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Show g86 0f the Melcntery. Book I. Part II. ring the laéteal Veflels) meeting in Fourteen Branches, are at lafi implanted into the Right Melt-nterick Vein. , fliers-Cr Mt- bilan y linall Branches alfi) are inferred allb into the Left Mefenteric‘k Vein, iiliiiiiirivai- climbing out of the Left and middle part of the Mefentery, between the g;;1:_f};%j,_"""" Tuniclcs of it, among which the Hsemorrhoidal Internal is the chiefefi ( by red‘on the External is derived by the Hypogallrick Vein to the Cd'Z/rl ) which in its firli Orioen doth encircle the Arms with its Roots, and then albending Oft/Jc Melentery. 387 spleen, and Left Kidney; and in the Right Side into the Plexes of the liver, and Right Kidney ‘, and alfo emitteth many Branchesinto its own Subftance "mm, and Glands, and more numerous Fibres into the Intel'tines. A vertebral Nerve being imparted to the intercollal Trunk, is diflributed Nerve, 1m. ‘ ‘ ' ' la 1' into the Tcfler ficmmcz o‘urctm ; out of the region of‘ the Twenty feventh f,c"{f,‘tc‘;‘fg_ ' e l,‘ K : Verteber of the Spine, is' a Vertebral Nerve propagated, and two other from Rfinality; the Intercoflal Trunk, and do tend toward the [nit/firm": 1 cflum, and do 21:53,»; met-t with three pair of Nerves, derived from the other Side, which being all is", ,. ‘4' under the 9335711211, doth rcceivelinall Branches liom the Calm, and doth at lalt enter into thei eft Melbnterick Vein. The hiel‘eiitcry is a Convoy for many rowls of Nerves (furnifhing the allociated, do confiitntc the lowed Mefeiitei‘ick Plexe, from which an eminent Egg-"5:31,, I'Ifcrrzz of the lower apartiments ) and do terminate with numerous Fibrils in- Plexe, and receiveth in its progtels one or two Branches from thelntercof'tal to the Stomach, Guts, Spleen, l iver, Pancreas, and Kidneys. Trunk, and near this lower Plexe of the Abdomen, about its termination, it doth hirnilh the Glands adjacent to the ‘Uterws, with a great company ofFibres. So that the Meii‘ntei'y is hirnillied with {even great Plexes, derived chiefly (1)11 inert-33¢. from the intercol'ial Trunk, and in fome fort from the vertebral Nerves, and irirr;hitc'd_w‘ith In the Right Side is heated a Mefenterick rowle of Nerves, propagated Eritiiiut lit ii i Book I. Part ll. from the intercofial Trunk, which is divided into two Branches, the upper- , lisiideth divers Rainulets into the Liver, which do accompany the Czeliack " 1‘ fifth Artery, encirtling1 it with numerous Divaricarions, fomewhat reliembling fine Nerve being carried upward, is implanted into the greatelt Mefenterick will" in :iiririi I‘Cetivork : The fruitful Fibres of this higher l'lcx are difii‘ibiited, not only ' ' ' ' lave teat 'Przr Vaqum three Pl: xes ZFCQ‘EIICd in the Left Side, and two in the Right, Plum and the grcarcfl in the middl» between the other Plexcs, and the feventh is "1" the lowelt and finalleit of all. into the Body ofthe Liver but alfo into the Bladder of Gaul, Choledoc lint'i, Pyloriis, and Pancreas, and do inofculate with the Fibres, implanted into the Stomach. 'rl (rarer The lower Branch of the Melcnterick Roxle, placed in the Right Side, 7","‘"'""(V§2‘° hath an eminent place near the Unfit/a izlraliilaria, to which the intercoftal Nerve doth impart confiderable Fibres; from this Rowle are propagated intinv Branches of Nerves, to the Right Kidney, which do invefl- the emulgenr Artery, with numerous Divarcations7 and from this Lower Right Branch, do {prout many nervous Fibres, which are inferred into the Hepatick, and great lVIefenterick l'lexe, as all?) into the Caipflrla afrabilariiz. The Mefenteriek Branch of Nerves, Lodged in the Left Side (being deri- ' ‘ ved alfo from the Intercoltal) hath a double Branch, of which the higher is ,U the greateft, and fomewhat tending toward the Stomach, is fwallowed up SIT-flat," alter a little fpace into a large plexe, like afniall Rivulet in a val‘t Lake; from i this Plexe are propagated numerous Fibres, eonfiituting {our rowls ofNerves the fiifiand greatelt is carried into the Stomach, and Tome part of it is diltributed into its bottom, and do meet with other Stomacic Fibres, and inoflls culate