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Show >‘_.-____'_,_,4 Bookilm 0f the 95m": 6/14 ‘ ) Book I. [art I 1. n . r 0f the gut; (9: Fzfli. . \ we made one turning, go for home {pace in a. direft palllige, and then ,. ~ r - l T . ‘ ‘ - .:, turn] a lecond Circumvolution T, and alterwurd pals down m .1 Hlellt c entitle between the Milt in a lVlale, and the Ovaries in a Female to the \Vcnt. A Perch hath two Lifefliflu/J (Lem 1, leatcd on each lide of th: origen of . the Guts, which have three Circumvolutionst The firll; 1~, beginneth PFCl‘ently after their origen1, and goeth in a l'craight Courle an inch or more and then malteth rt Circumvoluiion. After the fecond Circumvolution 1 i; have greatcl'c Dimenfions in their begiming, and let's in their Termination near the Vent. The lriteftines in this Filh are Red, refembling Blood Vellels in Colour, and are endued in their infide with numerous Folds (pulling the whole length of the Guts) which give a check to the over-quick motion of the Chile and grols Excrements. The Cut 1~ of a Gar-Filh, is void of any Circurm'olution1 and maketh its fT.38.F.1.ff. progrels in a [ii-night cotlrfe, all down the lower Ventct to the Vent 1- nude, the Guts alcend for fame lpace, and then make a third Circumve- The long Inteltine hath no Valves in its infide, nor any Cells like thofe lution, and afterward pals in a flraight Courfe between the Milt, feared on each iide of the Into/tinny; Qiec‘ um. A Smelt hath but few Guts, which make a fhort Circumvolution in their Ori'- gen 1, and then go down between the tides of the Arch for fome (Pace: of 3 Honey Comb (which have been dilcovered in the lingle Gut of Stur- and afterward creep under the right Procels of the Stomach , and then all Folds, Valves, Circumvolutions, is becaufc the Ferments of the Stomach and Guts (having one con'inued Cavity) are very active and fpirituous, make their progrels almofl in a tight line 1-. A Gudgeon hath the origen of its Cuts 1- Joyned to thel'yloruy) Where it give a long ltay (to the nourilhment of ealie Digefiion) in the Stomach alterward go in a kind of right Line to the Arms". and Guts. A Crab hatll many Cuts, in reference to its Lite/limb: Ceca, which are more in number then in other Filli ~ it hath allo two other Guts, the firlt is conioyned to the Stomach , another Cut is the late/Emu" Ream" 13 that is lodged in the hinder Region of the lower Venter. diliinét Circumvolutions, and the origen of 'h , Intellines are garnilhedwith many lmefiizzula Cayca, which cover the Stomach and beginning, of the Guts. A Whiting bath a great company of Intrzji. "la (km 13 ariling out of the beginning of the lntcfiines, and do cover the Older and Procels of the Stomach, and the Intellines delcend in tln ' ‘t fide, in feveral windings 1' The Guts of a Turbat, for the molt part make a Circle 1', which are chitfly contained within the Semieirc‘ic of the Stomach, and end in a Vent 1', feared in the upper part or the left fide, not far from the Head. The great Gut beginneth very large, and groweth 1ch and lefs, and endeth into an obtule Cone, and the Whole GUt hath a kind of CirCular Circumvolution, The (team: 1 is a fliort Appendix, of an oblong round Figure, leafed in the beginning oil the great Cut, and determines into the Clarita, or Termination of the Cuts. 1Iig.4.l‘/,v. 1‘ Fig 4. 7L The Guts of a Pril, have firft a kind of Circular Circumvolution 1', in which fume part of the Liver is lodged; and afterward the Guts do {port themlelves in many fliort Mmanders 1-. The Guts have a ihort Gut appendant to them, which may be calleda Cmum1‘, or blind Gut; and the Intefiines do end in a Ventfcated in the left lF'E-Ah k- fide about an inch from the Mouth. w. ;R.F.X. as ml of Volatil Saline parts, and do quickly colliquate the Aliment, and extract its liquor; f0 that the Gut needs no Folds, Valves, or Gyres, to A Teuch hath many eminent Circumvolutions 1- relating to the Guts, . encircling many globules of the Liver, and do end i i the Intcfiimmz Reéltmt 1' The Guts 1 of n Gurnet run through the Pody in length, and have three 88'- And the reafon Iconeeive, why this Filh bath but one Gut, defiitute of aiccnd in a firefight Polhirc, and then make a lecond Mzeander1, and, and terminate into the Vent. rT :717-4- geon) which are inl'tituted by Nam1 e (as Iconceive) to give many Props to the over-hafty paliége of Excrem tits. maketh a {hort turning ( which is the firl‘t Czrcumvolution 1') and then A "other hath many lflteflimtla Ceca 1‘, which in their natural lituation liaVCtlleir ()rigen 1 arifing out of the beginning of the lntcftines, covered by them, about which they make their firll: Circumvolution 1. And after. ward when the Intefiines have made loine progrcfi, they make a fecond Gyre 1 below, and then the Guts pals Obliquely toward the left lidc1', The lnteltiiies 1‘ in a Lamprey, are more large in their Origen, and d0 858- pals from the right to the left fide, and then make a Circumvolution, and afterward take their Progrefs in a firaight courfe under the Liver: The guts ave is. 17239.", The Inteflimtla thm, are very numerous in this Fill], and are filled with Chyle, amol't delicate fweet Liquor; thefe blind Guts are the chief part that is drefled in the eating 2. Crab, and divers of the Inteflinula Ceca are lodged upon the fitfi Cut, and many others 1‘ are. Appendants of the Intefli- "139.11, mun Reflmu. Afcllw Virefcmr, hath a multitude of Intefiinula C4164 1- making aBunch, "MO-ff- which beginneth near the 'lfirlorm‘, and encircleth the Origen of the Inte. Rimes, where the firlt Circumvolution is Semicircular 1-, and then the Inteftines pals ( {omewhat wheeling) towards the bottom of the Belly. The Guts when they have made a Semicircle, make many other Meanders, {ome- what after the manner of Spires 1-. Hiringfy' them |