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Show 0f t/ac Stomach 0/ ib'tm'r. Book I. Part ll. hliilclt‘s, curioully joyned to each other, by the interpolition of Fibres) b reafon every one of tliel'e Helhy Expanlions, is invelted with a proper lVlClb {mm} dmmng H from [[19 adjoyniiig Miilcles, and all of them have mm" l‘llJI‘CS, pafling down the depth of [l]Cln,~ which being contracted, do dim: the Lam/no cloler to each other, and lellen their Arches, and at lalt leilen tli ‘ . . v ' ' (4;. my oir the Lizard, and dalh the Aliment againl‘t the {ides of the C 211‘-C tilaqas The third pair of Mufeles may be named Tranfvetfe, (in referenc» to their htuanon) which take their Origen near the Margents of the Gizard ‘ ‘ take v and their progrefs crolsways, and end near the Tendons 2 feat CLl in ' the) V lllhiKllC ofihe Lizard. The firll pair of theft: Miifcles Jr is much the larger, and encompillcth . , - k ‘ the upper Orihce, and hath Seinic1rcular Fibres +, pallin0 the lCUUEll of , , . 3 this Mufcle, which contractingy themfelves gently, do protrude the t'Corn or other Aliment, into the Cavity of the Gizard : Thele Fibres if they do7 . ‘ w ‘ " brisltly more, do to far lelien the entrance of the Stomach, that the Ali menr cannot return into the Gulet, when it is thrown againli the liardiiiwud \Valls ol‘ the Gizard. ‘ The lecond 'l‘ranlverle I‘vliilcle 'l- is much leis, and ltautleth oppolite to the other, and is of a kind or flat Oval Figure, and hath many Semicircular n,_".~, .3" i. ‘ litany l ihies 'l , (reaching hom one Extreamiry to the other ) whichA nioving gently, do tranlinir the broken Aliment out of the Gizard into the hi- tthines; and it the fielhy Fibres be more lirongly contracted, they (hut up tht Ultra", and ltop PVOIIIlllnIlClll' \vlien broken againfl; the hard enclo_ A F ‘ 1/4' I "\ l' ‘. ‘ ' iures or the Stomach, ‘ii'om flipping out of it. ‘ Thole Traplrerlc lVlulcles, do emit many Tendinous Fibres, which beinguniteti, no make a fil'OIigf Tendon +, creeping under the other above which proceedetli from the Semicircular and l ateralMul‘cles , 1 thllc [ill-[XA'JDU log? TFendons Interlec‘ting each other, and feared above :21 ie ow in tie 1111‘ ‘ . ' x ‘ tliCy fltet'P , M'ill"I tlier l\/lLll:Cl€: ?'ion tthil airing guard) outEdith? of theirCCMCIS proper 0f places, Morions, in their as OPPO ILL , Oclolln bytmmum IC"title Thele Ti‘anfi " it :‘yulcle? 1 , INT-(lien i " )oynt i ' Motions, may (aslapprehen (‘wm-‘ 0y th‘ad 101is {o It ieii‘ Sciniciicular I. (Vi': r: ‘ " i ‘ the breadth oftlic hilircs,lelleii 1 , v] :1 i "Arizar , ant tieieliy relax the hemiCircular and Lateral Mull tits' "Ami narrow the CaVity of the Stomach long-ways; whereupon tliele Vparitius Mulcles may be called Aiitagoiiifls to each other, as havintr OPPOllfC ,. _ , , . b i IOthlL‘, by uhich they relax each other by reafon the Tranfve'l" Mulclcs [Iin their i. 1-conti'aéti _ ‘ 0 n 5:1 dLo l-ff) ( tn the breadth , by pulling ' the {ides nearer l L andi d"ie eii'Cireui' 1. ‘.ii‘ tan. ' . ateial, ' the length ' of the cavrty " i bV or‘ the (lizard, tar lllfj its hxtreamities more toward the middle I m Tlielirl‘t [i ,E ~ pan of Mulllcs ‘ ‘ being -' " ‘ ‘ I Figure ' ' of a EemiCirculat 1-, are conioynt'd iit X[l((1.1‘nltICS,.R11ClOtliCl‘ Margents of the oppofite Lateral Mulder, taint are lurpilhed 'VVltll many Fibres (full of Various Plexures and .NIULIIL- cit st) \\ iiclibeiiig contrafied, do {horten the length of the Lateral Muli (,5) fyflcoiiziprefltug their feveral Laminm ( into a narrow coriipals) which )L‘lll'g a 'n e to each other by Hefhy Fibres, ' and by tendrnous ‘ ' coverings (0 or the outuard lurfaces of the Cartilaginous Plates , do bring them nearer to 'ii/nu‘tl, asin fijCh other, and render them fit for crufhing the Aliment againfl' their hard aMul. ri es 3 miliichis_chiefly