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Show Part ll. C H A P. 77%) Tattoo/ogre if t/oe gulch { 261 Betony, Black Cherrys; and to every Dole of thefe Vehicles, may be added twelve drOps or more of Spirit of Harts Horn, or Salt Ammoniack, fuccina~ X V I. ted in Spirit of Caflor, (9 c. Clyl'cers are alfo very proPer in thefe Dim-mpets, made of a common Detection, to which may be added, Leaves ofRue, 7726 Tot/yologio of the golet. Mel Anthofalum, the Lenitive Eledtuary, or any other proper Purgative Ele- éhiaries: And lalt of all, when Univerfals have been Adminil'tred, Fumes Operation, proceeding from a dil‘afl'eé‘tion of the Brain, llooiling or weakning of Amber, and Sternutatories, Blil'tering Plaillers may be advifed, which B"‘l=ringPIar'§ are very proper in all Cephalick Diltempers, dilbrdering firfl the Brain it iiciiigrrccigii-m fell, "Per Idiopatbiam, and afterward the Quiet, and other parts, G'er Syn- "R's" Palbidfil. the tone of its Fibrils, or from fome Tumour in the Gulet, or from various Swellings of the adjacent parts, comprelling the paflage of it; or ceed from an Inflammation, or any Tumour, {butting up, or lelTening the $352.11; He Gulet is difcompofed by variety of Difeafes, where the power of Swallowing liifi‘ereth a total lols, or at leal'c a Diminution of its from a Grange degeneracy of the lubfiance of the (inlet, rendring it unca. Cavity of the Gulet, by bringing its {ides more or leis clole, whereby the Raidiglrifyj‘. pable to Contract it felf 3 or from {ome External Error, as being flopped pallage of the Meat and Drink is hindred in its motion toward the Sto- "WWW": by fomc Extraneous Matter: And lalir of all, the aétion of the Gulet is depraved by unnatural Motions, and Convullions. chlutitionis The Operation of the Gulet is very much dil‘compol‘ed,‘ or wholly taken gflzfilgg :5} away by reafon of a difaffeé‘ced Bram, caufing a Refolution, or Weakning NcrwusLi: of the tone of the Mufcles, belonging to the Gulet, for want of Animal El'rii‘ifify‘" Liquor and Spirits, when the origen of the Nerves is obftrué'red in the Cortex of the Brain, caulbd by the gi'olsiiels of the Nervous Liquor 3 or when the Nervous Fibrils are more or lefs liraightned by the Swellings of the Membranes, 01' Ambient parts of the Brain comprefling its Fibrils: Wheren: murfcof :3 {31323115 by rumours m 3mm 1: - -. m, , of "NEW" Another caufe of the Abolition, or Diminution of Swallowing, may pro- Loliordimi» mach, , igniting Another caufe of ill Swallowing, may arile from a lump of Flefh, grow; Ehilgiiili‘l? ing in the Fauces, and Propping up the entrance of the Gulet: Of which an Infiance may be given in a Young Man, which had a large flefhy {ubl'tance filling the binder part of the Mouth, f0 that the beginning of the Quiet was {0 clofed up, that it was not capable to give admiflion to Meat and Drink. The Gulet is liibjeft alfo to a lefl‘ened, or abolilhed Deglutition, by rea- Highljfi?‘ fon of the Palate, Tenfils, and other parts adjacent to the entrance of the °"‘"3Y""b upon the Current of the AnimaLLiqour and Spirits is wholly intercepted, Oejizphagm, are more or lefs l'welled by a quantity of Blood, Pituitous, or $3531??? or checked in its Motion, into the Extreamities ol the Nervous Fibrils, lo that it cannot be tranfinitted at all. or only in a {mall quantity into the (Par Vagum, implanted into the Mufcles of the Gulet, whence its Nervous and Tendinous Fibrils are delpoiled of, or lellened in their Motion, and thereupon not able at all, or not Vigoroully to Contraét themfelves to leflen the Cavity of the (inlet, and thereby to protrude the Aliment into the Cavity of the Stomach, Saliva] Liquor, tranfmitted into the Interfiices of