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Show The Contents. Chap. 24. 0f the Pcticranium, Chap. :6. 0f the Scull The Contents. Chap. 44. 959 0f the Mcdulla oblongata, Chap. 59. Chap. 4;. 9;; 0f the Glandula Pinealis, Chap. 71. Of the Nerve! [grouting out of the MC- dulla Spinalis, 0f the Falling Sielgzefy, 1079 Chap. 27. Of'the SCMlJ‘ of Barfly, 966 Chap. 46. De Infundibulo, 968 Chap. 47. De Glandula Pituitaria, Chap. 72. Chap. 60. Chap. 28. 0fthe Settle of Birdt‘, Chap. '29. Of the Settle of Fi/h, Chap. 48. De Rete Mirabili, Chap, 3 2. Of the Pia Mater, 0f Cotwulfive Motion; of Chile/re") 1 1 8; t 024 979 1 027 Chap. 49. 97 3 De Cetebello, Chap. 31 . 0f the Dura Menynx, 1084. Clap. 7.3. Chap. 61. 97o Chap. 30. 0f the 'Dtfiitfet of the Scull, and their Cure-e, 0f the Nervtmt Liquor, Of the @alfey, 0f the Brain of Beefir, Chap. 77. Chap. 62. I 02 9 Chap. 50. The Cerebellum of a Man, and other 0f the Scuttle}, Of the 73min of Birth, Chap. 78. Chap. 63. Animalt 986 I 03 7 7 Chap. 51. 0f Newer art/tug from the Brain with- 0f Oficology, 0f the Brain of Fi/h. Chap. 33. in the Scull, Of the {Pathology of the Membrane: of the Brain, 990 Chap. 34. 0f the Origetz of the firefly, 993 Chap. Of the Fahriek and 3gab/lance of the rBrat'n, 994 Chap. 36. 0f the Cortex of the Brain, Chap. 3 7. 0f the Attimal Liquor, Chap. 38. Of the Animal Spiritt, l 039 Chap. 52. 0/ Olfaflor} Newer of other Animalt, 1042 Chap. 5 . 0f the optiek Nerve! of Men, and other AllitlmlJ‘, Chap. 64. Chap. 79. Of Sleep Difeajet. Of Boner of the upper 74m Chap. 6;. Chap. 80. Of the Vertigo, or Meagrum. 1135 0f the lower jaw, 1 04; Chap. 66. Chap. 54. 997 0f the Motory, and pathetick Nerve! of the Eye:; 1 047 Chap. 81. 0f the Delirium, and Phreniris,‘ 1 138 Of the Bone: of the Scapula, Shoulder, Chap. 67. or Army, &c. Chap. 5 5. 0fthe Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth pair of 0f Melancholy, Chap. 82. Nerve: , and the aeceflbry Nerve , 1050 Chap. 3 9. Of the Corpus callofum, Chap. 56. 0f the manner of Senflation, Chap. 40 0f the Ventriclet of the Brain, Ch; . . 0f the Chine, P 57 Chap. 58. 1 231 1 146 Chap. 68. 0f the Clawiele,Stemon, anal Riht, 1 244 I 054 0ft: Mania, or Madneft, I 156 Chap. 8 3. Chap. 41. Of the Choroeidel Plex, Chap. 69. 1059 0f Stupidity, and Mopi/hmj}. 0f the Medulla Spinalis, or rPith of the Beck , 1 070 Chap. 42. 0f the Fornix, Chap. Chap. 43. 0f the Corpora firiata, 1 165 0f the 03 InnominatumJ Thighnhone, &c. 1251 Chap. 70. Chap. 84. 0f Conwulfiom, and Commlfiz/e Motiom, 1171 0f the Bone: of the Thigh, Leg, &c. "55 |