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Show Mi ‘Dq/rrz'prion and flier/{0n aft/Jr ‘Body of Mm. "(of ._l Chap. l. Original: And all truth of Enunciationis founded in fimple verity, in being reprielcnted to our Underl‘tandinggs truly conformable to the nature of thingul of which it is a refemblancc to our Conceptions. And all Sciences being oi eternal Truth, or confiitutcd by abfiraéied Notions, as Univerfals,_denuded by our fubtlc apprehcnlions, from material Circumltances, With which all {in. yulars do exift, and all Univerfals in them, as Fundamentals, Upon which account all Intelleéiual Knowledg being originally Empirical, borroweth its iii f1 rife from the minil‘tery of the Senfes 3 becaufe all Sciences eonfift Of‘many Syllemsmadc up of Principles and Theorems, as f0 many deductions from fenfible things; and the molt true and clear Philofophy is experimental,as con- firmed by the plain lhfliages, and evident tefiimonies of our Senfes. Anatomy propa es and rcIincthNatural Philololiliy. \Vhercupon Anatomy is mol‘t allif'tant to propagate and refine Natural Philofophi , by making iiifpeéiiori into the inward recelfes of Humane Bodies, and of other Animals, to pry into the great fecrets of Nature; fpeaking the . wondrous Works, and the excellentWifdom of the Creator. It is my intendment to treat Anatomically of a Humane Body, which be. inq apprehended under a comprehenfivc Notion, is an univerfal Organ atomy. ( lublirvieut to all the more noble and meaner faculties and operations of the 'l‘he qualifica[ion ul llu- mane Body. tlilTercnt principles, promoted lav various l-cl- merits. fubjeflion and obedience to the Commands of the Superiour And as preliminary to a clearer underflandiug of the Anatomical Difquifi- tions, I will premile fomewhat of the parts of the elegant Fabrick of Mans Hard, Rare and Denfe, Rarefaé‘cion and Condenfation , Tranfparent and Opace, Grofs and Subtle: And of Fermentation, flowing from thefe different Qnalities: and of the various ferments of Serous and Nervous Liquors, and of Air (impregnated with variety of corporeal Effluxes) productive of lermentatire difpolitions in Fluid Bodies, which are refined by fecretion, am- on A tliruiov. (.f th: I mly n to Sptimatltk and Sanguam(ii-S parts not proper. So that this rare machine of Humane Body is minifterial to divers ufes and operations of Life, Senfe, and Motion, and may be mechanically dcfcrihed a Syfieme of many excellent and meaner parts, contrived in a well difpofed order, with a mutual dependance to advance each others Welfare and Intereft : And are divided by fome into Spermatick and Sanguincous, which divi~ lion feemeth tome fomewhat improper, becaufe they borrow their firli rudimeur from feminal Liquor, and not out of Blood, prirnaruly, becaufe Blood it felf is originally produced by Colliquation out of the ambient parts of ge- nital Juice, which isplainly vifible in the white of an Egg, difpofed ftepiby fit-p to the production of :1 Chicken: and folid parts of the mufcles and parenchyma of the Vifccm, are {tiled improperly Sanguineous, becaufc denominations are derived a Ilmjori, and then the fubfiance of the Mufcles mull have the appellative of fpermatick parts, and are collec'iive and Vifcera bodies com- pofed of feveral parts, generated and nourifhed out of feminal and nervous Ipiquors,‘ and are tinged only with red, caufed by Blood palliug through the lpaces or, and adherent to the coats of the Veffels, as a thin accrctiori; ivhich being of a iuperficial thicknefs, may be taken away by frequent repeated Walhings with fair Water, whereby the aggregate fcrapings and membranous tubes, modelled in various files, may be fpoiled bodies of many of their adventitious fearlet, and be reinvefied with their native whitifli Veils. \Vherc- (ll"l"Ul‘I ofth: 130 y into Si- milar and Dif- iimilarparrz. and l'lefh; but moft of thefe, if not all, do not merit the title of Similar, as appearing {0 only to fenfe upon a fuperficial View, and upon a more firié‘t fur« rey are found to be compofed of different Particles; as Flefh is an aggregate body bound up with all forts of Veflels ( conjoyned to each other by the in; terpofition of many minute thin Membranes) whofe interfiiees grow