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Show 115 1 r 4_ Of [Mu/o'er misting to Tragic/rive ail/fatten. Chap. X V l l I: m fennl The {econd lN/Iodel of the Fore Limb, in order to l'rogrcfiive Motion, is Chap. XIX. In fine, let us, the Works of his Glorious Hands, pay an Homage of iiiiiiiihfi.» performed by the joynt Tenfion, of all the parts of the Limb, wherein the ififlftl'hifgl,‘ Thigh is extended by the contraélion of the Mufcuh Club/ct, and at the flame and"? time the Leg is extended and brought forWard by the motion of the Mm. [mum/its, (Railing Vaflm Extermu, and IIIIL')‘IH£J‘, and at the fame minute the . Wonder, Adoration, Thanksgiving, and Obedience, to the All-Wife Ar- , chiteét, for the excellent Contrivance of our Progreflivc Motion, which is Mfififfljfi by Celebrated in divers Arches, defcribed by various Centers of Motion, where- leI'atcrl dive A Tarlils is extended by the Oriflerbmrmim, lixtcrmtr and Intermix, in WhiCh the Foot is brought to an accute Angle with the leg, and to an Obtufe with the Floor. And by the extenfion of the Thigh and leg, their former Obtufe An. gles (made in the Flcxure of the Thigh and leg) difappear, and the the oppofite motions of Flexion. and Tenlion, alternately performed in the £35,139:le l imb is ftraightned, and lhortncd ; in which poliurc the Center of Gravity being transferred from Limb to Limb, prellcth the Foot ( brought [021 right Angle with the Leg) down to the Area, where it is kept firm by the Mn]; calm Ti'anfq/crfalir, which draweth the gr ,,, Toe toward the little one, ma‘ kingr a kind of hollownefs in the Foot, it draweth the Metatarfe in the Line of Gravitation is transferred from Limb to Limb, according to $35,513,232? more grofs and taper parts of Jomted Columns, compofed of the upper and G;,,,,,,,,,,,, lower regions of the Limbs, wherein the weightcf the Body is conveyed figgcgorfl‘b from Supporter to Supporter, as from Ijillar to Pillar, carrying one fide 0 our Elegant Pile forward after another, in Alternate Motions ; which are fo neatly Aé'ted, according to graceful Order, in Perfons of good Mines, that it is difficult to difiinguilh the Motions of the feveral fides of the Body, wherein the whole Trunk feemeth to a vulgar Eye, to be carried forward all , at once, in one equal entire Motion. and Toes, and fixeth it to the Floor, and i , _ ‘1‘ o l igament to bind down the firf't internode of the Bone of the Toes whi rrupon the Foot is fecured from flipping and Hiding, that it may mala- a line Prep in Walking Dr Kunning, by the Tranfwrflrlia, which is allilted by the Tibia/i; Arr/it", and C H A P. X I X. @crameur Secumlur, which moving fingly, the one carried] the Foot outward, and the other inward; but when they 35': together as Fellows, in a concurrent Motion, the Tibidlir Anticm keepeth the Foot, that it cannot eatily tread outward, and the @eromeMSeru/‘zdm, that it cannot Well call: inward. 3:25:31: ,3 lffifiikgfiil Of the Trogreflivc Motion of Fourfootea' flnimalr. So that the line of Gravitation being carried from one Limb to another, Aving {hewed the Centers, Heads, and Tcrminations of Mufcles, and fupporteth the Weight of the Body, in order to a new Hep in Progreflive .Mo- the feveral Flexions and Tenfions of the Limbs, difplaied in divers Scenes of Progreflive Motion, afied by the various Contraéiions of Anta- Limbroano- tion, in which the hinder Limb becommeth the fore, and the fore the hinder, ilfihf: iii?" which hath a double carriage in order to Motion "CW"VP‘ The firft Mine of the hinder Limb, confil'teth in a fort of Tonick Mo- gonifl' Mufcles, moving the divers joynted Limbs, affixed to the lower Apartiment of a Humane Body. My intendment at this time, is to entertain you as well asI can, with the feveral Modes of Local Motion, cele- tion, wherein all the Mufcles are rendred Tenfe by a moderate Contraétion, all Antagonifis at once, mutually balancing each other, and keeping the whole Limb erect, and firaight, in which poflure the line of Gravitation palleth through the middle of the hinder Limb. Th: ficrmsnf The fecond Mine of this Limb is made, when (the Tenfors of the Thigh the fore lel) incarrying i; and Leg being relaxed ) the hinder Limb is drawnforward, in the Flexures mrnartalo y Bipeds, becaufe in both, the Progreflive Motion is performed by the Alter- WHWWC of the feveral parts, its Thigh, leg, and Tarfus of the Foot, which are :iiiliiiiiii 11:: Secundary and Confequent Motions, flowing originally from the Trunk of media, founded in the Anteriour as well as hinder parts, in reference to their $35: 3;" mud. the Body, pulled forward by the Flexure of the fore Thigh, and Tenlion of the fore leg, which carry with it the hinder Limb forward at the fame time, and by railing up the Tarfus of it, doth transfer the Center of Gravity from the Heel to the Metatarfe', in which the weight of the Body being carried beyond a Perpendicular, it would immediately fall, was it not at the fame inftant, transferred to the fore Limb. Whereupon Progreflive Motion is accomplifhed by various Pof'rures, alternately made in each Limb, wherein the Center of Gravity is thrown from Limb to Limb, and the Trunk carried forward by the Metatarfe and Toes of the hinder Feet, prefling hard upon the Ground, by whofe refiliance the Body is ihoved forward, and alfo drawn forward at the fame time by the Flexion of the Thigh, and Tenlion of the Leg of the fore Limb, fo that both Limbs are highly concerned, as Coadiutors in making Prep after liep, in order to perpetuate the local Motion of the whole Body. In brated in other Animals by Going, Flying, Swimming, and Creeping. The motion of Four-footed Creatures, is framed after fome Analogy with nare motions of the Limbs, with this difference that the Limbs in (Luadrupeds are doubled, and {ingle only in Bipeds; in which the Centers of Mo,_ tion are fewer then in the other: Becaufe (Lnadrupeds have different Hypo- derm" have more great Weight, or rather prone manner of Progreflive Motion, which muff BiPtds. ' nectflarily be aé'ted by many Thighs, Legs, and Feet, relting upon divers parts of the Area, to fupport the weight of their Bodies, which elfe would fall to the Ground, and give a check to their Going. So that the motion of Brutes, is celebrated by the flexion and tenlion of 33515333; Anterior and Polterior Limbs, in aDeculfation made of the left hinder with fii‘fjfigifimg the right Fore-leg, and the left fore with the right hinder, carrying each ggjljgfiéifg‘m": fide forward by their Alternate Motions, acting Crofs-ways, as the weight wfrhthc hind. of their Bodies being received upon two Legs, doth reli upon them as upon dd' tWo different Centers, while the other two carry them forward. And it. may be worth our remark, that it is a requifite Condition in an Creatures Progreffive Motion, that Limbs, whether few or many, have 2: Parity, and $55,131:; each fide mull: aaner the other in equality of number, fo that it cannot "CW1"be Contrive‘d in Nature, that any Body according to all its parts, can be carried from place to place, upon a Triade of parts, becaufe the Weight s o |