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Show 486 Of the Tar/yoiogic of the IQdmy, Sec. Book I; Part III, {emblance of a large If dney: Of which Daniel Major giveth an account: ( In Hifl'uria Anatomic = :19 il/ir calmlir raizflripfd) of a Famous Philofopher, Mr. 70/)" Spar/i212, wlo was long oppreflbd with great pains of his Back and Loins, and a difficulty of making Water, and a violent Fever, which fpakc a clofc to his mi‘Erablc Life. I will give the words of the Author : Mt in- Book I. Part III. 0f the Tat/Jologieof t/ae [Qt/my, Sec. +87 upon the Floor with a great noife ; and thefe horrid pains making frequent returns, gave her a freedom from thence by Death. Her Body being opened, and the BOWels turned to the right fide, the left Kidney appeared much greater then ordinary, and being flabby, did refemble the Lungs both in fubfiance and colour, and was puffed up like a Blad- rurallilir morbi mujle paterem, qua/2 mi 4 we in defmfii aperto corpore mortifim der, and being pricked with a point of a Knife, a great quantity of rum. mufze [om/5 .- Integumema Abdominir mufcu/i (<7 Vifi'cra pleraq; r6510 fluir fe lent Matter ifliied out of the Wound, and the Parenchyma of the Kidney wholly Corroded within, and the Cavities interceding the Papillary Caruncles, and the Ureters were highly dilated with many finallStones. babebant: Qgibm proinde at! law: rewlutz'r, 412.1804, :1 rcnibm inwlncro, umfeffim iidem apparitcrc penitw imflzzmmati, qui fie ran/ice: febrir fummt: Incrce/crat az/eo (R0111!!! Tumor, at illomm figuram, etiam externam firmeflfionum detrrminaiionem quot/ammonia mutamm rernerer : Hm nt natzmz efl, per 7111mm 1':ch infltrr p/Mfco/i z'zzclici, in adultis low/i, (9» plan firpcrfcie defcribitur: In So that a Corrolion is made by Stones, often gauling the delicate frame of $5333ch 0* the Veflels, confiituting the body of the Glands, which may praceed alfo frometxdiiycys from acid faline elements of the Blood, corroding the foft Compage of the 33335;" Kidney; whence arife evacuations of Blood, and Purulent Matter, the pro- exuviir Sprrlingianir, 1mm tamum utrobiq; Ken obferwabatnr, elatior tamer: uterguc, in aliqm'bm‘ fuperficici flue partibm, fie nt m'fi Rene! plnrimar complimlor, ducts of an Ulcer, wherein the Veffels are putrefied, and thrown off with (11ml "012/2?"ch obferryawi in lutrir dzflcéiii, exfmardinarim tamen qnafdizm, (9* the Urine, and the whole fubliance of the Kidney confumed. amt/1m: val/rt eminentix notzu‘, ob firmwam qua diflemi mmt Inflammationem My dear Friend and Collegue, one of his Majeities Phyficians in Ordi-_ nary, was long aflliéted with pains of his Back and Loins, and had fre uent referent. In this as well as other Inflammations, the Blood is to be revelled, derived, iii'ccihiiiiiii. "mom: repelled, and difcuifed, by feveral Admimfirations: And in the beginning, in point of Revullion, a Vein is freely to be breathed; and afterward in "1"":3' the progrefs of the Difeafe, the Saphoemz may be opened, and Cupping Glaiiesinay be applied to the oppofite Thigh, and at lalt, ina Plethorick Body, Leeches may be applied to the Hammorrhoide Veins, and gentle and Lenient Clyi'ters may be fafely injected. Diureticks are to be avoided, in the beginning and incrcafe of the Dif- excretions of Blood and Pus mixed with Urine, and prolonged his Li e for many Years, by a proper Method of Phyfick, which at lafi proved unfuc- cefsful. After Death,an Incifion being made through the four common Integuments and the Abdominal Mufcles, all the Vifcera were found to be very found, except his Kidneys, of which one was obl'trufied in its Pelvis and Ureter, A", of m lnflammacions eafe, by reafon they bring a greater Flux of Blood into the parts affected, with a long Stone, and the other had its Glands confiiling of numerous Vef- uicciar the fels wholly corroded, and ejec‘ted with the Urine: So that only the Coats once Kldncy' clothing the