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Show p, , 'i the Cure of Cutaneous (Dyénflr. Chap. VI 1. l afilr, The Leprofie is a Cutaneous Dileafe, proceeding from a Mals of Blood, highly corrupted with virulent Miafmes, and .Acide, Saline, and Particles, which. though movmg in. allocation With the Vital Sulohureous i . Liquor, yet cannot be f0 far lubdued, as broke into {mall Particles, and to latilizcd by frequent Circulatioiis; that theie Acide, Saline, and SUlPlllll‘L‘Oug Atomes, might be allimilared into Blood, whereupon the Heart being highly aggrieved with thefe Recrenients, impelleth them with the Purple Liqqu) into the fubltanee of the Cutaneous Glands; wherein the Serous are fecerned from the Alimentary Particles of the Blood, which is returned by the Veins, and the watrv, impra'gnatcd with degenerated Saline and Sulphureous parts, are conveyed by the Excretory Dué'ts, to the lurface of the "kin, where the moft Liquid parts of thefe llecrements being evaporated, the acide faline do Coagulate like Tarter, incrufting the Skin, which being rubb d or lei‘atch'd, the concreted faline parts fall olflike fcales of Fill], and the ferous parts oufe out of the Shin, which being dried up, thereupon follow new faline ac. cretions, cafing the Skin with another Crult. \. Chap. V l I- Of the Curr 63 be opened, that the molt urgent and eminent Difeafe may be firl't oppofed, which will prove fatal. without difpure, if the Patient be not fpeedily relieved _ . by Blood letting, which Will much advance the eruptio n of the Matter, of- an fending, in the Meafles and Small Pox 5 wherein the lick Perfon, being of a Plethoiick Conllitution, is opprelfed with an exuberant Mafs of Blood, attompaniul \vllliduljgz- highly obl'truéting the free motion of it, and the Smem Nutricim ( in allociation with it) into the Cutaneous Glands, and furface of the Body; mation: or'tlic inward and noble pairs, rous Inflam- whereupon fome part of the Blood being taken away, the remainder obtaineth the greater freedom of motion, and gaineth an caller recourfe to the outward parts'It is my humble Requefi; to my worthy Brethren, the learned Profellors of our Art, not to be over timorous in Bleeding, when the Meafles and Small Pox, are allociated with inward Inflammations, which may be Cured by bleeding, and without it will inevitably determine in a fad Cataftro» phe of Death: Wherefore I humbly conceive, it is better to confult Reva" ion and Confcience, then popular Air, and vain Applaufe, and not to let a Patient die for Want of necellary Applications ( though of ill Fame with the Vulgar and Hiilearned, to gain the repute of a fafe Phylitian) in great Inflammations , wherefore I am very folicitous to make good this Aliertiou C H A P. VII, of Bleeding, in the Meafies and Small Pox, as a high prefervarive of Life, of which I can give many happy Inl'tances in my own Practice. A Sutlers relation, belonging to the Kings Guards, being of a very San- 0f the (We of ("timeout @ifcafcr guine Conltitution, laboured lbme Years fince under a high difficulty of Breathing, accompanied with a great Hednefs of her Cheeks, the Syinp~ toms of an Inflammation, caufed by Blood fettling in the Lungs; where- HAving Treated of the Pathology of the Skin, it may feem Methodi< cal to fay fomewhat of the Cures, belonging to Cutaneous Difeafes, among which the Mealles and Small Pox lead the Van, which are different Dilhlfec'lions, in reference to their feveral Afpeéts, as various Tumours, and as proceeding from divers Caufes , the one beginni ng in rediiels and drinefs, dif- appearing in a Roughnefs, the other commencing in Red Piinples, grow after wards greater, and come by degrees to Maturation, appeari ng in numerous white Heads of finall Tumours, which at laft determine in dry Scabs. Tlicfe Difeafes of Meafles and Small Pox, though different upon many accounts yet they are both attended with Cures, much alike in many cafes, both in a {lender and temperate Diet, and the adminifiration of gentle Cordi- als: ll Nature be flow in throwing out the matter of the Dileafcs from the Center to the Circumference, by Arterial Trunks, Branches, and Capillaries, into the flllall Cutaneous Glands, and from thence by Excretory VCffels, into the furface of the Body: And in both Difeafes, a violent Loofe_ nefs and Bloody-Flux, gentle Cordials are to be advifed to fupprefs thefe ir' regular motions, which pervert the proper Courfe of Nature in diverting the matter of the Difeafes, from the furface of the Body to the inward R6, celfes; wherefore upon this account, quiet Diaphor eticks are to be mixed with Altringents, at once to check the irregular, and promote the regular motion of the dififfeé'ted Humours, the Caufes of thefe Difeafes. In the gteatel't Cafes, that can happen in thefe Difeafes wherein they are aecompanied with internal lnflammations, of the Lungs J(inal'eriknc'umfl' iiia) of the (ID/curd, ina Pleurifie, of the Membranes of the Brain in a Phre- nitis, of the Diaphragme, in a Paruphr enitis, or of the Mufcles of the Lal‘ynx, in a Qninfie, or in any other internal Inflammation, a Vein is to Aii lnllance of a l'ei'l'uii, (lured by bleeding uponI ordered a Vein immediately to be opened in her Arm, and eight or ten Ounces of Blood to be taken away, upon which enfued an alleviation in point of Breathing, and the next day the Small Pox appeared, and a day or two after, flie was taken with a new accefs of ill Breathing 5 whereupon by reafon of her fupprelled Menfctua, I adviEd the Saphatna to be opened, and fix or eight Ounces of Blood to flow, upon which [he found great relief in n, more free breathing, and the Ol'l‘enfive Matter, to be more largely tranf» mittcd into the ambient parts of the Body, very confpicuous in her prodigi» curly fwelled Face, highly dilguifed in numerous Tumours, ending in Ulcers in the Siiinll Pox, a'tcmled wnli I A flamiv ' ih: :iiid Stabs And notwitliltandii'ig the free evacuation of Blood, by opening of divers Veins in the Arm, and Foot, and the courfe of her Terms (which was the confequent of her bleeding in the Foot ) [he was not wholly difcharged of the depraved Humours, emitted out of the Capillary Vellels into the Exte- rior parts, becaufe in a lhort time, after {he was recovered, by God's Mt‘r" Cy, of the Small Pox , {he broke out in a great many Boils, which having been Suppurared, ran very freely the fpace of a Month , and proceeded, aslconceive, from the reliques of the Matter, that was not fuflicienrly dill charged by the Small Pox; fo that withour Controverlie, if a Vein had not been twice opened (which was attended with a free evacuation of her Mcnllrua ) {he had funk under the Inflammation of her Lungs, of which [he wasperfeétly Cured by the difcharge of much Blood. Another time a Butcher's Wife, being a grofs and Corpulent Woman, Of a Sanguine Conl'titution, was very much afiliéted with a high Fever, and a great Colour of her Face; whereupon I ordereda Vein to be opened, and Blood to be freely taken from her, upon which account [he found great relief In. reference to her Fever, and Inflammation of her Lungs, and th": day after She Another Fer- fOn Cured by Bleeding iii the Small Pox. |