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Show 6+ "Off-Cure the of t/ae Mei/1r»; and Small Tax. Chap. V I I. (he was bled, the Small Pox came out very well, and the violence of the Fevermuch abated, and {he paffed the feveral Rages of her Difeafe very kindly, and was in a fmall time (with God's blefling) refiored to her for- , , _ mer Healtl. ‘ Binding very {afc mthc Smalll'ox, And in great difficulty of Breathing, I have often advrfedBlood-Ietting in the Small Pox, with good fuccefs, and have relieved my Patients to my great . off, beingd taken or fiagnancy of Blood motion, mnmpa' ElCI-E being of Joy; whereupon the {low ‘ ' d . . gfggfgigg" the Small Pox immediately difcovered themfelyes, an In goo time they kindly Suppurated, and afterward determined Into Ulcers and Seabs, the "535d"; difficultyo Brwhine- Flrcdins is . . ' . . happy clofe of the Small Pox. Wherefore I moft humbly beg, that this Opinion maybe entertained With Condor, as coming from a love to Mankind, and not as if I were over-forward to the great Scandal of Art, to advife Blood-letting upon every flight account, in the Meafles and Small Pox; whereupon this IS my molt humble 3:512:33:- chuel't to my dear Friends, and my learned Brethren of Art, to prefcribe Elffifa'fliléf‘ Bleeding only in fome great Cafes, relating to the Meafles, and Small Pox, 3:331:13], Smallpox as in a Phlogéfis of the'Lungs, and great difliculty of Breathing, and all internal Inflammations, in high Plethorick bodies, in which great Difeafes, (accompanied with the Meafles and Small Pox) Blood-letting is neceifary, as a mofl: fafe and generous Remedy, in order to follicite' the motion of grofs and fiagnating Blood, which is apt to obfiruét the Capillary Arteries, near the furface oi the Body. But on the contrary, it is very rational and confcientious to forbear the opening of aVein ( as a defcecrated, and unhallowed thing) in ordinary cafes of the Meafles and Small Pox, as fatal to the Patients, where bodies are not overcharged with an exuberant Mafs of Blood (obftruéting the finall Veilels) and efpecially in a low preportion of V ital Liquor, not able to throw out the of'r‘enfive Matter ( unlefs aflified with mild Sudorificks) into the Cutaneous Glands, and by their'Excretory Ducts, into the ambient parts of the Body. firming" Above all we are to forbear bleeding (as fome great crime of Murder) iliiiicliiiii- that will render us obnoxious to a jul't Cenfure, as guilty of the death of {leaf-cs:an our Patients, in Malignant Fevers (the frequent and fad concomitants of the lgiiiiiiifiw Meallcs and Small Pox) whofe nature doth not confif't in ovcrmuch blood, $322333? but a poifonous difpofition of the blood, which muff be corrected by Alexi- Tthmm pharmaca, fupporting the Vital Liquor, to make a free Tranfpiration, by 2323130212" which the venenate {teams of the blood, are tranfmitted through the Pores ip/mmmfnnd of the body: And if we lelfen the Mafs of blood in Malignant Fevers $3331:' ( which are the chief and effential Difeafes, and the Meafles and Small Pox, 54:59" F5" only Symptomes of the other) we render the Patient lcfs able to encounter thefe great Difealcs, and fometimes cut off the thread of Life. A Gentleman of good Fafhion, having complicated Difeafes of a Fever and Small Pox, which did not ceafe, after good Applications having been made, the Small Pox appeared very fair, and diliinét, and came to a laudable Suppuration, and Scabs fealing off: And it might have been thought with good probability, that the Patient had been upon Recovery . but alas, it proved otherwife: For though the Small Pox were Cured, yet the Fever continued higher, which {hews it is to be efl'cntial, as remanent after the Small Pox were gone; upon which I paired a Prognoi'tick, of great and eminent danger. That notwithflanding proper Medicines having been Adminifired, yet the Fever grew more violent, accompanied with ill Symptoms, of a Chap V l 1. 