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Show The Contents. The Contents. WVV-mfi-fiv-VA --«----"-"-' Chap. Chap. '23. ' 0f the Stomach of Filh, . Chap. 46. 34 Page. 376 . Chap. '50. _Page. V Page Of the manner ofChyli/ication 0f the Difeafet of the Gutt and their CW; Chap. 3;. Chap. 24. Page. Il2 0f the Pancreas, 399 375 Chap. 51 . . Chap. 47. 0f the Appetite of Hunger, 279 (Pathology of the Concoaiwe Faculty of the Stomach, Ofthe Pancreas of Beer/fr and other. ‘ [lll t, /,1,alr, 403' 3l9 0f the Coliek rl'aflz‘tm, Chap. 25. Chap. 36. Chap. '48. 0f the Appetite of Thirfl, 0f the Expnlfim Faculty ofthe Stomach, ' 3'? Chap. 26. I 0f the D/fcfentery, I , 7 0f the Pancreas of}?n~ca‘; me! I '7U; 404. Chap. 37. Chap. 4.9. The Tatholog}! of the APpetitiq/e Faculty - 28 7 'relating to the Stomach, 0f the 'Patholagy and Cure: of the Ex. pulfwe Facult} of the Stomach, 3 34. ("3; 31-5. :» 0fthe szeafer of the Mefentery, he Pancreas, 405 Chap 17. Chap. 38. "t: Comenrs w T ‘1 AP»or: of thea Path a L '1er ort" t1}v ‘rlnrd BOOA, con, {11mg of Timmy three Chapters. of the (Retenti've Power of the Stomach, a 90 0f the Imefline: of Man, Chap. 39. Chap, :8. Chap. 1. The rPathology of the (Retentirz/e Faculty 294, ._ relating to the Stomach, Chap. 9. 0f the Gm of Beajb, O F the Spleen, 0f the Lywphedtté‘t'wfthc Lie/er, 4.39 Chap. 40. l . Chap. :9. ‘ " twilllflllllll Chap IO. Chap. 2. 0f the Gut: ofBirdt, 0f Chfli cation, :96 or Liquor contained 2'22 0f the Spleen of Fi/h, _ tat, Chap. 41. Chap. 30. 0f the Gut: of it , The 'Puthology of the Heat relatingto the Stomach, a 99 3358 or we Spleen 9f Bea/2r, Chap. 41. 0fthc i'zztho/hg of the Lymphednflt, and Lympm, 0fthe Gut: of Infeé‘lr, Chap. 3 r . Chap. 5. 362 Chap. in. Of the Nara/out Liquor M a Ferment he- ' Chap. 43; Gf the Spleen of Birth, I Of the Liz/er of Beaflt‘, H longing to the Stomath, in order to Chjtlifiration, 301 Chap. 6. 0f the Concaé‘t'i'ue Faullty of the Gun, Chap. 13. p. 363 Chap. 44.. Of the Pathology of the Spleen, and it: Carer, 4.23 0f the femur Ferment of the Stomach, " -' , ' 305 Ofthe Expulfim Fatah) of the Gun; Chap. 7. Chap. 33,. Chap. 45. Chap. 32. . 0f the Liver of Fijh, (If (he Liryer, , 428 Chap. 8. T 309 0f the Liweraffiird: Chap. [4. 36'9 thhe Miner of Clylifratim, 441 Chap. 4.. Of the fathology of the Cute, Chap; 1;. 37;) Chap. Ofthe Qlalzdt of the Lie/er, 4;; 0f the Blade/cg of Gall, 44+ |