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Show 5 5'6 oft/)6 Dik/flf oft/96 Scrotum Book I. Part 1‘7. Book I. Part IV. The mom is very beneficial (and taketh away the Tumor) except lomctimes in an Si'iiiftflliil' ill Habit of Body, wherein the Teflicles are corruPted, and the Sim/um Gati- z‘l'fledmi‘ grecnedmf which Learned Dodumeu: giveth an account, in ()bf Mar/1' 40, CHAP. If) Gmcrofa qua lam Vim (ait i/Ie) qua»! amnir pcrituli plant/11 Scroll, (-7 by t/Jroir/is flit/librzmre in [{yt/rote/e, Stu/[Jello apertio, Tefle no" /lt///.If0 (Wiper/um cfl': ab ri/izyuol A/mir finiflm purte Fly/rattle butt iiio/tfltzfltcmr', fruflrtzura- flu/maid, at aliis (Renter/iii 11/1» (irt‘brt), muzzle/'11 te/m'wrzi (.uirnrgi cal/film at. quit/rem", tilieriri jibi Sax/Fella HHIIUI'L'III perimfl! : l‘jfluxit t'ito 0min; humor, Tu- mor quay; jubfizlitg fer] tum fro/ii: ipjc our/lino cflct t‘orruptur, CliIIIZtPS patter fizti/e inft'cit : Silllfet‘llld mox Stroti univerfi, as client: rPmir, cum Tumor: dt‘ iz2~ geliti Dolorc, Guizgrtcua: 'Dcllrium cum ve/Jcmeuti febrc, proplcr Dalorzr [lug/1itudiucm, fitperrzzmifflc ita mm multa [Jo/i Mot: [uttcflih "m m, fiofi‘fiil The fame Author giverh an Infiance of a Spaniard, y\ ho had a violent Pain occafioned by a quantity of Seminal Liquor lodged in the lubfiancc of. the XII. 7790 Di ca er of the Penis, 1th it; Cum. He @enis often tranl‘grefling the Laws of Chafiity in the irregular In: dulgence of Venery, hath its fenfiral Pleafure countermanded by fe- Vere Pains, as a piece of Gods Juflice and Mercy too, to give us a fight of our Prevarications. by making us reflect upon them in the Glafs of Punilhment, whereupon this unruly little Member payeth dear for its FaultsJ and is made obnoxious to variety ofDil‘ealES7 Now and then itis diflortcd and puf- lodsfilfllthc Tefiicles, as not Imported by the common Duct, and the dcferent Vtiiels, into fed up, other times Inflamed, Ulcered, and Gangreened, which chiefly hap- mm". peneth to young Men, as mofi addicted to Venery. A difiorteel rPenis proceedeth from an over-long Coition, whereby the rhcdirioni. the Seminal Veficles and Profiars. Ait, Hzfimnur gut/1.1m Tcfl'ir Dolor: mto- Ieraliili diu wexatur, fluflra tentalir omnibur, maluit fibi amputm'i Te cm integrum (9v incorruptum quam diutiur in tormenti: wilam trabcrt. Extraéium'ft- flem cum adbuc culeutcm per medium Difletarcm, in faciem ip/iur erupz‘t (9» pmfi/iit Semen. . . The Teflicles are alfo highly afi'eéted with Tumors in Gonorrhea wrulema, gifagfgf tiliniGa- caufed by an undue fuppreflion of the tainted Semen, or rather purulent mm. matter, upon the taking of afiringent Medicines, whereupon the corrupted Semen, or rather Ulcerous matter, is detained in the Suthance of the Tthlandsof 3?;,,§§Bg§‘g; 335i??? premnsrhc f Glands relating to the TePticles, when the Seminal Veficles and Profiats are filled with putrid matter, which feeing it cannot be difcharged by the "rethra, muff of neceIIity clog the Seminal Veffels, and common Duét of the Teflicles, whereupon their Dimenfions grow very much enlarged to 9. mon- 3:3"?3‘3‘23, firous magnitude. ""5"" As to the Cure of this Venereal Difeafe, it denoteth opening and Diure- tick Medicines of Venice-Turpentine, mixed with proper Purgatives, and a Diet-drink of Sarfrz, China, Lignum Sanfium, 8m. as alfo Medicines procuring Salivation, which taketh away the malignity of this Diftemper; and 1!! point of the Ulcer of the Tefizicles, Seminal Veffels, and Profiats, healing, cleanling, drying and afiringent Medicines are to be advifed, which, after the Blood is refined, and the Seminal Liquor refiified,do perfect the Cure. Nervous Bodies and fpongy fubl'tance of the urethra are filled with {0 great 23.0%":a quantity of \ ital and Animal Spirits, in hot Plethorick Bodies : ofthis dif- afi‘cétion Arautim maketh mention, 7% Tumor/ibis prcetcr Naturam, Cap. 50., l‘ fcnim Genitale (Jiflcunmi, ac Spiritu turgenr Irifli cum doloris fenflt diflorquttur, quo fit ut Semen in uterum reéie ejaculare nequat. And in the fame Chapter the Author faith afterwards, QLri wero Veizerinimir indulgent, frequenterq; 6» din in Mil/icrtulir plateaut, dtfielitojmzt Geuit/z/i, in bat Malum incidimt. Efeuim Spie rim: ille inclufm in aliquam alleriu: Ligamenti Comm/i partem impetum faci- cm, tjur particular" ita impellit, ut cam rclaxel, 4c Protuberare fatiat, qua fit ut quantum latitudini afiec‘lte particulce atljititur, tantum Longitudim' Detrabi- "tr. APriapil‘m is near akin to this Difeale, as being an Inflation of the Yard, ft I'criiirifm derived from a quantity of vaporous and flatulent Blood, difiending the loofe iriiinciilii: Compage of the "Penis". This Difeafe, coming from a quantity of Blood, "03' is Cured by opening a Vein, and by Apozemcs contempt-ring the Blood, and by cooling and emollient Fomentations, allaying the flatulent hot, Swelling of the Yard. Sometimes the 'Pcuir is afflicted with a red painful Tumor, vulgarly Th, mam. called an Inflammation, produced by a great quantity of Blood impelled gym" by the Hypogaf‘trick Arteries into the Spongy Subltance of the @cm'r, {0 that the Extremities of the Veins cannot give a reception to the grols or too great quantity of Blood, which if it be not quickly difcharged, de- 1"] UI r generateth into an Ulcer, preceding from the Chymous or Serous parts manic." of the Blood, acquiring a Caufiick quality, whereby it Penetrateth the Subl‘tance and Integuments of the Penis, caufing a Flux of putrid Hu- mours, which fometimes grow fo corrupt, that they produce a Gangreen, Tlggarcfrcu} and othertimes degenerate into a malignant quality, attended with a Can: hilarity cerous Indifpofition. As to the Inflammation of the @enir, it denoteth Bleeding, and Cool- __ . ing and moil'tning Juleps and Fomentations, and if this Difeaf'e be attentL Qéfii‘fifllfc ed with an Ulcer, having a grofs and a Watry Excrement, the Indi- i‘ifiilfiiiiiin cations may be fatisfied with cleanfing and drying Medicines, made of China, Srrfa Parilltz, Guaitum, and Vulneraries of Ladies Mantle, Prune-ll, MoulEare, (awe. and lallzly detergent and drying and confolidating Topirks Ddddddd may |