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Show 0/» the EixljfllflQ/‘c Faculty of the Stomach. 333 Book I. Part1].- ed by virtue of all the Fibres, and firll by tranfverfe ( running crofs the Ste. Book I. Part II. 0f the Expulfive Fara/t} if the Stomach, math) which are f0 termed iitrefercncc to each tide; but if the Fibre,~ 1, Orifice, do ftrcighten the capacity of it: in length, by pulling the inward coniidei'ed as they comprehend the whole circumference of the Stomach thee may be more properly Ftiled Circular, as they encircle the Stomach ajnd if; furfaccs of the tides clofer to each other; and the Oblique Fibres of the St0« their Motion, thefe Fibres make larger or leiler Circles, according in their moregcntle or liFOflg Contractions, whereupon the Cavity of the Ventricle i lcls or more lellened, and doth thereby leis or more ftrdngly comprels the Contents of the Stomach, and by degrees force them out of its Confines The right Fibres MC {0 many Auxiliaries to the Circular, and byn13ki11 rt: right r2. blC»RlCJlIX' :ii their progrefs the whole length of the Stomach, and in purging do be f, their Motion near the Left Orifice of the Ventricle, and fo atshe various €71. i tend to th: bres do contract themfeIVes in their feveral ranks towards the Right Orifice lclfcnine the Cav t} of the and the circular Fibres furrounding the Ventricle7 by making lefs and lef; Stumarh in the r Contra- Circles, do gradually contract the whole Circumference of the Stomach- [0 51mm. on the other tide, the Right Fibres palling the length of the Ventride do by degrees help the Circular, in leflening the Cavity of it by brin 7 ing both tides nearer to each other. i ' g15* 'ri‘nts in \thereupon the right Fibres, commencing their Motion about the left purc'wgfo mach do pafs a-flatit, between the Circular and Right Fibres, helping them both in the Contraction of the Stomach 2 And in \ omiting, they at} with the . . right to the left Orifice, whereas . ‘ in Purging) from greater vig or (then in the oppot'ite motion of the Ventricle, it is exerted from the left to the right, from the beginning to the Termination. In Vomiting, it is agitated as it were with Convullive Motions, wherein the Stomach molt violently Contrarfteth it felf by the molt flrong and joynt Motion of all kinds of Fibres, beginning to 3% their part near the @ylorws; the bottom toward the Origen, and afterward into the Gulet and Month, to disburden it felf, by quitting the importunare follicitations of Pituitous, Saline, and Acid Recrements. The third rcqnilite Condition (quickning the Expullive Power of the Ventricle ) is a troublefome Object, giving a difcompofurc to its fine Com- uni cornmcncethcir Orifice in Purging, do lirl't narrow the Cavity of the Stomach about its be- page, as framed of delicate Nervous Fibrils, endued with molt acute Senfe; ginning, and fo downward toward the Termination of it; and the other about tl'e left Orlfice, and l'odn more do .\ nward [l r": bottoint, W Stcmich, In Vomiting the iihrrs he. lide, in Vomiting, the Contraition of the Fibres, firlt take their rife about the right Orifice, and by ftrong Concuilive Motions, protrude the ofenfivc Matter toward the left Orifice and Gulet, and f0 into the Mouth: So that whereupon the reliques of Concoétion, or any preternarnral Acid, Saline, or Bilious Humors, or a quantity of crude Chyle (commonly called Phlegm) or any putrid over-fermented Matter, or any other Contents, that are trou~ Moti. blefome Guefis, fpeaking a difiurbance to the Stomach, put it upon it is very plain, that the Stomach being afflicted wrth fome Bilious and Acid Humours, gningy a high difcompofurc to its delicate frame ali‘réled on, to free it felf from annoyance of various ill Recrements ; whereupon the Annular, Right, and Oblique Fibres being highly aggrieved, do {trongly With a molt acute lenlation , doth throw them from one Orifice of c the Ventricle to the other, eflhéled principally by the Circular Fibres (enand to move contract themfelves in brisk concufllve agitations, from the Termination to the rouarl the left. ' ‘ ' ' I circling the whole Stomach ) afiilted with the right Fibres, comprefling the