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Show 0f tlac Rim of the $3011}. 1 68 Chap. X X V I I I, the bond C raffament being intercepted, the Serous Particles are fevered ( by tl'anf. eafily molt then and d) diffolvc manner fome in being of Mixtion mitted through the Extrcamities of the Capillary Arteries, into the empty . fpaces of the Belly. Tl" WV?" Sometimes an flfcitz'r taketh its Origen from a fuppreflion of the Hemor- deteined in the Body , illc/iiiiiiirirligl rhoids by which the Faeces of the Blood being do , and Am. "Immom vitiatc,itsl Conliitution, and hinder the Elaboration of Chylc Particles, Serous of full it filling by there and milation of it into Blood, having its Union do render it Crude and Watrya whence the Vital Liquor fit to violated, tendeth to a Diffolution, and then the .Witl-y parts grow part with the Purple, and diliil through the Termmatrons of the (,apillary V cliels into the Interllzices, being between the Rim of the Belly, the Can], ‘ 4 and the Cuts. Excel. A Noble Lady about Five and Forty years of Age, made ule of not CI‘OVVned lent lViCdiciuc-s, prefcribed in a good Method, which were with a happy Event, in order to recover her of an Aft-1m, cauled by a fup. prcflion or the Hemorrhoids 3 ivhence the current of the Facculent Blood be- ing intercepted, her Body grew very much EinaCiateo, and fiill'of watry liecrements, difchargcd into the Cavity of the Belly, which bfi‘ll'lg infpe- éted after Death, it was found overcharged with a quantity of Watry. Humours. Sometimes this kind of Dropfie arifet‘h from the ftoppage of the Men69'01'fi33‘3' " of ftrua, \vhofe warty Fxculcncies do defpoile the Body of the bounty of i' Blood, as not being Pnrged off by the Arteries, inferred into the inward Coat, relating to the Body, Neck, and Vagina Mterz", whereupon the Blood tit-generates into a cold and moiPc Confiitution, as growing big with warty Impurities, and hath its native heat , and Spirituous parts depreffcd, cau- fing an unkindly Fermentation and Aflimilatiou of Chyme into Blood, and fpoilerh the Smmr Nmririm, lo that it cannot be united and turned into the liiblhiice of the folid parts, whence proceedeth an Atrophy of the whole Body in inveterate Droplies, derived from different Caufcs, all producing a warty Mnfs of Blood, which cannot be intimately conjoyned by Ailimi- larion ii‘ith the numerous Veflels of feveral Tribes and Families, which inteA" Ara", , . grate theljlelhy parts of the'Body. An Afrinr nuy allo flow in good Fellows, Drinking, to a hight, from .1 22,335,331. large quantity of Urine, which is commonly immured within the Walls of "w "la-""- the Bladder, which being overmuch diftended and broken, giveth a freedom to the Urine, to expatiate in the more large Territories of the Belly, filled up by this troublelbmel iquor ', which caulcth a great difieution of the Peritonatum, Abdominal Miifcles, and the common Integuments of the Body, rcndring it uneafie and deformed. 'P/aterur maketh mention of a good Fellow, after he had indulged him. felf in the too too free Cups of generous Li nor, was forced ( his Legs not 0f the Rim of the Bell}. between the Rim of the Belly and Intel'tines, and between the Peritonacum and Mufcles oflthe Abdomen. An A‘fri/ir alfo may be produced ( which is very frequent ) by the Lace- ration of the Lymphadufls; which being Velfels of a mol‘t thin and tentier Contextiire may eafily be broken, as being obflrufled either by too nit) r: :1 quantity, or by the grolsnefs of the Lympha flopping its courfe to" ism-d the common Receptacle; whereupon the Lymphxduéts being furchar- rharged with too great a. quantity of Lympha, are cracked, and the Lympha LlJI'lfl'lO‘V through the breaches, into the more free and empty fpaces