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Show DEDICAT-ORY. Book I. Part IV. with heart} xvi/her for your Health zmd Happinefr, and flag]; ever deem m} fllf highly Honoured toimprove my utmo/llzona; er in all good Officer to flrne your Lord/hip; having ihir de 13/], That when ‘Po/lerity [hull fee jour Honoured Mme employed to refeue thefe ‘Pnperr from Contempt, they may wit/J more eoryidenee expefi‘ in them fimething fit to he ofered to a Terflm of /o grent Honour. cal) Lord, I am Md/ler The FlI‘PE B O O K. of my e/I'inz, if I can firrueyou in your Intere/lr; and I jhull deem my [elf well renmrded, yr you jhnll he Played to give The Fourth P A R T. me )‘0!!)‘ Tendon for t‘hir trouhlc, and Put me in the numher of gour- Relate-oer, who um mo/l prflionntelj for ever, CHAP. My L O R D, I. The Tum of generation in Man. He firlt Principle of Mankind, having preva- Thccaurcof ricated the Primitive Law (confiituted in Pa- Death. Your Lordfhips molt Obedient, And obliged Servant SAMUEL The firlt Agent hath made a Compenfition ‘ for one Mans Death, in reflitution of anoion. COLLINS. Mans happinefs confifteth in a double Similitude: As to the firlf, The Miisrhiillliic'd Supream Being hath naturally implanted in him an appetite to be like his iiia chum: Maker : And as to the fecond, hath given~ him defires to beget fomewhat hkmrs' like hiinfelfi In order to accomplilh the firl't, the Infinite God, hath impar- ted to him out of his great Wifdom and Mercy, natural Infiruments and Abilities; and to that end, hath imprinted in the Table of his Heart, excel- lent Sanétions to promote the Triade of his Duty, {peaking Piety to God, Jtlllice to his Neighbour, and Sobriety towards his own Perfon, as molt conducive to his Happinelh. From the firfl: Appetite of Man, to refemble his Maker in likenefi, and giggly; from Love the natural Inl'trument of his defires of HappinelS, do delhend all to be like his. the firl‘t Obligations of Religion, in which fome are primarily implanted in Mk" Man by Nature, and others proceed by way of Superinduétion, and politivc Commands. The |