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Show 52 2 0f the Tcfliclcr of Man. Book I. Part IV: Divaricarions, both this and that way, through the whole fubf'cance of the Teliicles; and their Capillary Extreamities are open to give a reception to the Blood, unufeful to the Teflicles, and to reconvey it upward into the Trunk of the Cave, and from thence into the right Cii'cern of the Heart. 39:31::fo The Tell-icles have fruitful Nervous Fibres, derivedpartly from the 'Par and their ri‘f'c- Vagum, and partly from the Spine, and more immediately from the lower Abdominal Flex 3 as Learned Doé'tor Wharton hath oblerved, in which the Nervous Fibres are varioufly interwoven and conjoyned, and the Nerves fpringing out of the Flex, do alibciate with the Arteries and their Divarications, to fecure them from being intangled one with another; and the Nerves, the lower they defcend, grow more numerous, and do impart many Fibres into Coats, invefiing the Tefiicles, and at length being prOPagated to their Ambient parts, do feem to be expanded into a Membrane, and conftitute the Albugineous Coat, from whole upper furface, divers Fibrils are tranfmitted into the Nervous Dué‘ts, which is a fair Tube compofed of them. (iiiisLnyi‘iE‘cm' The Lymphazduéts furnilhing the Tei'ticles, are more in large Animals, RTE?" accommodated with fair Veflbls, and do [item to take their rife from the Tunicles encircling the Tef'ticles; but in truth, as I humbly conceive, they Book I. Part IV. 0f the Teflzc/er of Wan. tluc‘tive of the Seminal Liquor, from whence they borrow the title of Se- minal Ducts, and are a Syfieme of many Minute Vefléls, that are Colatories, by whofe help the more gentle and delicate ate feparated from the Fibrous, and fliarp parts of the Blood, in reference to the produéiion of Semen. Thcfc Seminal Tubes, are Nervous Dué‘ts, taking their rife near the Albu- Thmkmh‘ gineous Coat, in the ambient parts of the Teiticles, and are from thence fjg‘ifl‘xfi propagated into their more inward fubflance toward the common Duct1 in- mm" to which thefe Seminal Dué‘ts do difcharge their Liquor, and then into the Paraiiats, and Deferent chfels; which being tied, the motion of the Seminal Liquor, is fupprefied toward the Veficles, the Repofitories of it, whereupon the Seminal Duets grow Tumefied, and offer themfelves to the Eye of, the Speétator. Perhaps this Experiment may feem too mean, and unworthy of our Re- SLEEP}? mark, therefore I will propound, if you pleafe, a. more eafie one, wherein "‘FWMSC' the Seminal Tubes may be feen with lefs trouble and difficulty, by procu- 321.3%: ring the Tt‘fl'lClCS of the greater Dormoufe, in which through the Albugi< ‘1". neous Coat as being tranfparent, the white Seminal Veilels may be feen; which being difpoiled of the Albuminous Coat, and thrown into a Bafon full of Water, a little [titted up and down, a profpeé't will prefent it felf as 5:533:38 afterward accompany the Veins, and do enter into the CaVity of the lowefl‘. ‘mApartiment, and thence take their courfe toward the Mefentcr}, and at lafi full of pleafure as admiration. to that the whole Compage of the Tei'ticles, icemeth to be framed of innumerable fmall White Veifels, which appear as clear as Light, without the aflifiance of Art. ditcharge their Liquor into the common Receptacle. The [,ymphaeduéts of the Tefiicles, as well as Veins, are accommoda‘ It any Pcv-fon ihall be fo curious as to demand the Original of thefe Sea minal Ducts, Renowned De Graaf, will ingenuoufly inform him, that he ted with many Valves, difcovered by mofl: Ingenious Mr. Stew, and are rendred very confpicuous, when the Lymphzduéts are big with Liquor, and then thefe fine Veffels appear as it were joynted and knotty, where the Valves are feared. An ExperiLearned De Graaf, a Perfon very inquifitive into the fecrets of Nature, could never arrive upon a