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Show fig; Off/)0 Difcrfl'r oft/ac Scrotum Bool; I. Part l V. 97. Aflor. [Bartholi/L Armor. I 67|, 197 2. Mcrcatori San/1'0 ablatnr Form (1.)); rrrrgz' ‘Ramicoflw Tcfiii, pcndebatjemmzoim 34' Durm‘ ille ([Izirlrnz to/o Corp"? I (7 Mnfltr Corned Nerwfi: hint inde Gyro: [Ii/iinéie finzilis, foo! my; ad Liz/m a mg, in Gronziofuo ullum aliunz Tefiimlmn naturalem complex!" 3 Dlflréiiz writ-1r qllrltlllrlfi‘lfl‘flfl" informi mole, ut TLfliculM germ guenz intm defile/(ere l]!!1(!rllll/;1/- pimlmnlur, in con/pogo": roe/11rd, oleprehenflun clariflime firit,tof/tn/ I/[Irrl mom]; Corpm To cm firrflc, fivd Ttflcnz a Sanguine, ut t'onjirrr: licrt, zit/111110, wrrum 05, cc} Contufioncm, fuel Frigm, rr/c/ Pituitary nirm'anz adfirpcrioror porter non rconfib' my; in Carncm {lugenerenz coagulate diflcntanz. The Cure oi'a Sarcuccle. Marbiolm and Scultrlm have perfiiaded themfelves, that they have Cured this difeafe by the Powder of Rcfl/Mrrowo, but 1 humbly conceive, with the Pardon of thefe Learned Men, that it was not a true Sarcoccle, but rather a Hydrocele, not proceding from a flelhy or glandulous Tumour of the Te- fiicles, but a quantity of worry Recremtnts, dillending the Srro/mn, 01'10do. ed in the Body of the Tel'ticles, {0 that the [aid Powder being an Excellent DiuretickJ may much alleviate, if not wholly take away, the Hydrocele , by Purging the \vatry Faces, the caufe of this Dil‘enlE‘, by the free excretion of Urine. Burt/101nm, and other Phylicians and Chyrurgeons, deem this Cure to be performed by cutting the Groin, and extraéting the Teflicle, or by the ln~ cilion of the Scrotum, as Bartholine hath it, Obfortv. 28. Sec'liom' (air ille) Snrrotclis in Mililc interfui fa‘liciter, (9v dextre Adminiflmtcct r1portiz Cure I guim'r dexfri, Tcflimlm dexter, 714i ad Capitir @ltorilis nuz‘gnifndinem excreryrrat, jepnralo Maid Sim Scroto extraéiur (9v refefiir Vafir SPcrnzatiriy, proiflrr exemptns foil, Inigno Mililir, alias rordutiflimi Ejtrlatu; [Iglltlf VJfir, confirtnnzScromnr, * (r crcleriz ut Vii/mu deter, Citrala. fizflcflmfiti dextri Ttfiiru/i Tumor, Glandnlofiznzfltbflomiom ofleno/z't, ex magIzimoline anfiam, nt ()Ileri eflil Mli/ifiilir walido 3 infirm wero parlc Vq/irular intnz Membranam continent", Sanguine planar, qua pane do nmximo fer/[per dolore, 017 diflentionem tmzim fonfilis, tongue/in; fuerot; florirzentormn oblimr, ad Militare: Fmzflioner 120/224 rcrliit. "may", Another kind oFHier/zz'a may be called Varicoflz, according to vulgar acWfiception, though improperly, by rcafoti no Hiernia can be truly {0 called, except it proceed from the Rupture, or Relaxation atleal't, of the Procefs belonging to the Pomona-um, but the Hiernio (Writo/h fuppofeth neither ofthcfe, but is derived from a quantity of Blood, {tagnant in the Spermatick Veflels, The Tum" whence arilEth Nodes or Var-ices in the Tefiicles. 355355.321??? And alfo another. Hernia ( commonly, and unrealbnably fo called) is .m' "1:. led Hydrocele, which takcth its rile from a quantity of watry Fxculenctes, difcharging themfelves, in Hydropick Bodies, by the preparing Arteries into the Clouds of the Teflicles, wherein the watry Liquor is {tagnant in the Interliices of the Vefl'els, whereupon the Body of the Glandsfomc time is tumelied, and other times the watry Liquor is carried by the termination of the Spermatick Arteries, iiiferted into the Membranes encloling the Teliicles, {9 , that fometimes it is lodged between their Coats, and fometimes it deflilletll into the Cavity, interceding the other Membranes, and the Scrotum, wherer upon its Confines are unnaturally enlarged. fill/232133. beamed Dr. Horfliws giveth an Inl'rance of both thefe Him-Mia: in one 213:3? "l" Cale, Obfirwat. Anatom. 