with them. The Second rowle oi Fibres, derived From this Plexe, do make their progrefs into the Spleen, in which they encircle the Crliac Ar- {2's iei'y, With fi‘nitful Ramulets. Tm" H The Third Rowle palleth between this Plexc, and that of the Liver. The Fourth Rowle doth comoyii the Third Rowle, and great Nleflbntei‘ick Pleie, with which it hath divers inofcularions, made "mm" by the mediation of many Fibres. is unlit 1 to gigmnlnl The Inferior Mefenterick branch of Nerves, lodged in the Left Side, is al3.: [iii 5 l0 QCYIVCCl From the Trunk :, from the Plexe is propagated a bundle of nervous Fibres, which accommodate the Left Kidney; the Fibres before they enter ‘c K Mg; into the Body of the Kidney, do varioufly encompafs the Emulgent Vefléls; "'itlil'lcxcs. audmoreover, this Rowl doth impart many Fibres, to the great hdclhntei'ick Tit: "cram. Branch, and to the Cxpfltla atraliilarizi. s' i; h - k Branches ~ Exam"? Both Mefenteric - derived from the intercoltal Trunk, aredrvrded El'c";f"""fi~'1 into two hnaller Branches, from which, two Rowls are propagated in each atlll'lvu iiiiiéiifiimi fidc, and in the middle of thefe two is feared, the greatelt and molt eminent was: is rm. Mefenterick Branch, which according to Learned Dr. Willis, fomewhat rec il‘ "; T n r . . . ,,,,_.,‘m‘fm‘,‘cr_lembleth the Sun, in difplaying its numerous Branches, as {0 many Hays iiimmum to the neighbouring Plexes, in the I eft Side into the Plexes of the Stomach, . . . The upper in tilt: Left Side, is called, the StomaCick Ple'xe, becaule it emit- sewer ;, ' ' ‘ tcth many Branches into the bottom, and other regions of thea Stomach. The mindle Plexe ofrhe Leit Side, relating to the Mefentery, may be Hiled the Splenick, by reafon it difiierfeth many Branches into the Spleen. 'l he lowdt and third Plexe of the Melbnteric, maybe called the Left Re- nal Rowl, becanli- it fendeth many nervous Ramulets into thel eft Kidney. The Fourth great abdominal Plexe is placed in the middle, between the ifi-rciiyc‘iiraiir, other Nlefentcrick l'lexes, into which, both above and below, it doth (llflll‘lburc a multitude of F1l)1‘C~‘. The Fihli abdominal Plexe relating to the Right Side, may be named He, patick, as imparting many Nerves to the Liver. 1 he Sixth Plexe oFtlie Mefentery, may be called, the Right Renal Rowle ofNerves, becauic it comniunicateth many Branches to the Right Kidney: And the Seventh and lowefi Plexe relating to the Mefentei‘y and coming from the intercolial Trunk, and vertebral Nerves, doth beliow Branches upon the greatel‘t Mefenterick Plexe, and upon the Uterine Glands, or Ovarys, and Urerers. C s ishagd," $233321"; iiifiiriiicxcs £15,352" mg, "Fun", §l§1fif3fiis iiihicitciiiii i isdiirilenrfcdcac igigiifcaiiiii Ovary); and And now it may be Worthy our enquiry, to what ufc thefe large Mefente- Thirtdiiiufc rick Plexes are configncd by Nature, which doth all things With great Wil- for: mere]: ' {TIC Cr dom, as being Governed by the molt Sage Conduct of an Omnipotent A- "comm, Li liorinto gCllE. tthtomach Motion and Senfation; anduuts,asa ul'es to. the Nerves, two The Antients have ailigned , . ~ 11 Fernieiit'of (livers ofthe Vifccra being Furnilhed With thele Nervous Plexes, as t e Me- Concoflioii, fentery, Liver, Spleen, and Kidney, have little or no motion, and much few- 3,35,33,52; er Nerves Would ferve for Senfation ; Whereupon I humbly conceiye, thefe 3,13%?ch eminent Plexes are defigned to Tome other life, to convey nervous Liquor m- gillaicnilnsliilethc to the Vifcera, lodged in the lower Apartiment, and ferveth as a Ferment, to hiiiiiiingcicprepare the Chyle in order to Concoétion in the Stomach, and to its farther Qifiifiéiihs. elaboration, and refinement in the Guts, and Glands of the Mel'entery, and to meliorate the Blood, by rendring it more exalted, in affif'cing the Secretion of the bilious Recrements, from its more noble Particles. in the Glands of the Liver, and to help the reparation ofthe ferousteculencrcs from ‘he Blood,rnade in the Glands of the Kidneys, coflalnranth- , plccn, "1‘ Lelt :11: "Emmi" Tlierniitlviifiri f,‘:,,?$°s,‘,; "T‘gtvmwd, grain?!" 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