diligent fearch to the difcovery of them, becaufc HESS? proceed from their Glandulous fubflance, and pafs thence to the Coats, and mfimgflff ""5": iiririiiigiiig' giveth an account of a Memorable Experiment, whereby he rendred the 3L they are apt to break, when they are traced with a gentle Hand, near their Origen, by realon of their great finenefs and tendernefs; whereupon the belt way to difcem the beginning of thefe White Velfels, may be effected in the Tefticles of a Dormonfe, through whofe tranfparent Albugineous Coat, you may fee the firPt rife of thefe Seminal Tubes, near the infide of 332"";‘2‘535 Lymphatduéts of the Tefticles more evident, by faftning a Ligature upon the albugineous Tunicle in the ambient parts of‘the Tefiicles, near the Ex- ms. the Spermatick Veffels with the Lymphxduéis, at the dii'tance of four Fin- rrcamities of the Spermatick Arteries. gers breadth from the Tefticles : And in Cattle new killed, a dilcovery may be made without a Ligature, becaufe the Lymphatdué'ts do fwell, as being full of Liquor, without the afliftance of Art; and two days after the Cattel The termination of thefe Seminal Veliels, are more obvious to the Eye, then their Origination, by realon when they have made many Circurnvoiutions, they end into fix or feven large Ducts , as De Graaf doth conteive. And as I)0a'0r Wharton will have it, they terminate into one common Duc't, 3,1393%Siminal Vet‘1:55:33; 3:33;" plainly enlarged upon a gentle handling of the Teiticle : Whereupon it may be inferred, that the Lympha, moving upon the foft comprefiion of the Tefiicl'e, doth flow from the inward fubi'tance of the Teflicle. and afterward make many Gyres, and Spires, refembling thofe of Serpents, I And the Lymphzduéis being fwelled ( as this Learned Author hath inti- The ufe of thefe various Maeanders attending the Seminal Vefl'els, is to bring the Genital Liquor by a {low -'Motion, perfdrmed in thefe various Labyrinths of Vefiels, to agreat Confidence; which being accomplifhed, the have been ilain, the Preparing Veffels being tied, the Lymphxduéis were mated in Libra dc wirorum Organir) if they be cut off above the Ligamre near the Tel'ticles, no Liquor contained in the Lymphazduéts will deflil. be- caufe the Valves hinder the flux of it downward toward the Tef'ticles, but if the Vef'l'els be cut of? between the Ligature and the Tei'ticles, whatfoever is contained between the Apertion and the Tefticles will oufe out; whiCh plainly argueth, that the Lympha cloth flow from the Tef'ticles toward the common Receptacle, and not from the Abdomen toward the Teiticlesr And there Glafldlllous bodies, not only adorned with Arteries, Vein-"b $3512???" "'rliiiinsfaxe Nerves, Lymphxduaa but alfo with other more proper Veffels, then any or Eels, when they turn and wind their Bodies into divers Spiral Wreaths, to move from place to place. . ~ numerous white VeHels diIEharge their Liquor (as I conceive) into one 3mm}??? common Duet, through which it is tranfmitted into the neighbourin Para- "airman: flats,wherein after fome flay, it is- receptive of a farther Maturity; w eteup- 5:me on it' is difpoiled of its Alli-coloured hue,and clothed with 2 more white aray. om" ‘ And the Teiticles are many Minute Glandulous Bodies, as fo many Sy- fiemes of Arteries, Vei'ns,‘ Nerves, Lymphaeduéts, and Seminal Tubes, interlined with a white {pungy Parenchyma. . bi'cthei: if}: of thefc, which make Up a great part of the fubftance of the Tefiicles, .4an Having already Treated of the Origen, Proeefé, Divaricat‘ians, of all the fpeak them much to participate of the nature of Glands, and are the print:pal ingredients of the Terticles, as being endued with a faculty chiefl gou we Veflels, my Concern at this time, is to {peak fomewhat of the Parenchyma, as an appendant to thefe numerous Veffels, the Channels of Various Liquors. ' M ' i 7 Many ""1"" . |