6. upon a Wound in the left Buttock. Nob. Rantfmos ( ait ille) armpit in fim‘flm nah}: parlem firperz'orem (9v externanz imrmflmt (7‘ dear/um [miter tendenr Vulnws, ex quoflatin: concidit : Hui: arceflit Vulnefl'a inter alio Sjnzptomam,/iniflri Yeflicnli, com Tumor: (aw/munw (Io/ore, Irzflanlnrono, Book I. Part lV. and ‘Tt/z‘ir/er of Man. 55, "‘0, 41m tamm pofl magnum partenz firlilota, renune ote filmn le‘w' o/nritie, rubore (5N dolort', womtztr depre/Jendo Herniam, non ryentof am, ob defi'finmflatumn; nee jimplirenz aquofam, quiz; Scrotum ncc luridum, nee Aqua turgidmn, m'L‘ Carnofunz flnrplice/n, ob dolorem, fer! Herman! ex aquo/o, camofit, {7 waritoflz tonflatnnr : Aqua/on: qzridem inrnlrat Tumor inflnr Orr/i oblongm, mm Teflimli orcnlmtione quarto! Iaéimn é» wifnm: Arron/it 0')- boc qrrorlfiniflro lateri oquafoe Hermie/ant malt/e fanziliarer, quot! nempe Venn Sprrmatim fimflm orirztur ab enmégente; Car. noflt anzmr no! finiflne mm}: partemfuperiorenz wergem‘ anflzm dare potuit @- cau- am; Generator eni/n bcec Harm}; exfrmguine Tefl‘e: cfi-Strotum obruente, ibig; in male»: oarneam mutan; mi afiluxnz' Vulmrr potnit, ut dixi, art/am dare, 1:: mm folunz in @rinripio flatirn fifliculz'flniflri Inflammalio,feol or Dolorforum fuerit: firppetims for: Sangm}: ado/fur melancholirur a witio Iienir orinno' m, Rgnijqi finiflri debilitar: woricoflnn monflrat dolor, qui exacerbamr in cli eniione Voflrrum Spermarirormn, undo crefiionem @0113: rruriotur intenjiflinri tomita nmr: Omnia imaflhm Renzcdirt, Izamfequenli ll/fenfe moritur. Aprrto Corpore,‘1{ennnzlow portionempinguem qua/i,Liem's were loco 011i Gallinacei quantitate nzgrnmfmflmn,flmgninir canulati farie, inwni ebamm: Ca'zxitzu ( cirm rzrefirani) Abalonzenir, aqua crat replem, ut @v Scrotum circa finiflrn nz fiflirulum potiflimnm, dextro longe rninorenz : Voflt Teflimlorunt rzmricun z more con/iflelmrzt; dextri Tcflimli firbflantia fpongioflz (y putrida, Tuniwq ; admin: erar, in dextm Scroti parte Caro adz'pojd. As to the Cure of an Hydrocele, I conceive it proper to advife gentle Hydragogues, and Diureticks, propounded in the Cure of a Dropfie; and afterwards Fomentations may be applied, made ofdilcutient and emollie nt Ingredients, viz. Bean-flower, Bay-berries, Flowers of Chamomel, Melilot e, The Cure of of Penniroial, Calaminth, Wormwood, Centaury the leis, Rue, évc. of there an Hydrocelu may be performed by gentle Hydrk gogncs, and Diureticks.& afterwards Emollicnts and Difcnticnts Ingredients may be made Ointments, Cataplafms, (we. ed. Elder, of the Seed of Fatnugreek, Flax, Wilde Carter, Carowa ys, the Leaves may be appli1 And if the Tumor of the Scrotum cannot be dil'cuflE-d, the Scrotum may The erwn be opened in the lower part, to let out the watry humours. Gulielmm F4- may be openHydro[Irit'im' relleth us, Cent. 4. Olzf 66. That 7012;: Grigtrm, a Chyrurgion, did e- cdifa cdc tannot b6 very Year make an Incilion in the Scrotum of a Man, fixty Years old, and difculfcd. Cured the Ulcer, by clcanling, drying and confolidating Medicines, whereupon the Patient lived long, and arrived to great Age by the Art and Care of this learned Chirurgeon. Another Difeafe of the Scrotum is called by the Greeks mupmmn. by the Hernimmm Latins, Hernia erofo, which is fometimes fingle, and other times is complicated with a Hydrocele, and is produced by a flatulent matter, tranfmitted from the Abdomen, and neighbouring parts, by the Procefs of the @eritonw um, into the Cavity of the Scrotum, or by the Spermatick chlels into the {ubftance of the Tefiicles, whereupon their Body is pufiEd up and diflended. .This Dill-.emper is more familiar to Children than to thofe of Ripcr Years. This Difeafe may admit a Cure by gentle Purgatives, and by topick The Cure of the Hernia Applications of Fomentations, Ointments, Cataplafms, and Plaiflers, made 0 "WM emollient and difcutient Ingredients, of which I have given an account in the Cure of the Hydrocele. The Tefiicles are alfo liable to the Hydatider, which are little Bladders 'W'W‘" full of Lympba, diflending their tender thin Coats, and are feared principally in the fecond Membrane, called Dnrtm, lodged under the Bnrfi, or Cod. Thefe Lympbrdufi'r, if overcharged with thin Liquor, are Lacerated, whereupon the Cavity of the Scrotum is unnaturally fwelled, which is one kind of Hydroccle, in which, as well as the other kind, the Apertion of the Strong" is |