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Show 0f the Lips. ‘ Part II. and Stomach, whole Fibres being contraé'ted in Vomiting; the motion is thence communicated by the mediation of a Common Membrane to the Upper Lip, caufing a Tremulous Motion, the forerunner of Vomiting. And the Lips are not only compofed of a Skin and Membrane, but all'o mingplgni-fii; of molt tender Flelh, interfperled With numerous Minute Glands, of feve. ii‘sniiciii.m ral lhapes and lizes; which being obfirué‘ted by grols Recrements lodged in their fiibftancc, do produce Scrophylous Tumors, which I have frequent. ly feen in the Evil. News)" 2os of a Holybut, not unlike the Orbicular Mufcle in Humane LipS'7 and Lin; der this narrow thick Membrane, is placed a thin Glandulous fubliance, every way encloling the entrance of the Mouth. The Orbicular Mufcle in a Humane Body, ‘ lodged in the Center of the Mufcles, belonging to the upper and lower Lips, is an univerfal Anta~ gonift to all the Mulcles, keeping them tight; and by giving them an equal hallancc, putteth them into a Tonick Poliure, by checking their ut~ moll Contractions ( to which they have natural inclinations) unlefs the Elgr'atOl‘S and Depreflors of the Lips are invigorated with additional fiipplies ly Red Colour, which render them very acceptable to the Eyes of the render them more tenfe and rigid, and by putting them upon Action, do Spectators. ' Thele beautiful Confines of the Mouth, have many Nervom Fibres, to open the Doors of the Month, by overpowering and relaxing the Filn‘ts, both of the upper and lower region of the Orbicular Mufclc, apper- give them Scnfe and Motion, and are feared between the Arteries and Veins taining, to the Lips. The Lips have divers Organs of Motion, fome common, and others Pig); mm," per, the lal'c are five pair, befide the Orbicular Mufcle, The firfi pair. giggly" according to gartboline, Diemerbrottk, take their boad origination from the; upper Mandible, which Learned Fallu iur afiigneth to! the Angles of the Eyes, and palling down a little obliquely, are inferred into the upper Lip near and into the Alae of the Nofe; and this Mulcle by many Fibres, dotli make various Contractions, whereby it doth move the upper Lip and No- of Animal Spirits, which making greater appulfes upon the Nerves, do This Mufcle hath its Velrels interlined with many finall Glands, feated if", om? near the infide of the Lips, not unlike little Grapes, growing about mrc «.1 the Confines of the Mouth: Thefe Glands are aflnociated with many blinded" Arteries , Veins , and Nerves, and have proper Excretory Duels (ten minating into the inner Skin of the Lips) by which they difcharge their Salival Juice into the Cavity of the Mouth, and principally when they are compreiied by the motion of the Lips and Teeth, in time of Maf'tication. The ulc- afligned to the Lips, when they are opened by the affil'tance of fish": the Mulizles, is to give reception to the Aliment, at the time of treating our Elves with Meat and Drink; or when we entertain each other with ufcfitl or 1)leala11t Dilbourfe, and fometimes when we clofe our Lips, to {peak firils upward. V Z§::,""i°3‘¥. The fecond pair of Mufcles appertainin to the u er Li borro fies. f M 1 its finall and flelhy origen from the upper lgVIandible, 25161? the Caviticvieiii the Cheeks are feared 5 and being overfpread with {tore of Fat do on both fides into the upper Lip, almol't in the middle, and in terminate an equal dif'tance from the firl't and third pair of Mufcles, and do elevate the upper Lip. Thethirdpair The third pair of Mulbles, fliled by Rial", Par Zygomatitum, being 0f Mm"- round and flefhy, taketh its beginning d proceflit jugzz/i, and del‘cendina obliquely through the Cheeks, doth end in the Confines of both CheeksD and are Adduétors of the upper Lip, drawing it obliquely upward. 3:59;? Llcs, 0f the Lips. The Lips are furnilhed with a company of Capillary Arteries, which being dilperfed through the Carnous Membranes, do give them that love. the laft of which are ordered by Nature to give reception to the Purple Li: quor, and reconvey _it to the Cd'I/d, and impart it to the right Ventricle of the Heart. ‘ Part I l; , _ The Fourth pair hatha broad Hefhy Origination, derived from the inferiot region of the lower Mandible, and is inferred into the middle of the lower Lip, and in its Contraction doth move it outward and downward. 1h, m, M The fifth pair allo- is endued with a flat Carnous beginninu Which it bor°* "Um" roweth from the (ides from the lower Mandible , and is extgnded fornetimes to the middle of the Chin, and climbing upward, is leffened inferted obliquely into the lower Lip near its Terminati by degrees, i3 on and in their CO'III‘tlmfilgns ilraw the lower Lip obliquely downwar d and odtward- MM We fir?" °‘" 331:: '3?lie common to both Lipsfconfillethlpdl- acafoFt Oil/intuit labwmm' WhICh being swim: of gin? glares‘runni fpungy fubllance, adorned With mm ng round its whole Circumference ', whenc e it is truly ie t tea at as encom allin tl the l iPs in natui‘e of thinéfieit g 18 Marge nt 0f the Mouth} and defing ‘ Round about the Skirt of the upper and lower Mandi ble, in a Holybllt; isieated a Nervous Membrane, very thick, reprefenting the Seamenl‘.‘ of 9CltClC,.CVCl‘y way above and below encirc ling the entrance of Fhe Mouth; and being furmlhcd with variety of flelhy Fibres, fliutteth up the Mouth ' of agreater grace to our Mouth, and Lineaments of our Face. The Mufcles named Quzdmii, from their Figure, are more truly fiiled Common, as being fubfervient to divers parts into which they terminate, and take their rife from the upper part of the Sternon, Clavicle, Neck and Scapula, and are inferred with oblique Fibres into the Chin, Lips, and Nofe: Thefe are Antagonifi Miifcles to the Temporal, which elevate the lower Madible, and clofe the Lips; and the ngazlmti aflifting the Diaga- firici, do in their joynt Contractions deprefs the lower Mandible, and open the Month, by parting the nether from the upper Lip, and the lower from the upper Mandible. Thole Mtilcles being Contextures of many carnous oblique Fibres, a great care mul't be taken in Incifions, leli they fhould be wounded in a crols Se- é'tion, whence the Spa/mm Cynicm doth partly arife, but principally from an involuntary Contrafiion of the Mufcles of the upper Lip. The Cheeks do make the tides of the Face, and are compofcd of the outward and inward Skin, and the Mufcles called Buntinararw, which are vulgarly afligned a pair of Common MtilEles, afligned to the Lips and other parts, and do borrow their origen from the top of the Goo‘tns belonging to the upper Mandible, and are terminated into thofe of the lower; {0 that I cannot imagine upon what reafon they are accounted the Common Mufcles of the Lips, when they have their rife and termination in the upper and lower Gooms, and therefore cannot ( as I conceive) be guilty of the Spdfimu Cynicw, which is a Difiortion of the Month. The ufe of thefe Mufclcs, is by moving the Cheeks inward in Mall-ica- Thcufcofthc Buccimum is tion, to thrufl; the folid. Aliment upon the Teeth, for the better Commi- tothruflthc nution of it. 323832;: Hhh And. "3' |