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Show w MMV 0f the Mcmlzrmzcr encircling the harms. Book I. Part IV. 63 6 Book Is. Part IV. 0f the Memémncr encircling 1/}? Poems, Mare, but hath not the form of the Ailmztoidu, neither a membrane of that made, and .is called from its figure, like the Gut; of which Puddings are a very thin and tranfparent Pciliruld alniolblikc the hired or‘ Oyflallmzz in tliiiiiieis; it is very finooth, hollow, and fort, and denfe in its lubiiance, (elle it could not contain Urine, which is of a piercmg nature) not encompalling the whole mes ( from one Horn of the ‘Urrrm' to the other) to its utmoliextremity, and groweth lefs towards the terminations of the Horns, and figure 15 found in a humane Foetm. But fome curious Anatomil'r may make a doubt how can the Allan-redder be made partaker of life and nourifhment, as having no Arteries nor Veins to import and export Vital Liquor? to which it may he replied, That in itbeing a inoft fine tranfparent Membrane, the Blood~vefiels are fo minute that they cannot be difcerned as in the Cornea, outward Coat of the liter"; and proper membrane of the Mufcles, which being fubjeét to Inflamations, proceeding from Blood ( fetled in the fubilance of the Membranes) do plainly evince the neceility of Bloodweffels , as the Channels of Vital Liquor endeth in a kind of Point, and is different from the other membranes enclo‘ fine [lie Patio, as very thin, and havingno Blood-veflcls. TheFigui-eof gllfcfiifli "WY" Animals. Some Anams mam g3," Worn"- it hath a diverfe figure and file in divers Animals, In fome it hath the form of aGut, in others a broad Swadliug-band, as in a Cow, and much broader in a Mare, in which it is every where fafined to the Chorion, anj . ' enclofeth the whole Fm": with the Amnior. The great difficulty may be railed. whether the Allantomler be found in all Animals, and chiefly whether in Women: Aqlmpemz'crzr faith, Aden) 1)?ng Cats, (be. are defiitute of this Membrane, and that the Urine is contained giving life, heat, and nourifhment to the fine contexture of the Alumni"; which being feared in Cunneys between the Fmtur and Harem; at the {ides of the Umbilical Veflels, is not endued with a farciminal figure (as Learned (1e Grallf hath well obferved) but feemeth to be made up ofdiverfe C.1vities or Cells, confining on the vefl'els of the Navil, as it may be made manifefl: by immitting a Blow-pipe or Tube through the rPlacenta into the cavity of the Urinary Membrane, in which, being blown up, you may fee a Serous Liquor of Urine contained in its Cells. The Ufe of the Allamoz'zler in the Form! of Woman as well as other Ani- The "RPM" mals, is to be a repofitory of Urine, which is firfl: received by the Ureters into 1111mm". the Bladder, and thence by an Excretoty Duet into thelarger Cavity of the Allamoeider, as into a great Cifiern, in which the Urine is detained, till the (Party: is accompliihed, and afterward the Urine is difcharged by the Bladder and Ural/m1. excerned from file in no peculiar Veilel (belonging to the Frenm) but-is Mme/ms between the Chorion and Amnior, and there is detained till the birth of the Fmtur. But the Modern Anatomiits have difcovered it in Bruits, and yet Him/c] onward/arm's Needham iiiicsuiulli: and others deny it in Women; but Learned and Ingenious Dr, (to whom the commonwealth of Learning is much indebted) hath drfco- vered it in Women too; in his fevenrh Chapter de Embiymomm Lvmparam, grizp. I 97, I 98. (lye tamcn in fecundimlt obflrvam .7 "ohm /Il}1f exbzé‘ere 11072 , "Ilium/rim jitum z'ml fuermt, receptce e olflretrir ab qlmm antem Illa wulrimur. Amazon quantum ficri potrfl reducanmr. 'er171 prcbenja fumrulo emmmrz 11f], ad perfi'qucre. Hire fimiculo partly infra plarcmem afligmzr, extent, lzbem perm/rt. [aflAd moo/um rccentem fl obtirmcrixr inwcmer 1M1" oermliu; alzter efl‘ufi) guine, (% rcfrz'gcrata membramz wane/mm. Hat L'zrciz fummlum "[154:er proximal" memlzranam page, quam f1 ml exitrne prope placentarrz will/irritant", we! 12d exlremaa fimbriar digitir lateraruerir, videbn in dim? fan/e the/loll.