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Show 308 1 1»: i'crnus Liquor tonveycil to the cavity of the Stomach, is not acted with Acids, hut Saline parts. 0f the Serour Ferment of the Stomach. Book hm And to give a farther confirmation, that the Serous Liquor difiillingin- to the capacity ofthe Stomach, is not acted with Acide, but Saline parts; Iwill endeavour divers experimental Inltances in the production of Chvle Concofiion in the Ventricles of Birds, is managed by Acide Ferments, which may be clearly determined by‘talting Chyle in their Stomachs; and to this effect l have opened the Crop of a Puller, and the extended Gulet ofa Curlue, which {upplieth the place of a Crop; in both which, and many XX X I. Of the Mattrrof Unification. other Birds, I have found a Liquor of a VVhitilh colour, in good proportion, ng the Aving given you an account of the feveral Ferments difpofi‘ affected not with an Acide, but Saltilh Talia; and ifthe Aliment be Lod ed too great a time in the Ventricle, it rather refembleth a fiinking than Em. rilh Smell, not unlike that of the groiler Excrements belonging to the Inte{'tines. Learned Mir/rim giveth an Account of a young Dormoufe, about a fort- you Aliment to Coricoétion, I will now take the boldnefs to Treat of the Liquor tary Alimen the which of out Matter in {ome fort, with the ,a Bill of i are of the Stomach is Extracted : And to give you in fome manner order to the refcé‘tion in h, Stomac the in enterta which , Drinks and Meats and‘more grofs Fleih of of the Body, as divers forts of Filh and Fowl, Diet, cooked of feveral ome other Animals, and the more fimple and wholef with variety of lolid treated only not is le Ventric the and kinds of Corn: pew. gent Tafie, not unlike that of Crowfoot, or Cuckooe-pintle, which gave a difguft to his Palate for {ome time, though be frequently gargarized it with Water. I have frequently tailed of a Cineritious Liquor ( which I conceive to be Chyle) in the Stomachs of Skaits, Thornbacks, Pikes, and other Filh, and have found it of ahigh Saline, or Armoniack Tal'te, without the leai't relilli of fournefs, and in the Stomachs of Crabs, Lobflers, beingopencd, you may plainly difcern the inward Coats of their Ventrieles, to be highly tinged with a nitrous Qaltnrl‘s. And in the Stomachs of Lambs newly killed, being cut open, plainly may be difc'overed a Saline, and no four Liquor, adhazring to the inward Coat of the true Ventricle. In a Dog opened alive, McclxiM maketh mention of Chyle contained in the Ventricle, emitting a flrong linell, like that of the Inteltines, and having taken it into his Mouth, did favour ofa Saline Tafte. The stomach in Scott/aiiiic, and Hypotondiiacal Dillempcrs i~ afl'eétetl u‘irh ruurHu' mots. C H A P. in the Stomachs of divers Animals: An acute Author giveth out, that the night old whole Stomach he opened, and found it empty of all Ingelis, except a white Milky Humour, of which be receiving a little into his Mouth, did affect his Tongue, not with any Sournelis, but with a [harp Saline pun- The Stamichs ofFiih, in pointof Crincociion, aveenducd. not with Ari'le. but SalineParli- tles. Book I. Part II. And I have made trial in the Sromachs of Brutes and Men,and have difcovered the inward Coats of their Stomachs, affected with a liicculent Matter, impregnated with Salt Particles, and not with Sour: except in Scorbutick, and Hypocondriacal , and other unhealthy perfons. The lbrous Ferment being fevered from the Blood ( in the glandulous Coat of the Stomach) participates of its nature, and is impregnated with Saline Particles, as may eafily be difcovered by Chymical Operations made upon Blood, out of which, by Art, may be extracted a Spirit highly exalt- ed with volatil Saline Atomes; and alfo out of variety