Stomach longways, and the Oblique Fibres being feared between the Cir- cular and right Fibres of the Ventriclc, do alfo participate a middle aé‘tion and in their Contraétion, do contribute to each of their Motion' and iii Purging by commencing their action about the Origen of the Stomach do by rendring its Cavity more narrow, fqueefe the Contents of the Ventiicle towards its Termination, and from thence through the P lotus into the , y hrli‘. Intelline. Having given an account how the motion of the Contents of the Sto- The afticn of Purging and Vomiting it performed by the inynt concurrence oh" the various Fr. brcs of the S'omach. force troublcfome Recrements, into the Gulet and Mouth. And this ingrare object ( treating the tender Confliturion of the Stomach with much unkindnefs) is full of variety : As firfli, Acrude unaétive Phlegm, a Pituitous Matter, with the Produéts of an ill Concoétion, becaufe then it innit, be a crude Chyle, caufed by a cold and moil'c Temper of the Stomach, or by fome unnatural Ferment, or the debilitated Tone of the Ventricle, not able to retain the Meat and Drink in a due manner; whereupon the Alimentary Liquor, not well attenuated and digefied, is thick and clammy, and being heavy, would naturally incline toward the bottom of the Stoa aftedfrom the left Orifice to the right: My inrendmenr at this time iito mach, or at leafl will be lodged in a. quantity in the Cavity of the Stomach, and not equally line the whole furface of the inmof'c Coat of the Ventricle, other, as giving a greater lirefs to the Fibres, which is performed bV movmg of the matter contained in the Stomach upward, as it is commonly ap- prehended, but more truly if rcfpeét be had according to the firuarion of the Stomach, the Contents are forced in Vomiting from the Termination of it to the Origen‘, and in deep Vomiting, the Fibres of the 9140denum, firl't begin the fcene of Motion, throwing up the bilious Recrements, tranfmitred out of the Liver by the Hepatick Du& into the Inte- as is molh apparent in this dull Phlegm, invel'ting its third Tunicle, which is fhnes, and afterward through the @ylom-s, into the lower part of the Stomach, wherein the Fibres in Vomiting firl't celebrate their Motion and from , thence carry it on briskly toward the ‘Origen of the Stomach. And the aftion of Vomiting is produced as well as that of Purging-a 13)" the concurrent Contraétioti of the Circular, Right, and Oblique Fibres, wherein fome lurrounding the Ventricle, do leflhn the wholeCircuit 0f its So that this grofs vifcid Phlegm, equally incrufiing the inward Tuniclc of the Stomach, cannot be produced in it, but mutt be Tranfmirted thither , ' Cavity Another rt- quifite attcrr dint: the Expulfivc Faculty of the Stomach, isa troublefome objefl irritaé ting the Fibre: of the SL0mach. Origination of the Stomach: So that its bottom being lifted up, and the fides clapt clofe together with nimble Vibrations, do throw up with great mach IS mannagcd downward, ( as it is commonly called) but in truth is explain the oppofite Motion, which is more unnatural and violent thbnthc Vomiting is 3 kind of llrong Convulfive agitation of the Fibres. fo that the brisk motion of the Stomach, is carried toward the left Orifice, and thereupon driveth the Contents of it with a molt Violent agitation from motion ' 331 Cavity round-ways, and other Fibres taking their courfe from Orifice to equally overfpread with this glutinous Matter, to enwrap this naked Tunicle ; which elle, upon every little grating of the Contents, or from Acid or Bilié ous Humours, this tender Coat would be galled, and the Extreamities of the Capillary Arteries wounded, and Opened, often happening in flrong Vomirories, and other firong and noyfome Draughrs, given by Quacks, and una skilful Praétifers, not Well verfed in the Rules of Phyfick. of Catarrh, either by fome other way, which cannot be eFFeéted by way dropping from the Tonfils, and Oral Glands, or Expeé‘torafed 01-1! 0f the fwallowed Lungs, through the Afpem Arteria into the Mouth, and thence down through the Gnlet inro the Ventricle, which being fuppofed, mufi be colle&ed Variety of i3: Objects do on fcnti the Sn) math, |