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Show .. ,.__.w 677, mean or 8335 of ‘P/zziirr. Book I. Part lV. Bdok l. Part IV. Of 1736' Seem" or £1qu of ‘1)l4m‘jt. 6 73 feth its Stone, produced by a Lapidelcrnt Juice, Cunlill'lflg of faline and _ earthy Patticles. . . . , P. _ TheSmnwr The Stone of the frmt is more loft in its firfi production, as being as it were t ‘ , tl . i , digicgariiiic ] Niembranous, and after growcth Cartilaoinous, , and at lalt being more firm. "1°" Md' ly Concreted by Tartar, is turned into aLStone, encircling as a Claorr‘tm the more tender origination of Seed, immediately immuted within a thin Coat, as with the Amnion. Thellmbili- Afterward the Umbilical Vellel palleth within the Cborion, into the Ve‘ neation or" Seeds dil‘covering themfelves in the top of the 14/712,," and in‘ i .. . ~ . a . ll'.‘ . may be , dilcerned lower region ~ . a greenifli body, loinewhat tellinbl in a lit-» tle Cup 5 in the middle lpaceholding Analogy with the (Imam, is flied a .kind of (lolliq uatcd Liquor, and the Secundines being enlarged 7 the . new framed Seed acqiiirt‘tlt greater maturity, as adorned with two little Leaves and a Root, . " and receix‘eth nourilhment froma Liquor heated within the con- fines or the flit/man, and afterward as the Seed increal e in bignell , the UM r1071 decayeth; and all the time of the growth of the Seed, its Leaves grow . V t H $1.33"? fiele big with Colliquated juice, whereupon it acquireth a greaterexpanfion, and is modelled into various new forms 3 So that the lineaments of the Eggs or Seeds begin to difplay themfelves in the upper region of the Amman, as hiied with white, and confilting of a mucous liibftance, adorned with a TMCCW double Procefs, as with two expanfions fomewhat relembling wings. Afterlbme little fpace of time being pafied, the Secundine (immuring 22;," m ' the Amnion and new formed Seed, is more enlarged and is attended with divets veflels of Air and Sap, whole void {paces are interlperl: d with Velicles of Liquor fiipplying the Secundine, Amnion and tender Seed with nourifhment. 1h: Chm-m This new Fth or draught of the Seed hath a new accels of dimenlions; fimfi'figflgfl So that the Juice groweth more exhaufled in the Cboriolz, and the Amnion is {dot Scst- rendrcd bigger with Colliquated Liquor, and the Umbilical Vellel remaineth in the fame vigor, and the Amnion is fumilhed with many bladders of Liquor, (lbmewhat like the vitreous humor of the Eye) and is adorned with various figures, and encompalfed in the icinicitcular concave figure of 7m and Stylilorm Tubes remaining, three wombs may be dil‘cov ered in ' cl mi 7 ‘ Wl‘ilLi] every ' \ one being ' ) cut long-ways, a Cavity may be dileern ed haying many Vcficle s (containing a Colliquament) beler with many hairy Filaments. VVulnn the Secundines a Blacder is (:eated big With Liquor, in which the The Limafirlt Liiieaments of the feed do appcarm the upper part of the Ammo/I , tadot- Seed '" "(5°th in a ned with a Conick root and twoleaves livimming in agtceniili humor lbine- ""5"" what refembling the vitreous Liquor ofthe Eye goAnd the new formed pm", of the Seed as it receiveth greater maturity, is endued \ 'itl] ditltreiit forms and laft ofall, when the Sap, derived From Vellels fpringins out of the it ilk2 bt'ginnC‘rli its Concretion into fruit, the double leaves Gro‘i'v more thickried, and being outwardly rough, are formed into an orbictilar Compage whicli being opened, Tome Angular Excrelcences may be tliIEOV'eretl, latelykendued with a holloxxiiiels, and the leaves, which in their firll' draught were very line and thin, grow gibbous, and the liquor contained within the Ammo); is more incrallated, and the Seed arriveth greater petlEétion. perfection of parts, the Liquor of the Cbtzriou and Amm'mz, are very much leilened, and almoll wholly abfumed, as the Seminal Matter is more and The Generation of feeds of Plants holdeth much Analogy with that of The Genera' , ' appeareth 8at perfoiattd, .i , . and the Liquor . ga- tintis‘Qrinznt; r t it Animals, and the Navrl