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Show Of My yDiviyi/erof the (Te/lid", &c. Boole I. Part 1V; Book I. Part IV. ii, as having its Velicles rcudred big with a quantity oi excrementi, tious warty Particles, making its dimenlions far exceed the due limitsof Nature. . . The Hydropicli dilafii-c'lion of the Velicles relating to the Ovaries, doth indicate gentle Hyrlmgogues, purging the warty recrements of the Blood, as allo gentle Diureticks and drying Apozemcs of (bum, Cuaimm, Sqfldfly, mixed with Pine, Pirre,\Vatercrelles, Brook-Lune, (9:6. as alfo Medicines prepared with Steel. which take their rile, as I conceive, from the Chymous and Eerous parts of the Blood conveyed into the Clandulous and Membranous parts of the Ovaries, and thence by their Minute Pores, into the Cavrtlcs of the Vefi. cles, wherein the laid Chymousand Serous parts are Concreted into a thick Sublhnce, relcmbling lometimes a fatty, and othcrtuncs a Pultaceoug Matter. Bonnetm giveth a Hiliory of this cafe, Anatom. ‘Prtzfi. L11). 3. 8267, 33. 01% Ait quwdam zmte pluria‘ amzar torrupta ti Vcncrir u/u forte .d quartzz. olinabflizmit . ille, VarizzrPut/la aflicrfiouir I-lfli‘crirm Syn/planing fulfill: fi/rcc mun.- Tana Afi‘wlunKS. dcm immune! in I-Iypqqnflrio c/olarer, merur dim, Vigi3-Illl(lif referral", imprimis dcxlrurfum, lull/L5 [rammrli made/i5 pull/r/rn‘mf: Dze 3. 05197er deter/m, tabidam iII'Z/t'lli damn/Mme)", Iltnlilllli/l oficndcbat cm: dcxtrum, mfligm mmrrimenlix (llgiti timz malleolnm relinmr, fi/ziflro quot! PI‘IH/S. mum/1mm, extreme emaciam : Inflation ctiam era! AIM/omen, 011016;".th priorzbus cxmbcrxmliis, Stelctozz dixiffcr: Die [cplz'mo 0570/2ri5 Ail/1i 1 660, Circa [20mm qwrtam mat/4‘ final/z. Armor qrmdraginfa never/z 7mm obiif. . Aperto Cashmere, [‘[tprrlir cmwtxum, Izltcflilm frllflrl, Livia/4 ('Jv (Naught- [CL X X V. 0f the ‘Priflcip/cr and Manner of generation. ‘ The Telticles of \V omen are alfo obnoxrous to Steatomes and Atheromes, The ohlltut‘imnof the pnparing thlrls vr rth a viltidc Mat- C H A P. fioflt apparwrimt, in (/umto Slcrtore plemz Vafit Spermdtita prepm'anna Semi/7e A/bngineo, Vi/Eiz/o, Six/zettrulco plemz emu! : Ttfler, llleri Tithe, Vtzflz deferrmziz Vefim‘ Semi/idler, 02mm impmm illcc Ptll‘lt'f Sen/inc infirm minim in madmn Imigclmnr, in: MI in qziihufdrzm inroéiztm, in aliir omniuo extofhtm, traffmzz Album (9* Nanmz/e in a/iis fim in; inc/uramm eflct m‘ Steiztoma referrct. This Learned Author giverh not only a Hiltory of the Ovaries clogged with an Indurated Seminal Liquor, producing aSteatome, but alfo of a Com< plication of Dileales appertaining to the parts of Generation, as the preparing Vell‘els l‘tufl'ed with a white vili‘ide and blcwilh Seed, and the Tubes or Deferent Vellels were overcharged with it. Sometimes the Ovaries, the Preparing and Deferent Vellels are rendred Turgid, with a. highly Concreted Liquor (1'72 Gyfflam duriticm Conga/41.0) relismbling Plailler by region of its hard Conlifience, which is attended With violent Hyllericlt Fits, and a great Delirium. He Omnipotent Creator out of a generous difful'ive Principle of doing Good, in Communicating himfelf to another, hath made Man ori- ginally like himl'elf, by imprinting on him a divine Character of his own Image, and hath not only enobled Man in Creating him like himfeli, but hath endued him with a Communicative Nature in giving him an Appetite and power to procreatc his own Image in begetting fomewhat like himfell, in imparting his Being to another, wherein he becometh [Emulous of Eternity by Propagation, in perpetuating his Eflence to his Progeny in a continued Series of Generation, which could