0f the Cure of the Sinai! Tax. to be in a defperate Condition 5 whereupon the Friends of the Patient fent for Dmp Doaor Goddflm'; Who fmiled (when [ told him the great damer the Sick Perfon was in) afl‘uring himfelf of a Cure by his Infallible Drotps as he thought them-7 whereupon I left my Patient, becaufc his Friends ha: ving a great opinion of the Drop Doctor, were defirous to commit him folely to his Cate, which proved very unfuccefsful, and gave me a hiOh dif- compoliire, becaufe within tWo or three days, my former Patient Wis [of]: as well as my Friend, notwithflanding the Promife, the confident Doctor had made of his recovery, for which he had little Reafon, and lefs Art. In an orderly and kindly Small Pox, fome few gentle Medicines may be gi- Few Merli- i'en for four or five days,to aflif‘t Nature to throw out the ill Matter by the Ca- "mm a cienr in W" ‘ ' ‘ pillary Arteries, into the Cutaneous Glands; and when the Small Pox are Wily Small well come out in diliinét Conical Tumours, and beginning to fill, it is mine- Emporium ceihiry to make any farther MEdiCiflal Applications, and to advife only a iiiic. thin temperate Diet, and that the Patient would repofe himfelf in Bed, lei‘r flit?" Tranfpiration being checked by the coldnefs of the Ambient Air, and the "t" Cutaneous Pores be flraightned, and the recourfe of ill Matter be flopped glidin‘t" ~ : into the confines of the Skin. mm" But in the Flux Pox, the care muft be equal to the danger, which is very great, and needs the aflil'tance of an Indufirious and Skilful Phyfitian, who mul't make it his bufinefs to obferve the motion of the Difeafe, which appears firl‘t in very fmall Pimples, and therefore it is called vulgarly the Pin Pox, which rife {lowly 5 a great argument of Malignity in the Difiemper, proceedii 9, from a hot Serous Liquor, which being thin, is not apt to fettle m the Ambient parts of the Body, but is fpeedily reconveycd by the Cutaneous Veins into the Mafs of Blood, and in order to prevent the retrograde motion of the Matter, which being hot and thin, moderately cooling and thickning Medicines are to be prefcribed; that when the Humonrs of the Small Pox arrive the furface of the inward Skin, they may be there deteined and fixed, to fill up the Skin, and render the Small Pox fairer. If the Patient be refilefs in the Flux Fox, and by toiling and tumbling up OPia‘ts "'0' and down the Bed, do difquiet himfelf, and raife the Fermentation of the iiiiiiiitngci: Blood, by growmg hot ( procured by frequent and troublefom‘e motions of giriiiiiiiriiu. the-Body: made every minute from Place to Place ) gentle Opiats are to be "WET": advrfed, as drops of Laudammz Liquidum, or Syrupe of Poppy in a proper 33:333.", Vehicle, to compofe the Patient to reft, and to give an allay to the too much iiiiiaiiiiiitieiii advanced Fermentation of the Blood: And that the Peccant Humours ( the Malaria fubflmm of the Small Pox) being rendred more fedate, in its mo» tion may grow cool and thick, and apt to refide in the confines of the Body and afterward the outward Skin will rife, as being big with grofi Matter. , The Flux Pox, if not Well mannaged by Art, is a molt dangerous Dif- ""12"" cafe, becaufe the Blood is f0 much enraged in a troublefome Fermentatio n iii'rya‘lgg‘: that it is very diflicult to govern it, and make it regular by molt prepef E; 2‘11??? Medicines; and is very often attended, With a dangerous continued Fever Pianiiégiiitii( Which is an affociate of this ill kind of Small Pox) during all its feveral ifiitwriiii ‘ motions; of beginning, increafe, flare, and declination, fionifyino gentle F"°""""" Cordial Medicines, that do reduce the Elfervefcence of fhe turhultuary 32:33:: Blood into a moderate temper, wherein it being incraflated by proper PharEECY, doth flalgnge in the outward confines of the inward Skin, breaking numerous es - ' h being riodo to this nafiyuDiférzvhrc ' ' indurated ' into Scabs, {peak a happy pc- quick tremulous Pulfc, and a Delirium, {0 that the Patient plainly appeared to I And |