is thered together in a Vefiele (in which the Seed is {it'll delineated) {eemina ngl‘ll‘mc‘ Flowers and Fruit which are made by Nature for the propagation oil Plants. TheSctdoF - more thick, and keep tlit‘infelves clole without expanfion. k In a Chefiiflut, the Cup being taken of}, and the Flower s, with the flami- the Clam-ion ‘, and at laf't when the Seed groweth more firm, and arriveth its more Concreted into the fiibltaiace of the Seeds, The end and perfeétion of Alter the Lune method the Seeds of Apricocks , Peaches , Plums , 95:21:32", Cherries, and Apples are produced, in which the Navil pailing in length, Elimipfil‘f is fomewhat expanded toward the top, wherein the firfii rudiment of the Us. Seed dilcovei'etli it it'll, .nd the zimuion immediately encircling it, is more enlarged, and {o by degrees the Seed is receptive of divers forms and alterations, as it cometh to greaterand greater maturity, and as the Amnitmgrow- eth more big \Vith Liquor, the Charm" and Tube is leflened, and the 566d i to refemble the Amniozz, and not long after, the Hill rudiment of the Seed 31,225,}?E difiovereth it felf like a F(rt/w feared in the upper region of the Amman accompanied with two little leaves like wings, from whence a little Body did arife of a like fiibfiaiice, endued with an acute Cone: So that the oriom of this Seed conlilteth in the Root, Trunk, and two Leaves. D And as the Amniwz acquireth greater dimenlions, the Seed cometh to more Tricmituiity maturity, and the Aamiozz is encircled with divers ranks of Veficles (as with Filmi'sitiict‘i'c a Cborion) which are big with Liquor derived from the Sap-vellels, and as Efflglfin' the Amman groweth greater, the Velicles of the C/Jorion feem more and more Ad'iW-U lank; and lall: of all the Amnioiz, into which the Liquor is tranlinitted from incrcafed, as the Liquor contained in the Styliform Procels or Womb, is firl'c rcndred mucous, and afterward is gradually Concreted into Seed. hllioifiiuiii- The lame Progtefs may be oblbtved in the generation of other Plants, a5 the Claoriim, is walled; So that it is very probable the Seminal Liquor is firfi: pi0n5.:i'nt‘. the Melons, Pumpions and the like in whole Secnndincs, rendrcd plump with Li- borrowed from the Stalk by proper Veflels pafling into the Secundines and "K‘" Navil, and afterward into the Velicle in which it is more and more Concre- quor, a broad Umbilical Veflel may be difcerned as being turgid with Colliquated Liquor, whole confines growing greater, are turned into a C/Joriim, admitting various liicceflive forms, and afterward the firll; origen of the Seed appeareth in the upper region of the Amman, (as adorned with two leaves or wings ) which is lurnilhed with divers little Veficles of Liquor, affordingnouriflnnent to the new formed Seed, and afterward the Liquor befprinklingz the Amniou being abfiiined, the C/Jorion lofctli its Elf, as the Seed eometh to greater perfcétion. Riki‘s"? _ In all forts of Peas and Beans their wombs are attended with long Tubes, avatitirrur- giving flipport to the Hill rudiments of Seed, whole rougher draughts arc mm" endued with wrinkles, and their wombs being cut in lengih, have concave inward Recefles, filled with Veficles of Liquor containing the firlt delineation ‘ ted into feed, as iris mallet of greater degrees of petfeétion, till it cometh to be fully accomplilhed. Thus having treated of the fitft rudiments of the Seeds or Eggs of Plants, how they were firft formed out of Liquor in the Vefiele contained in the StyliTorm Procels relating to the Flower, and of the ClJorion and Amnion ( fiib- fervient to the formation of the Seeds, (which do wither when they have ob- tained fome perfection: My aim at this time, is to fpeak of the Eggs of « Plants and their parts, and attendants, when they come to maturity. The Sap being rranfinitted by many VefTels ( interfperfed with Tubes of Air) through a little (talk into the coats and body of the Seed, is Concretcd firl't into a mucous, and then into a more folid white fubl'tance, encircled Kkkkkkkk Tome. |