not be accomplilhed by Man alone ; whereupon the All-wife Agent out of kindncfs to him, made "/0man as a {it help for him, not only for Convcrfe, but Enjoyment too, to Cornpenfate the death of one by the propagation of another, which is effeé‘ted by choice Liquors proceeding from both Sex mutually allociating and affilting with various Fermentative Elements exalting and fetving each other as efficient and material Caufes, cooperatingin mutual embraces, minilterial to the conception and Formation of a Faatm. The chief Seminal Liquor is that of Man's, which is white and frothy, (impregnated with Spirituous and Volatile Saline Particles) proceeding from Blood impelled by the terminations of the Spermatick Arteries into the lubfiance of the Tel'ticles, wherein the more milde Porous Particles of the Vi- tal being embodied with the Nervous Liquor, and elaborated in the rParemhyma oi the Tcfiiclcs, are afterward received into the Roots of Seminal Vellcls, and From thence carried through the Paraflats and deferent Vefi‘els into the Seminal Veficles and Profiats, as the receptacles of Genital Liquor. This Seminal Liquor is compounded of two parts, the one thin and fpirituous, impregnated with Volatil Saline parts, and inl'pired with Animal Spirits, which are the efficient and Architeétonick caufe 5 the other parts of this Liquor are the material caufe the more grofs faline, fulphureous and earthy Particles, which do confine the more Spirituous and Volatil Atomes from quitting the bounds of this choice Elixir. The Seed of Woman is more cold, watry, and crude than Man's, as de- The Lady of :r I'erlbn of Honour was highly afliiéted with great Suffocations of the Womb, and high Convullive Motions, much dileompoling the Brain, as accompanied with a Delirium, and Death. A care of Su {fucations and Conr‘ulfivc Motions, can: (2.! by the Sroppagc of (h: Vlecls anal Tribes of the \Vomb by a Concretcd Seminal Li. quot. And afterward her Body being opened, the Organs of Generation were highly difafefied, To that the Teliicles and the Spermariclt Veilels and Tubes of the Womb, were dilcovered to be overburdened with a Seminal Liquor, in Gypfcam foliditatem Com‘rcto, which I conceive, proceeded from foine Chy- inous and Serous parts of the Blood (confederated with the Seed) as confifiing of faline and earthy Atomes, cemented with vifcide Matter. CHAP. rived from the crude Chymous and Serous parts of the Blood, ( feparated from the red Craffiment in the Glandulous Subflance of the Tel'ticles,) whereinghe Albugineous Particles of the Vital Liquor do allociate with the Sum" Nutria'ur, and complcat the body of the Seminal Liquor, which is highly exalted by the Animal Spirits, giving it fermentative difpolitions; So that the Cryl'callinc parts of the Blood being enobled by the aflociation of the Nervous Juice ouling out of the termination of the Nerves in the @4rcmbyma of the Glands, are received through the Pores of the Vcficles into their Cavities, where they are preferved as in fafe Repofitories, till they become impregnated after Coition by the more Spirituous parts of Man's Seminal Liquor, rendring it more exalted and fruitful. q Having given a {hort delcription of the Seminal Mafculine and Faemis nine Liquor by thcmfelves, I will now thew how they confederate with Ttttttt each Man i: crrrtcl after Gail's Image, and hath a poncr [ubzgctlbmr‘v what lithim(elf. The Elements of Man's Scrd uhich cunnil- eth of the more mrldc parts nf the Blo d and Nzrrous Juice. he Ma ‘cuIin: Sccd hath ibinc parts Spirituous and Volatil. and others giol'sarrd rix. Th: Feminine Seed is more watry, crude and cold than that of Man." |