performed by various Laminar, or Mul‘cular Expan. ‘3V51(l:19l01y Joyned to each other) accommodated with different Fibres, it net emg contraficd after various pol‘tures, do lift up and Pull down the Cartilaginous Of 1/16 Stomach of ‘Birth, (lath ominous F icloliires, which do make repeated gratings upon the adja~ rent Corn C quenrly allociated with little Ftones, and other hard liib- ‘mnccg) \ by the Aliment is broken into linall Particles, as being liilt mt;l'.ilii:tl with a liquor del‘tilling out of the Glands, in its pailagc through the lithium. The great Parent of all things, out of His admirable ‘vVildom and Provi= e,to (lerctxliiirli gracioully ordered His Creatures, as {o many Rays of his Eilenc truu ved rh Inl' tri fit , ,ha con cnt t end lim and to tha be liiii ined by a proper nouril y h l: , merits, in reference to the extraction of an Alimentar Liquor and hat mol mals. An Inn prudently confiituted as many different Stomachs, as kinds of Ani ued itanoginay be given in the great variety of Fowl, lbme of which are end gh d with an appetite to Corn, whole nourilhing parts are immure with a tou ituted a. lit ApparaHusk, and Membranes; whereupon Nature hath wifely infl ch tus of Organs, to grind the Corn in the Gizard ( as in a kind of Mill) whi aions and tra ent fer con e s, ch dif hav EIe y whi iet Mul ed of h var nilh wit is liir flirnllht with tit organs to grind Cart nous Plates relemble \Vheels, whereby the Gizard incrufied with Cartilagi ny (as with two Milliones) is moved up and down, and allifted with ma d lie l s, dal d and era way ble fev ng n tum pon bei Cor reu , the nes whe lhiall Sto o ken int h, bro laft at mac is Sto ity the of aflainljt the hard lides of the Cav s - aipulpy liibliauce 3 which is firft prepared in the Crop, and the Bulbou iiib d a , ch out fen us nds whi d ero Gla h ndc num wit rou et fur l‘tance of the Gul e whitilli Liquor into the Cavity of Ecbimt/f, to inoilten and intenerat the The Corn :, prepared rii ii mm: CW and Erin»: t, with 2i Milky Hum-"H'hard Corn in order to Attrition, accomplilhed by the various agitations of Thefxlanils b: the Stomach, effected by divers lVIlllL‘l'CS, annexed by Tendinous Fibres to the Plates of the Gizardv The chief actors in this Scene of Motion, are the Lateral lvlufcles, confil'ting of~ many arched flelhy Expanfions, di‘effed with Various Fibres, acting in oppolite motions of Elevating and Deprelling, the hard [nctullations of the Stomach, parted by divers Filiiires ; wheretipon the Aliment is ground into linall pieces, which is much furthered by the Tranfvcrl‘e Mtilcles, lellening the Breath of the Stomach, and thereby making .1 Comminution of the Aliment, firl‘t broken by the various contraétions of the laminated, arched , flelhy Expanfions of the Lateral Mul‘clcs. The Scum, or Cartilaginous Plates, being of a Circular Figure "l3 are letting the Erbium, (lo emit .1 white Liquor to intenerate the Corn before it is ground in the Cavity of the Gizard hf Cartiluginous Plates. le-I9.Fl‘.3t Elli. lodged in the inward Receiies of the Gizard, and are endued with various Filiures Jr 3 and the Scutum of the right lide hath a Semicircular Ridg, or Prominence, feared near the tOp of it +; but the Scutum of the left fide, is adorned with a Semilunary Ridg, let in oppofite manner to that of the right fidc7 as being placed in the bottom of the Scutum -l- 1171.1;Fi.3, bbbb, 1-T1.19.Fi.3. 686?. 'sz._xg.Fir3; ffff. Tliele Cartilaginous Ridges of the Scuta, being feared oppofite to each us other, the one in the top, and the other in the bottom of the Cartilagino Plates, have the advantage to infinuate themlelves into the Cavities 'l' of the ‘lT1.rg. Figszf Seuta, whereby they enclolc the Corn, and dalh it againft the titles of the 3555' Cartilaginous Plates, to break it into {mall Particles. |