of the Belly. A young Gentlewoman being troubled many Years with a Droplie, Aninnancwg was at hilt freed from it by Death, the lal'c remedy of all Difeafes; and "SM?" cee mg tom her Body being Opened, no fault could be found with the szcem, but only git bank?" a difcovery was made of the broken Lymphatduéts, through which a great eligim' quantity of thin Tranfpzirent Liquor was vented into the Vacuities of the Belely, which proceeded from her fevere ufase in her Minority, by her GoverllOul'S. As to the Cure of an Afcitir, three Indications prefent themfelves: The nun-"dim, Pielervative, Curative, and Vital. The Prefervative is founded in Tuena'a fimrfigflfg flmimtc , Which is accomplifhed by removing he antecedent Caufc, while Orziertii or; the Difeafe is at a diltance in Potentiajblummodo, wherein the Body is only 52:35:33}, in a difpofition to a Dil'temper: So that in reference to an Afritir, the ,u ,‘_"'_C"‘ watry Humours, the remote caufe of it, is to be Purgcd off by Hydra- ' gogues, which do empty the Body of ferous Excrements, while they are in motion in the Velfels, before they are Extravafatcd in the fpaces of the Bell . T)l16 Curative Indication of a Dropfie, is more difficult, beeaufe it relau teth to the Continent caufe, the watry Fxces ( fiagnant in the Belly) which being thrown out of the confines of the Veffels, are hard to be Purged off; but Nature being ambitious to preferve it felf, findeth out feeret Ways, which are not obvious to Senfe, to free her felf from Difeafes by Purgatives ( which are very beneficial in an Aftitir) though the manner of their Operation is very obfcure, and hard to underfiand. And the melt gentle Catharticlis are firlt to be advifed, as Dwarf Elder, Syrup of Peach Flow~ ers, Mechoacan, Extract of Elder; and afterward Syrup of Buckthorn, Sigiiidiiiii' Jailap, Juice of Iris; and 139: of all, refine of Scammony, Gummi Gotte, £333,333 Elaterium, which is a rough Powder, and to be given only to firong Bodies, in very few Grains, to exalt 21 Medicine 3 which mufi be given with great Caution, becaufe firong Hydragogues, do weaken the Body, and aggravate SC, HT, being able to fupport him) to lay himfcli1 upon the Ground for repofei the Difeafe, by rendring the Tumors of the Belly greater; derived from a @255 do: larger proportion of ferous Recrements, impelled into the fpaces of the Ab- 3533:5352}: whereupon an ill conditioned Man out of a Frolique, leaped upon his Belly and broke his Bladder, whence a great quantity of Urine gufhed out of its domen, by the agitation of churlilh Purgers , as finding it more eaf'ie to $53553? throw the warty Excrements, through the wonted palfiges of the Cazliac, 51"???" laCCl‘ath Receptacle, into the Cavity of the Belly, which was more and more enlarged upon the unnatural recourfe of Urine, into the empty fpaces A mark of the Belly, which gave a period to his Life. iiiiwiugrmm A kind of Dropfie may borrow its rife from Watry Recrements, enclofed "arty Retre- Chap. X X V If I. mt‘ntsliiilgeil in divers parts of the Body in proper Membranes, as {0 many Velicles of Eéi‘clslfmvc' divers Magnitudcs', fontetimes lodged in the fubfiance of the Caul, and between and Mefenteric Arteries, into the Abdominal Vacuities; then by unaccu- c y. f'tomed ways, the Terminations of the Mefenterick Arteries, inferred into the inward Tunicle of the Intef'tines. Diureticks may be alfo advifed, with good fuccefs, as the molt proper Diuretlcks means to difcharge the potulent Matter of the Blood, by tranfmitting it agiixcbvng' into the Kidneys, whofe obfiruéted Glands are opened by Diureticks, where- iics. by the Blood is refined by disburdening its Faeces into the Ureters and Blad- der, whence the Tumour of the Belly is lelfened. Yy ' And |