big with vital Liquor: and Membranes, Veins, Arteries, and Nerves, are made up of many fmall Filaments, interfperfed with viral or nervous Liquor; and Tendons are framed of ligamentary and nervous Fibres, the one feufible, and the other infenfible. Dillimilars are to called, becaufe they confifi; of many parts of difagreeing fubltanee, and are much more confiderable than the Similars, who are integrals of the Diflimilar, thefe being Limbs, or atleaft fir-all Machines integrating the greater Organ of Humane Body, of which they are infiruments, various Circuits from part to part. it. r,,\. lent A mofl proper upon which account thefe Dillimilars are termed Organical, as configned to beminifters of Natural Actions; and to that end they are accommodated with a determinate and fenlible Conformation, conlifting in a decent Figure, jufl: magnitude, due number, and proper fituation of parts, all which do confpirc and joyntly contribute to render a part Organical, in celebrating the opera- tionof Life, Senfe, and Motion. And thofe Organick parts may be fubdivided into Fluid and Solid: The firfi are the more excellent, as the infirumental efficient caufesof the rational Senlitive and vegetable Functions; and are thofe felefi Liquors of the Body, the Alimentary, Viral, and Animal, all which have their proper Channels, bulatory to percolation, made in the Glands ( lodged in the Membranes, Vi‘ \Vherefore the parts of the Body may admit another divilion (more agree; able to l'teafon, and the nature of the things) into Similar and Diflimilar : The firft are fo denominated,becaufe every Particle hath one definition or nature with the whole, every part ofa Fibre participateth the like fitbfianee with the whole. Thefe Similar parts are reputed Eleven in number, as Bones,Cartilages, Ligaments, Membranes, Fibres, lJerves,Tendons,Veins,Arteries, Lymphatduéls, Soul) made up of great variety of Parts , difpofed in admirable Order, fu'm, and Mulizular parts) as fo many colatories of Liquors, always making Thedeft' 0f Fluid and Solid ‘Partr. to that the Inferior in their feveral Stations and Capacities, pay a duty of Body, and their Qialifications, under the notion of Solid and Fluid, Soft and Fermcntation fluweth from Chap. l. The Alimentary is conveyed from the Stomach, through the Inteftines, and laéleal Velfels into the common receptacle, and from thence through the Thoracic D1161; into the fubclavian Veins, where it alfociateth with the Vital Orgznicai parts of the Body. A fiihtlivilion of Dilliiuilar puts into Fluid and Eric lid. The Fluil parts arcthe Liquorsofrhc Body. Liquor, thence tranfported through the Cat/i1 into the right Chamber of the Heart, and from thence by the Pulmonary Arteries and Veins, into the left Chamber of the Heart, out of which it is impelled by various Arteries into all parts of'this great Machine, and then it is reconveyed again by numerous Veins into the right ciftern of the Heart. And the Nervous Liquor generated in the cortex of the Brain, is difperfed thence through linall fibrils (for the molt part integrating the body of the Brain into the trunks of Nerves, feared in the Medulla Oblongatannd SPiIIa/if, and from thence propagated by greater and lelfer nervous Channels, into all the parts of the Body. Thefe liquid fubfianees are eafily contained, and bounded within the ChanThe Flt-id nels, encircled with membranous Coats, and are very extravagant when left parts or Liquursarc con: to their own conduct; and therefore thefe Liquors (as Fluid Bodies) being lined wilhl'll boundlefs in their own nature, are confined Within the inclofure of Vellels, Vtifcls or Channels. and do configure their foft pliable fubfiance, to the more firm concave furface 0f their Channel. A"(l1 conceive the fluid quality of thefe choice Liquors doth arife from The De fCripa film of Fluid hence, becaufe their numerous Particles have a loofe compage, and may be Bodies or Liquors. to have eafily patted from each other, which necelfarily fuppofeth many fpaces i‘nter- ceedmg, the fruitful atomes compounding liquid bodies, rendring them Very ready to move truly about the little furfaces, which encircle them. hmlfj ' t C C a lool‘e compagc mad-c up of numerous Particles fit for motion. |