- qua- rum exterior poroflz cfl‘ é‘vfpoizgiofa, wcrmlzflafmtct. The Amino; is the third Membrane immediately encircling the Faatur, and W third hath its outward furface lodged within the confines of the Allantoz'der, and 52:22:11? its inward ad)acth to the Foétm, and is fixed only in one little upper ‘1" "mm" part to the Chorion. This Membrane is a fine Compage made up of (mall Umbilical Arteries, Veins, and Nervous Filaments, curioully inrei‘Woven, and is a meOth, foft, and tranfparent Tunicle, not at all affixed to the Fcalm", to give it the freedom of diftention caufed by the plenty of Nutririm Li- not. Interior lubrzta aalmmlmrt India], cfl, (5} (lure, fummeq; pel/ztcidit, Vcnir Ariel-hf]; warm, zllam pro Cborz'o The fubfizancc of this Membrane is much thinner and whiter than the Thefubflznce Chorion, as being furniflied with fmaller and fewer Blood-vefiels, which not :12th 'm' have pro Timiczz urinariiz; priorir duplicatura dici mm pole/i o!) drflimzlzmdzrzem fubfi'amiar, fed/2m locum ipflzw, fiw figumm, ant fubflantirtm fpefiemur, prurmmzme . fm eadem tfl cum membrana Mrirmrizz platentiferorzmz (7 equi, fornm oer-o Rethis iaith datur, bumble in figum illiws Allazzloeidis rfi: neg; membrane what hath rimmo nowned Author, Notwithfianding we will not be loath to {hew by received. n have-bee they when which es, Secundin in us $233333" been obferved by the Midwife, we have reduced as much as may be to their natural polition, wm‘m' to the then take the Navil-firing and follow it to the Amnior: This is tied in it7 refembling the Chorion, with which it is encompafied, as a lafe- ‘hcm‘m' guard for the tender Puncture of this fine Tunicle.‘ Thefe Membranes of the Chorion and Amnior are commonly reputed to be T3235" If these: firing, a little below the fPlacenta, and the refiremaineth free: cund‘ines be very new, you may difcover their Veins, otherwife the 310 abopt being fired, and the Membrane cold, they vanilh. This being left the Navilflringpalleth to the other Membrane,which if you either outward Y Wound near the Placenta, or tear with your Fingers to its utmofi limits? you is pomay fee it eafily divided into two Membranes, of which the outward rous and fpongy and full of minute Veins. terminating into the (Placenta or Chorion, do perforate them, and are implanted into this fine Membrane. The curious Contexture of the Ammo: is beautified with an Oval figure Thefigurcof The inward 15 very fliPPegyi at and hard, and molt tranfparent, and dei'titute of Veins and Arteries; T be could‘not it ne; Membra Urinary a for this and Chorion the for We took of its fubcalled a Duplicature of the former by reafon of the unlikenefs is altogEFrance; but if We view either its place7 or figure, or fubf'tance, it anszfei ther the fame with the Urinary Coat of thofe having a rPlacenta, 1 productions propagated froln the Integuments relating to the belly of the F02- iii Amiiiill tux, by reafon the Umbilical Veiiels coming out of the Abdomen of the EmIzryo, are enwrapped within two Membranes, of which the inward and thin- ner is conceived to proceed from the rim of the Belly, and the exterior and thicker from the Membrane Carnofa, to which it may be replied, That theft: Membranes are formed before the parts of the Fwtu: are delineated, and do proceed from Filaments, coming out of the center of the Colliquated Seminal Liquor 5 Moreover thefe Membranes do not come from thofe encom: paflin the Umbilical Vefiels, becaufe they were perfectly generated before any t e leal'c Rough-draught appeared in the Colliquated Genital Juices; neither could any I ineaments be difcerned in it to be derived from the Umbilical Vefiels (when Delineated) and from thence propagated toward the Aaaaaaaa Mem- |