of Alimentary Li‘ quot it (elf, in divers forts of Milk, may be extraéied by Chymifiry, great quantities ofvolatil Salt ; whereupon it may be eafily cvinced,both by the Alimentaryliquor it felfin divers forts of Milk,wherein may be extracted by Ch)" miftrygreat quantities of volatil Salt,wherein may be eafily proved,both by the Alimentary Liquor, as having received Saline Particles from the Serons Liquor; and from which the Serous Juice it {elf being lately a part of the Blood,fecerncd in the Glands ofthe Stomach, which doth retaine the Elements of the Blood: and participates of its plentiful Saline Particles, which being tranfmitted With their vehicle, the Serous Juyce through the Terminations of the Catliack Arteries, do penetrate the Body of Aliment, repofed in the Bofom of the SEO‘ mach, and by loofening itsOompage,do aflifi the Concoétion of the VentricllgC H A ~ which We more Meats, but with abundance of dlECICHt'DrlnkS ( in and . Debauchenc ) liarly indulge our Appetites, even fometimes to Excels Juices, and above ble Vegeta other many and Perry, of Beer, Ale, Sider, W ln€5,ln.WhICh we fpealc all with an exuberant variety of fmall and generous our Friends 'Wltll free carefs and felves, out to t Deligh and e Pleafur a high endearing'Kmdnefs. and , erhty great our of es CUPS, as fo many exprell , in His _ generous And the free Hand of our mol'c liberal Maker Drink, doth ‘Meat and Treats of us his Creatures, with different. kinds of Liquors ( mfpired Eerous and s, Nervou Salival, require feveral Ferments of all concenter in Air) which with Spirituous, and expanfive particles of the Stomach, to raife a; Fer. of bofome the in ed contain Matter the Subject afted with which are mentation in every different fort of Meat and Drink, es, and Difpofitions, many feveralFerincnts, endued with contrary Prmupl ts of the Stomach, 'and which enter into contefis with the Various Conten s, and precrpitate Particle embody with the Homogeneous and Alimentary and by degrees expel them the Heterogeneous as unprofitable for Nutrition, other, till at lafi: they as noyfome and trouble-(ome, {13m orfie lparing t: the Y y. o e t o nes con emthe utmoi't ‘ The various‘ Ferment» of the Stomach ' embody with the Homogeneous parts of Aliment, and precipitate the Heteroge- nectar. r the feveral Changes, or haggfilteiheily be worth our enquiry, to difcove [top by Prep, before they made t, Alimen of kinds various the alterations of and becaufe the different fibers arrive aperfeét Concoétion in the Stomach; , it hended upder genera} ranks pica/[eat and Drin of Aliment are compre . . ‘ . ur time to make ome emarts upon mg into the dellill Matter, t Potulen of marziide :bfrciztelfngiig the fruitful fprings then Efculents do, by reg,- bailing lefs th require it h, Stomac the of Cyllern IWltl‘l and to which, fon it is not {0 much an Aliment, as a Vehicle of it, fiMuta- Potulcnt mat; ter required: 1ch concomon then Efcu- lents. d, till by feveral the grofl‘er parts of Aliment are diluted, and efpoufe malter of a )u Conmade and ed, extraét is Liquor tary Alimen the tions Drink being ting, as it confifteth of madcof‘i'ubzl: fifieMnbieoverJhe Drink is more Operative and Penetra ick,and Mineral Wa‘; i'alinc parts having little fubtle faline Particles, and divers kinds of Purging,Diuret fooh the Ventricle an Aliment. pachth tersiwhich having little or no nourilhment, foon pals throug and iiorrri them; ner through the Vehels, teal ickLaé Thorac hiomach and Intelfineginto the Mefentcrick,and the right Ventrice 0far}!1 Intci‘tim 5 into through the Subclavian and hollow Vein, into the radical tle E i Outer-"r; the left Vcfl'cls. from thence are tranfmitred through the Lungs into r221"; the Am", a Heart, and afterward through the defcenieptl "{‘runk of |