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Show Of the Ovaries or Tia/lick; (yr Ill/0mm. Book I. m terminate, do fend two or three Branches into the Tellicles. The Fperma- tick Arteries are more numerous than the other, as they relate to the Ovaries, near which they are divided into two or three Branches, and are fub- divided again into more and more Ramulets, at lafi infertiug themfelves, not only into the Coats of the Tel'cicles, but into their Glands and Coat of the chicles. which thefe Arteries Enamclwith fruitful Divaricarions, in the manner of Eggs of Filh and Yolks of Hens Eggs. and fport themfelves Arteries, are Aflociates of the Veins Thei Spermatick Tin \Siisrma. . . . ems of . tltk Book I. Part IV. 0f the Ovaries or Ttflic/erof Women. 591 The Glandulous Subfiance is an Aggregate Body, confifting of Preparing Thcmmm" Arteries and Veins, Nerves and Lymphatduéts, whereof fonie Import Li- Egg???" quor as the Arteries and Nerves, Vital and Nervous Joyce into the Paren~ "‘6 Ogiii'": chyma of the Glands, and the Veins and Lymphzedufts do carry Blood and Lympha out of them. The ufe of thefe Glands adjoining to the Veficles, is to beSecretories of Thcufcofth: various Liquors, Blood and Succm Nutricz‘m brought in by the Extremities 852:?" of Arteries and Nerves into the body of the Glands, that the more {Oh and in Ovaries. in various Divarications through the body of the Telhclcs, and no where In- fine particles of Blood and Nervous Liquor being fevered from their Recre- ofculate with the Spermatick Arteries, by reafon their Extremities are implanted into the Parcnchyma of the Tefticles to receive the Blood and carry it toWard the Heart, afterit hath bedewed the Subfiauce of the Ovaries, Which merits may embody and be tra‘nfmitted by the inoft Minute Ducts of the Coats of the Veficles, to beget and repair the decayed Seminal Liquor it could not Cfl'i‘a: if the Vital Liquor was tranfmitted immediatedly out of the Preparing Arteries into the Veins by mutual Perforations. progrefs in a. more I'craight pofition without any Marauders or Flexures, which are Very obfervable in the Arteries, The ufe of the Spermatick and Hypogafirick Arteries is to import Blood into the Subftauce of the Tefiicles, in order to give life to them and 2"ka prepare a Nlatter to propagate and repair the Spermatick Matter in the \'eficles when it is exhauPced by Generation, by the tranfmiflion of the Impregnatcd Veficles or Eggs through the deferent Veffels, the Fallopian Tubes into the bofom of the Womb. The ufe of the Spermatick Veins is to reconvey the Blood (toward the ‘ jhhs Heart) not ufeful in the Glands of the Tefticles, for the Generation and fupport of Genital Matter enclofed in the Veficles of the Ovaries. The Nerves of the Tellicles are of two forts, the one is derived from letNtrvrs of Nerves high}: OW the Far Vagnw, and the other from the 01 Satmm ‘, both thefe kinds do furnifh the Ovaries with fruitful Rarifications of Fibres, which arcin- ft-rted both into the Glands and Coats belonging to the Veficles of Seminal Liquor, called 0714 by the late Auatomifis The ufe of theft: Nerves is to convey Suctm Nutricim into the Subfiance 1'- of the Tefiicular Glands, where it incorporates (as I humbly conceive) with the more mild parts of the Blood, and enobleth it in order to generate the Seminal Liquor conferved in the Veficles, until there be a ufe of it. {uglgm, reafon they are all minif'terial to the Veficlcs, as conducive to the propaga_ tion of the Seminal Liquor conferved in them. Thefe Veficles, the nobler parts of the Ovaries, are teplcnifhed with di- Ttheficlts vers kinds of Liquors difcriminated by various Colours, tome Yellow , 32:23:: others Cryftalline and Tranfparent like Water, and others are Wheyifh or 219;: "iii" whitilh in Hue; molt of which are unkindly, and one only 'is natural, snors. which is of a Tranfparcnt Colour, fornewhat refembling the white of an Egg in Colour, and is fomewhat thinner in Confidence, as the Semen of VVomen is more watry than that of Men, by which it is rendrcd more ex. alted as endued with more active Fermentative Principles. Whence may be eafily inferred that the ufe of the 0m, lodged in the Tefticles of Women, is to be a material Caufe in the Formation of the Fae1m, which being exalted by the Seminal Liquor of the Male, is an efficient principle of Generation, giving an Efl‘ervefcence to the Faaminine Veficles, b vigorous Fermentative Elements, productive of Conception. Theft: Velicles of the Tef'ticlcs may be truly fiyled Eggs in reference to Th! Vtficlcs the great Analogy they hold in likenefs with the Eggs contained in the 32:33:; Ovaries of Birds, by reafon thefe Veficles are filled with Liquor (much refembling the white of an Egg ) which being boyled is Concreted into a White folid Subftance, the fame in Taft, Colour, and Confidence, with the white of 3 Birds Egg, coagulated by the heat of Fire. The Lyinphatduéts relating to. the Ovaries are made of a thin Tranfpiarent And it is of no great importance, that thofe of Women are not im- Tunicic, and have their roots arifing (as I fuppofe) out of the Tefiicular Glands, and afcend and branch themfelves into the Coat of the Ovaries, mured within thick and hard Shells as well as thofc of Birds, appointed by Nature to fecure them from outward violence of cold Air, as excluded the and from thence take their progrefs the neareft way (as I humbly COH‘ "term of the Fowl, whereas the Eggs of Women encompaffed with a foft Membrane, are laid in the warm bed of the uterus to preferve it againft the ceive) toward the common receptacle. The Life of the Lymphzedué‘ts is to receive the thin Recrements of the 3:563:35: ‘ Nerves and Arteries conveyed out of the fubl'tance of the Glands, wherein l ‘ the more pure parts of the Nervous and Mild Vital Liquor is difpofed of ThtGlanrls 3,2;}*"0"' , The Veficles belonging to the Ovaries, are the end and of hi," 1?"th" ta, Glands, by andperfection as Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphaeduéls the other parts, The Spermatick Veins are much fhorter than the Arteries, as taking their Theufcoftlm encircled with the thin Tunicles of the Veficles. by Nature in order to the production of Albuminous Matter of the V6ficles, and the thin fuperfluous Lympha is admitted into the Origen of the Lymphaedufl's feared in the Glands of the Tefiicles. The Globules of the Tefiicles appertaining to Women, are Bodies made up of many Minute Glands, and every one of them is encircled with a proper Coat, and are f0 clofely conneéied to each other by many fine Liga- ments, that they feem to conflitute one entire Glandulous Subfiance enterwovcn with the Veficles of the Ovaries. ‘ The feverity of ill Accidents. Eggs may be difcovered not only in Birds but in all kind of Viviparous as Eggsartfound well as Oviparous Animals, as all forts of Fill), Fowl, Quadrupeds, as Knailhflgflm Cows, Sows, Bitches, Hares, Cunneys, Squirrels, Polcats, Hedghogs, Potcupines, (9%. Curious de Graaf hath made many good Obfervations upon Difiisftions, how the Eggs of the feveral Animals differ from each other, and that the VCifels of the Tel'ticles relating to Cunneys and Hares do not exceed aRape- feed in Dimenfions, and are fo little in fome Animals that they can fcarce be difcovered, and Coition and Age make great alterations in the Eggs of feveral Animals, and though they be very minute in younger Creatures, yet they grow |