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Show 577, ' 0ft/ae Uterus. Boole I. Part IV, Book I. Part IV. the common receptacle, into which they difcharge the Streams of L m h ‘ y P amk Liquor. Eli/"ch33". The VeiTels of the Womb are configned to various ulcss the Arteries imwas]? the port Blood into the Membranes and Subfiance of the womb, and the Vei ~ ‘ beingr their Companions,do aflift the motion ofthe Purple Linuor to'va d In: Contines of the womb, and carry it on, making good its retlrogiade Ni f K toward the Center of the Body: The Nerves do convey Nervous Limo? impraegnated \vith Animal Spirits, into the ambient parts and more iniiilmd Receiles of the womb; and the Lympliaedttéts do tranfinit the Recrem M of the Viral and Nervous Juice into the outward Coat of the ‘Urerm cm: ' am from thence through various parts into the common Receptacle. £35,315?" The ufe of the womb is partly to deputate the Blood, which is accomplifha ed 1n the fubftance of the Womb, made up of numerous Glands wherein 32:0?de Wm. c CHAP. XVI. 0f the Ligament; of the M2715. Ature hath mofl: wifely framed divers Ligaments as {'0 many Appenda es of the VVomb, by whole Interpofition it is contained in the Enclofile/i4, as afafe Allodgmcnt, every way immured within the flrong fures of various Bones. hrficigi‘ai'ir. Thele Ligaments go in pairs, and the firft may be [filed broad +Mem- Secretion is made 0? the more profitable Parts from the Recrembnts whicl1 are carried through proper Duels into the Cavity of the womb in ihe til 1 us , of its Monthly Purgation. do Eamexy‘t‘s of branous Expaniions, which in their upper Region ( according to Aratmu‘) ""merelemble the Wings of Bats. Rim dtiplicated the from rife firl't their borrow Ligaments {oft Thefc broad Another and the more noble ufe 'of the "tern/5, is to be a place or Bofom to form and cheriflr the F(em/5, which is done by degrees as one part is fra- YVomb, which enwrap it as fo many Swadling Bands cloathing the Few not only affixed of the Belly, as being Branches and Out-lets of it, and are of the Ligaments to the fides of the "term and its Vagina, but of the chief part in fecure Repofi. as them in lodged are Ovidué'rs, and Ovaries, with the Veffels, and laceration. tories, guarding their fofc and tender Compage from violence of the Thtovrtru of Thefe expanded Ligaments derive their beginning from the Mufcles light]?"term. the of bottom the about Loins, and do terminate Filaus Membrano many of They have a. loft loofe fubftance, compofed to contraél: ments, curioufly interwoven and inter-fperfed with flefhy Fibres, the great of time the in extended long been have the Ligaments when they and fecunngz it from the Coldncfs of the Air and ,the Dan er of out: Funny. difiention of the womb, canted by the encreafe of the med after another in Seminal liquor, contained in art Ego, (encircled \vitha ‘ thin Membrane) tranfinitted from the Ovary by an Oviduetinto the Chamber of the VVomb, where it is enlivened with Vital Heat coming from the Blood, and when the Seminal Liquor is concreted into various parts and the Flew-'5 perfer'" 1 formed, it is nourifhed with Alimentary Liquor cbntained wrthm the Amnion, enclofed with the Chorion and inward Coat of the ward Accidents. 1 g down into Radish The life of thefe Ligaments is to keep the "term from falling Region Ligaments. upper the of {ides the fafining by Body, the Vagina, and out of the Mufcles of the of the Womb, called the Bottom, by their interpofition, to the it. have will fome as Ilion, and Sacmm, 0: the to Loins, and greater or The ‘Prolapfltr uteri chiefly proceedeth from the Rupture, and Region of the lef's Relaxation of the broad Ligaments, tying the upper its proper place more or Womb ( to the Back) which is removed out of lefs relaxed by a moift or more are Ligaments lefs downward, as the broad Throwes, whereDiftemper, or {trained in a difficult Childbirth by violent the Vagina, and into weight own its by falleth fometimes upon the Womb by the Imprudence fometimes out of the Body, which is often produced the Farm and afterof an ignorant and over-hafiy Midwife, pulling down Womb. the to faitened burdenffirmly and heavy Farm, de- Exiting/Fifi The Q'rolapfiu mm is alfo often produced by a great fome over-hea- um. ' prefiing the Womb in the time of the Birth, or by lifting up Body upward, and Arms the firetching or reaching over- by Vy Weight7 or _ Tcnefmm, (W. Or by a Contuiion or Fall, a violent Cough, to neither fide, it is re- 1533:?" If the Womb be diflocated, as cnclining too muchand if the Womb come Wam- duced by applying a Cupping-Glafs torhe well fide, a fupine P.0flure,that the liteout of the Body, the Patient is to be laid in ofiended It lhould be rm may be the better reduced into its proper place, lefl: neighbouring parts, ofthe on Comprefli the by livelled be or by the cold Air, to empty the Imaflmum and I conceive it molt proper firi‘t to advile a Clyficr, afiringent Powders, and then (Reflum, and to befprinkle the "term with form: left the tender Mame gently to put it up with a light touch of the Fingers, of Hhhh hh h |