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Show Book 1. Pan Ill. 733)". Part III. ,\_ C H A P. X X l X. C H A P. Of [/10 ‘Ur‘ctcrr of other "Ilium/r. 0f the Drum, and their Tat/mlogie. I-le Ureters of Bealls, have great Analogy with thole of MM], both in their Orig/3n, Progrels, Connexion, Figure, Itiilttioil, and Ule, as it is verified in an Ape 'l‘. The Ui‘eters of an Fliridg 'l- , are carried in more Ptraight Lines, T then tholl' oi Man and llealts, and creep out of the Kidneys (which are very great and long in this Bird) about their Teriuinatious, and defecnd thence in a dirctfl courle, and inlert tlicmfcli'es into the Imeflimmr Redium. ln fiend oi. the Ureters of an Eagle, large Dufis are appointed by Na- ture, to com :‘y white Fxcrements into the Cavity of the lnlcfli/mm Roan/'11. As Letrned Barrie/Jim hath obferved in an Eagle, in thefe words: Kezm agniuir [mi/er, fed "on i111 i/zrurrz/i at (Rent! 7111130 e/fc filem‘. In/crior comm fluicr 'ltflzrm'ornm Carniflmillima : Ab [Jir wire ‘Urrrcmm (/tflrillelmr Ali/60 fit jililJ" amp/o 'Duflui Farrel/lentil albumin: in HIM/mm line/Hm ch‘li (117/111)! deporlili/f, 11/ Ill/i arm (hm/ambit: Imcfiimrmlz Excremcntir ‘jmthz flmul cxrlm/Mtztr, grind arr/I'm" gentrifalcmlr. T‘ielll ms The Urerers of a Storke, are large and long, and delcend on the (ides ""w'l‘k' of the Back, and are inferred into the hinder parts of the Tale/Inna" Realm, whole Termination is expanded into a large Cavity, endued with nmny uncvenneiles. Tliclll‘ilhllYY oftions, proceeding from different Matter; fometimes they are fluf- hiiicfriiwm fed with a Mucous, or Purulenr Matter, much hindring the flux ofSerous Li- m'mm' quot through (hell: Aquaeduéts, Mar/e exoritur imm'inuta urine excretia. The Cure of this Difeafe, doth indicate gentle Lenients, flippery Purgatives, joyned with Diureticks, as Medicines made of Cams, Tainatinds, the Lcnitive Electuary, mixed with Hollands Powder, and Turpentine, (9%) As allb Emollienr and gentle Diuretick Apozemes of the Opening Roots, Mallows, Marlh-Mallows, Pellitory of the Wall, Golden Rod, Saxifrage, (9w. As allo Emullions of the Cooling Seeds, given with feveral kinds of Tellaceous Powders , and above all,a great care mull be had ofnot giving firong Diureticks alone, whereby a great {ource of grofs Matter may be forced into the VeflEls of the Kidneys, and Ureters, and caufe a total fuppreflion of Urine, which often proveth fatal to the Patient. Sometimes the Excretion of Urineis abolilhed, proceeding in a great quan- Eire/skip; tity of Coagulated Blood, filling the Cavities of the Uretcrs, and intercepting 0.323%? the current of watry fuperfluities. Blm" My worthy Friend and Collegue, Doctor Allen, gave me an Inflance of of this cafe in a Patient of his, who firlt difcharged a great quantity of Blood through the umbm, and afterward laboured with a fioppage of Urine, vilra unite tlieiiifil'ies full in Trunks (making the Papillary Carunclcs) which and after divers excellent Remedies had been Adminiltred without fuccefs in this delperate Diliml‘e; the Patient refigned his Soul into the Hands of his Gracious Maker. The Aha/Mien being opened, and the Vifcera carefully infpeéted. to fee dill‘hargc theml‘dves into the Pelris, out of which ai'ile two Uretcrs 1'", (one belonging to each Kidney) which have their egrels near their Terminations, and are implanted into the Bladder of this Fill], near the Neck of it. The Kidneys oli an Pel beginning near the Gills, and take their progrel} on each lide o‘r the Spine in various \Vaves 'l‘, and at lali end in a Pyrami-v A ‘ clal Figure, and difcharge themlelvcs by Urcters, into the Izzle/limmz ReH cmw. ‘ A Carp is very remarkable for a Cruciform Proceli, (relating to its Kid. liC‘yS‘) our of which do l‘pront two Ureters 'l‘, which Like iheir progrels the caule of his Death 5 his Urerers were found highly diflended with a great: quantity of (7rumous Blood, hindring the courli: of the Urine, into the common Receptacle. Sometimes an Irkury is accompanied with great pains of the Loins, and Anlrkmcaa' fide of the Belly, derived from a Stone lodged in the Pelvis, and upper art $333524 of the Ureter7 whereupon enlued a total fuppreflion of Urine, the dire- °f"1‘ PM" all along the Kidneys on each fide. of the Spine 1‘, and are implanted into the Bladder of Ur near its Neck. A Co llin is iiirniihcc with a great company of Glands, engined with Fe- runner of Death. A worthy Doél'or of Phylick's Wife, having been long Tortured with fevere pains of her Back, and violent Vomitings, at lafi fell into a loll: Ex- ,I' rous Duels, rl=e Origens of the Ureters l, which are very limit in tlliS cretion of Urine, which could not be recovered by an excellent Courfc of Phylick 3 and [he in great Faith and Patience, lubmitted her felf to her Crea- Pllll, and are inferred into the Bladder, not far from its Origination. The lel‘t Kidney of a Flounder, is oi a Semicircular Figure, about whole Tcrminarionsmade in 3 Cone, a lliort Urcter 'l‘ creepeth out of the Kid- _,_ ' ney, and {nine limll (price after, is inferred into the Bladder 0F Urine.ATllpé‘l‘b‘lCh lmtll Kidneys, feared edgewile on both {ides or~ the rpm", I ‘ Him. and is hCCOINEHULlJECd with {hort Ureters 1-, imp-lmted into the Inn/imam ' "He Urcters are liable to divers Difafl‘eétions, as many kinds of Obfitu- Th: obflruflh A Porpell' hath Kidneys full of numerous linall Urinary Tribes, which Lid", 4' " X X X. -.C. l Cgil'lfl. A Crocodile birth long Kidneys, and bath long Dufts (lodged on each {ide of the Spine) which are very ‘fair, and carry down the worry 8610"5 Liquor, as inlerted into the Iflleflinum (Ream/‘1. The tors Will, in a happy departure. , V At the infiance of my Dear Friend,Learned Doctor Cox, I waited upon the dead Body of a. Phylicians Relation, to view the parts affected in this late deplorable Cafe'of Supprelfion of Urine; whereupon the Body being opened by a Skilful Chyrurgeo‘n, Mr. 74mm" Mullins, and the parts inlpe&ed, mo": of them appeared to be found, except the Kidneys, one of which was wholly putrefied, and its fubltance abfuined, and the other being cut open, a Stone was forced out of the Kidney into the Pelvis, and top of the Ureter, which wholly Ptopped up the pallage of Urine. Mmmmmm ' Sometimes |