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Show Of the "Print! nit. 402 ,,,-,'_L 7L __.__7 V, 7, , Book I. Paid-I: Bool; I. Part ll. #K {II/ilfifllllly influx/2m: 11 1201125 11172671111121 nit/lam tin/c raw/ears; iii fl- arir/Imrcm im- llirrflc; "Which I humbly conceive, is not attended with a total privat'mn of Fl‘l‘t‘l'Vk Ilence, by reafon the Panereariclt juice is rendred unaétive as inli. pid 3 which if true, ll«)1V cometh the Sali'i‘al Liquor, which no Md" accountof eth Acid, to have 13) many active and fermentative Principles, made up \Vmir, or ‘i,yniplis_ticl; l iquor, impragnated with volatil and fixed Salt, and ham-e oily Particles, and upon this account will allociatc it felf with-Alinicnc (liltlklc up of warty, friline7 and fiiiphureous Elements) and open its both, and render it fit ior Colliqunrion in the Stomach. \Vlicnispon l do not" deem it renlomble to think, that Acids are neccllhry ji'l- i't‘<i=,iili:r:s in all Fermentations, which depend not lolely upon Acidity, but ; inion the mutual action and pallion of oppolltc agents, as they are conl'ti. tntcdof contrary principles, and difpofitions; ii) that Spirituous and Volatil, r "H‘ profs and fired Saline and Kulphnreous parts, without Acids, may labour to n-mS- iubdue each other, and reduce the dilagteeing and l-lctcrogeneous Elements, to an amicable temper for their mutual prefervation in the fame ftibjeft. T} c 1w ""715 Andlhuinbly conceive, that the l‘weetnefs, or infipidnefs at leafl of the i,‘ :iti LlKJ l'.increzitich juice, may be evinced by the teltimony of Senfe ( by the Lille) «in: r. 1, met tin,» \i‘lich if Well qualified, is .1 very good judge in difcerning the nature of its lm'i‘ mist. proper tiliiefls: And [do \‘erily belieie all Nlen that have good Palrires, ( .' i‘ :i \ulgat cxprellion ) will be of my Senle, if they talte this Liquor, in l. r; tn in: mepoll‘clled with a prejudicare opinion, which often overpowl'L‘tll our Senlc, and Reafon too Farthetmore, The fweetilh mture of the l'ancrentick l iquor, may be 1‘ "T"? i made good by the tal'te of the fubl'tance of the (Pancreas, which is very fweet and L‘lCllCltC, but upon a fuppolition, its Liquor is acid, its paffllge through c, . the body of the "Pancreas in its free firearm, would impart an acidity unto hty ol' "" its fubf‘tance, which very much oppofeth the Scnfe and Experience of all I'll-‘c mitiik juice. Men, that have tal'ced the delicate Dilh made of the Sweet-breads of feveral Animals, which have a fweet plezifant tulle. And it may be farther urged, with great probability of the favour of the fwcet talle of the Pancreatick juice, that it is compounded of the Recrcments of the'foft parts of the Blood, coming out of the Extreamities of the leiaek and Splenick Arteries, and of a gentle Liquor, dellilling out of the Tcrmimtions of the Nerves, fprouting in numerous Fibres out of the (Par Vagum, and the upper Abdominal Plex : 90 that thefe two Liquors, be- ing of a mild difpofition, are not produé‘tivc of a crabbed acid temper in the Pancreatick Liquor, which is fecemed in the Parenchyma of the @am'rmr, from the more refined and folt parts of the Viral and Nervous Juice, and is received into the Extreamities of the Excretory Vellels, feated in thenumcrous fimll Glands near the beginning, and in the ambient parts of the (Pancrmr, and f0 conveyed through the common Dué‘t into the Duodenum, in order to refine the Chyle, and extract the crude Alimentary Liquor, blend- ed with the reliques of Concoétion. C H A P. XLVIII, 0f [/20 Pancreas of 7304/23, mm' other flnimalx. Hc (Pancreas of a Lion, is much different in Figure from that of other "C" Animals, and beginneth in a {traight courfe ( as lfaw in a Lion "Fm"Dilleéted by two Learned Phyficians, Doé‘tot Edward Tyflm, and Doctor Shier) and afterward taketh its progrefs in a crooked manner, in which it formeth a kind of Circle 1-. ,T P r 7 As to its Magnitude, its But-end 'l- is much larger then the other, in NM". which are feared many finall Glands +, and afterward in the more narrow '5 l" b b" part are lodged larger Glands 1"; and the whole Circumference of the @imrrmo- licrc. ofa l ion, is befet with numerous Glands, as f0 many Colatories of the Blood. The ‘Pancren/s of a Caftor ( as obferved by Learned Web/2W) is very nar- row and reddilh, where it is conjoyned to the Duodwmw, and 7471mm", and as feated under the Splenick Veffcls, is more white and thick, and in all of two F‘pans in length. The Farmers in a Tigre, is divided into tWo parts, f0 tlmt it fecmeth to mum", be a double "Pancreas, the {horror part is carried to the Spleen, and under "H"W' the Stomach, and the longer following the progrefs of the Dnodezmm, and 7ejumtm, is endued with the length of a Span and half; and the I'm- treM of this Animal confiltiiig two of Leafes, hath zi double l'nticreaticlt Duel, which in truth, fpeaketh it :1 double Pancreas: As we faw in a \Vonmn lately Dillified in the Theatre of the Colledg of Phyficisms. This Bowel is redder in a Dog, then in a Woman, and doth fomewhnt ;[,";',P,"‘;;"" i tend to a Semicircular Figure, and its Duél is inlL‘rted into the 7911711101, zit two Fingers breadth dil'tance from the Hepatick ingl‘cfs into the fame. The Timrrms of a Hate, ( according to ! earned Stella) is carried from the Thcl'xirws Cuts under the Stomach, toward the left lide, and is in a great part affixed "I "lam to the Spleen, and then defcends between the Guts, upon :1 Branch of the Mttlliraick Vein, and is inferred into the 7rjmmm, at a great diltunce from the infertion of the lleptitick Duc‘t The ‘l‘am‘rcm of an Otter, is very fmall in Dimenfions, and is hucd with ThePJm‘reu a deep red, fomewhat inclining to a LiVid Colour, and its Duét is inferred ""0"" into the 7rjimum. The Tami-m1: of an Ape (Diffcé‘ted in the Colledg Theatre) Was enduJ ed with an oblong, Hitl'lll'), and crooked Figure 'l‘, and its Origination + confining on the Spleen, was much greater then the body, ending in finaller Dimcnlions +, which were attended with .1 But]: infettcd into the 9120- denum. The Faun-em- of a Cat, is much akin to that of other Animals, and is divided into [WU Lubes, as in :1 Dog, Ape, (fit. and upon that account, may 4 , be thought to be .1 double Tamra". This part in a Civet Cat, doth more refemble that of a Man, by rcafonit 15 fingle, and warmth the long Lobe found in a Dog, and Cat, (5% This 2335‘" ins-Rub11.122131. 3:29:51!» 1 ' :rhi fill-1M C"- |