the Vellels; whereupon the Tniriis,P,-i:]m whence enfueth an Abolition, or lellening the faculty of Deglutition. Th: Mm, The lol‘t power of Deglutition, may alfo proceed from a firaightnels of tvmrnop- the Nervous Fibrils, in their progrels through the ProcelTes of the Brain, itsor ma d e b y ll u HinnD its Ventricles with a g rols cl a mi ny M atter, fq ueelinvt the l"\ he ""3"" Interllices of the neighbouring Filaments lb clole together, that they are not receptive of Animal Liquor, whence its courle is impeded into the (For Vogue], and its Branches terminating into it, whereupon the Nervous Liquor is rendred deftitute of its Motion, and the Swallowing Faculty, leafed in the Gulet‘ is taken away. A Countryman, having often Debauched himfelf to Intemperance with flrong Liquor, was lilrprized with a fudden lofs of Swallowing, which he lurvived but a {inall time ', and then his Head being opened, the Ventricles were found full of a grofs Vifcid Matter, comprefling the Nervous Compage of the Brain. Pinging and In order to the Cure of Sleepy Dilari‘eetions of the Brain (producing Ccl'l'a'lck IDileafes in the Gulet) proceeding from grofs Humours, obfiruéfing the Fii'otions re 2:630:65, bres of the brain, Purging Medicines may be ad\tifed, mixed with Lime Hamil/m5 Flowers, Lilly of the Valley, Patony, and other Cephalicks, which may be mm' given alfo in DCCOfiions without Purgatives, mixed with Cephalick Wa‘ ters of I.angius, Compound Peony, Compound Lavender, fweetned with Syrups of Cephalick Flowers, and with Simple Waters of Paeony, Lavender, Beron)'; neighbouring parts of the Quiet, growing Very much difiended beyond the Effie???" bounds prefcribed by Nature, do more or leis obf'trua the Mouth of it, and gjffzofthc _ either lellen or take away Deglutition. Sometimes Swallowing may be dil‘aFl-eéled by fome hard Body, :1 Bone, i‘x'fiwgfif, or the like, traiifmitted into the palliige of the Gulet, in which it f'ticketh, filj‘égfififlf cauling a great Torture, and difficulty of chlurition; which offereth a "Usinrivyxhc great Violence to the Gulet, and by great Pain, and fornetimes Laceration gii‘iy cm. of the Capillary Arteries, the Blood is Extravafated in the fubliance of Otfoplmgm; whence fometimes followeth fitli an Inflammation, then a Can; grain, and lalt of all, a Mortification of the Gulet. Fabririm Hildanm, among his Obfetvations, giveth an Infiance of this Cafe: 71l'Z/Efli (nit ille) tum inter toenandnm oflitulum in Gala rewanfiflét, (bv tam 1108c, ut illuol rejicere paflit, orcupatm fmfl‘et, [equenti (lie (irta Ive/pa; ram all me «venit, Catboeterem iizturwatnm clementer in Oefophagum immi/E, ("9" so qua [Jami diligentia exploratui quo in loco infixum Witt cfle oflimlum, fed nibil praetcr naturale inmm're potui, [meter angufliam quandam Oelbphagi, eregione laryngiy, (9- exz guide»: in parte, ubi ole dolore, non tome" pungiliw, fed obtuflz conquercbamr. Cum itaque Curationem infliruere ewellem', Barbitorzfou' rem attedit, qui per aliquot wires, inflmmentir in guttur immiflir, malum adeo exacerbo‘z/it, ut audio dolore, tandem nibil ampliM deglhtire poflit, quote item»! 08471031? in mmfllium wocor, tum tollum unaliqlte durum, Ienfum, fupra filo-4 dumque ad ipfum [1967146 Frozefaélum inwmi, dolor crat maximm, reflfiratio difiicilitfl'ulfm teler é'olellilir, neqne gnttulam jufculi deglutire potuit; git/Ire ipfilm in periculo filé aflantibm figmfim-i/i : Interim tamen ut dolor, reliquaque Symptom/nu mitigarentur, omner Nero/o: interzoli, vellum 2'9» pee-lo! Oleo Lilio- rum (7 Amigdalarum div/till"! immxi : Cotaplafma (yfatmlor Emolliente: (5‘ AMA dyna: applicui .- Decoélom ctiom éradicibm, (fife/ix) Alt/om,Mal'z/:e, Flam»: (114-; YYY mxmeli, |