. (1'. :9. 1,, tr;,. I. 31‘, :9, m. The liver of a Lamprey, is endued with an Alli-colour, and is feated "mm" aLamprey. . . I i i ' below the Mldrrfi‘, its Origen is largelt, as moft broad and thick when rush". the Membrane being taken of}, you may diicern many Glands + of diffc. ,T ,3 m. "at, rent lhapes and files 5 it endeth in a kind of obtufe Cone + 11‘- 3814.9; in the concave part of the lobes. The l iverof a Garfiih, hath the Circumference of its Origen endued with aSemicircular Figure, and its concave furface is rendred uneven by many HUS-1'13. > il'. 31. M:- The Liver of a Bafe, is adorned with a Semicireular Figure 'h broadefi and thicltel} in the middle, and fmallef't in both Extreamities, ending in +2‘}"3r:cr. Points +7, the one feared in the right, and the other‘in the left fide, and en. Tnchiemf aI'ui . trait. trim. Thel_iver rt 3 Dug-hill): it. ,1. r 1. ‘l T‘ 31' 5'35" +T;:. b, The Liver of a Film". arr, .4, CC. $7117.34.d. The Liver of a (m lgeon, *T-sitl' +5ill, The Liver nfa Rntiict, i 7136f. it a a. 4-73 The l, iver of a Skait, is coated with an Alb-colour, it beginneth in Am, and is eompofed of three lobes, of which the middle + is the broadefi and molt lhort, formed in manner of a Semicircle. The lobe of the right fide +, is broader and longer then that of the left'i~ 5 thefe lobes encompafs the Inteftines, and have many Partitions, feared circle the 'Pflarm f, and Origen 'f- of thevGuts; which make tl'e firft Cir. cumvolntion. Out of the thick 1* part of the Liver of a Dog-Filh, do arife Two lobes, and are fearth on each fide of the Abdomen, and are like. two Wings, Covering the Stomach and lntefiines; the left lobe 'f- is thickef't and broadefl in its Origen, and is parted about the middle of its length by a Fifliire, and inakerh its progrefs the whole length of the Abdomen, and part of the right lobe + is cut off, as hindring the prolpeé‘t of the Stomach. The Liver of a Bream, beginneth in a Point, and after groweth broader +, and is accommodated with divers Angles, and afterward is propagated in a long Procefs 1‘, paliing in length about three Inches. This Bowel being broad above, is parted into two jagged lobes, the one taketh its progrefs in the right fide, allalong the Margent of the Stomach, and the other in the left, on the outfide of the firfl Inreftine. The Liver ofa Cudgeon 1‘, is hued with a darkiih, or deep Red, and being a thin Expanfion, eovereth the Stomach, to which it is {0 clolizlv con- joyned by Membranes, that it cannot be lbparated from it, without fame violation; it beginneth more large, and endeth in a kind of Cone 'l: Thel iver ofa Roche: 1-, is hned with a deep Red, fomewhat inclining to Purple, and is divided into lobes; the greater and broader lieth in the left fide, and is adorned with a kind of Triangular Figure, covering the II:- Promberances, which are fo many Glands + of feveral Figures and Magni- i; ,8, F, riff-Li tudes, and endeth in the manner of a Point . The Liver of an Afillm Virefl‘t'm‘, hath two lobes, of which the largefk "mm", covereth the Stomach, and It turned to the right fide +, to difcover the Ingram". Ventricle, and fome part of it may be firm in its proper fituation 1: tr. 30.11:. The l, iver of a Viper, is coated with a deep Red colour, and taketh its $5.313}; Origination immediately below the Lungs +, and embraceth a great part ofi'rvflfrh' h the right fide of the Stomach; CHAP.XV ‘T/ae Bladder of 9411, THe Bladder of Call (called by the Latines, Vefim Fellea, Falliculm rhcrisurcof a , . th Bl dder f Fell", by the Greeks, rm xanmo) is endued With an oblong Ca- Gina ° vity, of an Oval Figure, fomewhat refitmbling 2. Peat in its Body 1-, and iTr9.F.l.g. the Stalk in its Neck 1-. ,1. ,1" The Bladder of Call, in its upper and middle Region, is entertained in mfimm a proper Sinus of the Liver, to which it is affixed, and the body of it is rcflimila (Lara, and the right lobe is feared on the right tide of the Stomach, Pendulous ( as feared without the confines of the Liver) by which it lean-v and is in fome part lodged under the Cuts, in an Arch, or Semicircle of them. eth upon the right {ide of the Stomach, and fome part of the Colon, which are tinged with Yellow, by Venue of the thinner parts of Choller oufing The Liver of a Glll'flCt, is coated with a pale Whitiih Colour, and is eompofed of Two lobes, of which the left is the larger, covering the whole upper furface of the Stomach, f0 that I could not difcern it, when this lobe The Lhcr of: i‘rill. if. 37. I. 4. ¢T 37. R4. .93- was in its proper fituation 5 the right lobe is feared in the right fide of the Stomach, and is much lefis then the other in Dimenfions. The Liver of a Prill 1*, is thickefl: in its Origen, and lodgeth in fome part upon the Neel: of the Stomach, which it doth not cover, and is feared under the Guts, and form: portion of it is encompaflbd within the circular Circumvolution 'l- of the Intellines, containing many Globules of the Liver. The Liver ofa Plaice, is one entire Body , without any divifion into ,r 37. mic. lobes, and beginneth narrow and thick in its Origen 1-, and its Termination {TS-1.17 5. n A. is broad and thin +, and its lower Circumference is adorned with a kind of Semicircular Figure, as fuiting it felf to the {hape of the Stomach, in which it is contained, and hath a Fiifure near the Termination of the Stomach'i". c] Iver of :1 Kim]. The liver of a Soal, is coated With a pale Alb-colour, and is beautified with an Arch, as the Repofitory of the Heart, on which it confineth', it is broad in its Origen, and more narrow toward its Termination. through the Pores of the Coats, belonging to the Bladder of Call. It is encircled with a double Membrane infiituted by Nature, as] con- 5.5232321? ceive, to confine the thin and piercing Particles of Bile, within their proper ofGalISphrere: 1 he firll and outward Coat, is derived from the Rim of the Bel- The outward ly, and is the fame with that immuring the fubfiance of the Liver, and is mmmm' of a fine Meinbranous nature ( confii'cing of various Filaments cutioufly enterwoven ) by which the body of the Bladder of Call is tied to the Liver. The inward Membrane is much thicker then the former, and is lined with The inward a flippery Mucous Matter, to fecern this fine fenfible Contexture, againit the M‘mb'm' Acrimony of Choller: 1 his Coat is a Compage integrated of various kinds of Fibres, which are Right, Oblique, and Tranfverfe, or rather Circular, which contracting the body of the Bladder in length and depth, do narrow its Cavity; and fqueefe the Choller into its Neck, and by relaxing the An- nular Fibres, do traniinit the Biliou's {harp Recrements, into the common Trunk,.and afterward into the 'Duodenum. Some Learned Anatomifls do Oppole‘thlerypothefis, becaufe thefe Fibres are not eafily fiten by the Eye, but are manifelt to R eafon, becaufe the firength of this part eonfifieth in Fibres, as well as in Veins, Arteries, Ureters, Bladder of Urine, and Se- The Aaaa aa minal |