Kidney, remained folded up together, and the Kidney became figimxm‘ ufelefs, as deftitute of various Veffels, the fine Colatories of the Blood. Diuretitks impmper in and f0 aggravate the Inflammation. Emulfions may be given of the Four Cooling Seeds, and Decoétions, Syrups, and Conferves of \‘iolets, Red Rofes, Purllain, Lettice, and Sorrel, which do contemperare the Blood, and cool the parts affected; and Decoétions of China, Sarza, with temperate Vulneraries, may be Adminifired : And in the declination of the Difeafe, gentle opening Medicines may be advifed, made of the Roots of wild Afparagus, Dogs Grafs, with Maiden Hair, Straw-berry Leaves, (9%nncndcrnitt The Diet in this Difeafe mui't be flender, and the Aliment mull be cool iiiifaiimm and moiftning, in reference to the Inflammation, and Symptomatick Fever, as Water and Barley Cruel, Barley Cream, thin Broths, é‘vc. Anastccrsor The Abfcefs of the Kidneys, often fncceedeth an Inflammation, wherein "WWW fo great a quantity of Blood is extravalated in the Interfiices of the Vef1e13, that"'it lolEth its nature 'for want of Motion, and the bond of Mixtion beingrldilfo‘lved, the Cryftalline and Serous parts of Blood are turned In order to Cure Ulcers of the Kidney, it concerneth us fitfl: to hinder 335E335" the afllux of Humours to the parts affected; and in a Plethorick Body, Bleed- ‘h‘Kidn‘Y‘ ing is proper, and gentle Purging Medicines of Callia, the Lenitive Ele&uary, Holland'r Powder, Chio Turpentine, (be. In reference to the Ulcer, Detergent and Dryinngedicines, may be ads vifed, as Hydromels made of China, Sarza, Monk-Ear, Fluelline, RibWort, Plaintain, Prunel, (7:. And laft of all, Confolidating Medicines are to be advifed, made of the Roots of Cnmphrey, Tormentil, and other Af'tringent Vulneraries. , , Tbomm‘ Bart/Julian: Cabrallim Obferv. 28. maketh mention of a famous 32,2353: Cure he did, by making an Incifion into a Purulent Kidney, which after- figmmmi ward he Healed by proper Medicines. His words are thefe: Anna. 15 78. I excretion of Urine 5 "and the caufes of a Purulent and Bloody Urine, are derived from Stones, which being affected with (harp Afperiti‘es, do grate Var/rim" fui at N. fecarem An. 6 2. in iflim‘ Rene finiflrd Alzfceflhm magnum reperi purulcnm materia plenum: ‘Ponnl‘m z'pfim- er'at Libr. 14.. Cum Cjfli @- Regze, quot -quidemle/iir pal/em WcheCl-Imfl Cmflhie oeqriabat. Aliquo pofi tempare jut/em)" ~9uia'em 7m: atria/it, qui mm eade‘m ih pane vehementiflimo dolo‘re premeremr, 'upon the‘te‘nder Compage of the Glands, and Corrode their foft Velfels, whereupon a quantity of Blood being fome time lodged in the 'Parenchyma of the ,Glands, its more mild parts are turned in a purulent or fanious -£fi fenténtiru', etenim "taxi/m part dulmluqufl'e in renilmo‘ conjiciebat, ;pro/@7117!) cum aliquamulum (Pnria m'm Wrinir eatceruerit.‘ Ego contra Abfceflitm tgfli' Wi- firft into a Pus, and afterward into an Ulcer, which betrayeth it felf in the Ma'tter.‘ _ ; ' - . . ' alior tum .Meditor, rum Clnyrurgbty itcrerfendor efleiputzwi .- In contrariiu' itum rendebam, Abfieflm illiutpriorir memor ~', rPaula pafipatiem iterimg we algae/it, A Woman of mature Age, being many Years highlyptorturEd'WithN?‘ phritick‘Pains, did often throw off with Urine, feveral fmall Stones of 'van- m incidere‘m, aiem‘ fr malls "tori-41mm tat marter Wi'l/Bfldfl perpeli .1,qu previ- ous Colours, fome White, Red, and others Brown, or Black 5‘ and afterward this Patient fell into violent pains, {omewhat refembling thofe of Pat- exiil, duabm peg/i .baxiri apparatum primum 'mutatnmmcpeflt‘, "4301;penicilla _ pelwim actiperc £01161": fum, pujua plum 4mm. dimidin (pm pu're replete flit, turirion, whereby the Neck of the Bladder being opened, many Stones fell fingh/zf ‘; feqnemibu: dick»: bi: wenatiofirbat, ita ut mm‘ mm: tumfera'cati- upon 11M 11144 mom; ipfmu incidi, 10:14qu materiam iteminentemjeperis fid r11"!!! 131(13 |