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Show 5,0 0fr/ae Tarts of generation Book I. Part IV. Tthcgninal of the Glandulous Subfiance into one common Receptacle, ( emptying it Biliiralcstiiilg- felf by deferent VelTels into the Intefiinum ream") which I could never dif- fiffléfifflfij cern in other fmaller Filh, which have only many fmall Cells, as Allodgmemg emuspiflhh ' of Seminal Liquor, which is exonerated by a deferent Vcllel into a greater imah'th Rcce P tacle 2 near the Anus. in «dis in a7~¥ . Book I. Part IV. In Iifcfi‘r. 551 rycx, and Concave Region: Their Fibrou s part is furnilhed with many fmall Air-Ve dels, whofe elaliick Particles open the Compa ge of the Blood. The Telliclcs are furnilhed with numerous minute Veflels, fupplying the The stfi‘ls office of Arteries and Veins; the firll: importa vital Liquor, allociated with filqliilfiiié? Chyle into the fubllance of the Telticles, where the Chymous parts of Blood 3,2,},5111" are fevered from the more hot Particles, and are mixt with Air, which gives it fermentative Particles, and difpofe it for Seed, which is then carried through the Extremiries of many fmall Tubes, ending into two Trunks, which creep out of the C H A P. X. Of the Tarts of generation in Irycffr. W 5 m, a, Ycflslsinan minim" He Seminal Veffels in an Ephemeron are feared on each fide of the Stomach and Intefiines, and are Tied to the [ides of this Animal by the Interpolition of fmall thin membranous Threads; they take their rife on the Confines of the Ventricle, and terminate near the Ant/.6. Thefe Genital parts refemble the Seminal Velfels of Moles, Hedg-hogs, {';j{,_.;,',‘;r;',‘,',i (fist. and the Milts of Filli, and may be called the Tellicl ThtGrniral es of this Infect, '02,'c'r"‘r‘,‘n°,,‘l‘f as being dellined by Nature for the Produciion of Seminal Liquor, where. Mimi's. 39mm, upon thefe Seminal Compages are made up of a Glandulous Subfltau ce, compofed of Blood-Vell'els and Seminal Tubes, and Veffels, carryin g Air into the Vital Liquor, moving in this Infect. The Milky Juice is produced, as I conceive, after this manner ; The Vital ER?" in 1"" Liquor, ailociated with Chyle and Air, is imported into the Subl'tance ofthefe Glands, wherein it is fevered from the red Craflament, and received into the extremities of many fmall Genital VelTels, and carried into many Cells, the Receptacles of this Milky humour or Seminal matter. gflffijffhfi‘c‘}: The Air-VeflE-ls, inferring themfelves into the Glandulous Subftan ce of the "MA"- Milt or Telticles relating to this lnfeél, do impart elaflick and fermentative Particles to the Blood, and open its Compage, and give it a difpofit ion of making a fepararion of the Albumenous and Chymous from the more {harp parts of the Blood, in order to the production of the Milky or Seminal Liquor, lodged in the Seminal Veficles of this Infect. The 3mm, iiiiililiiiiilf a common. iiiiéifiiii'ii. ""‘ The Male Ephemeron difchargeth the Milky humour out of its Seminal Veficles into a common Dué‘t or deferent Veliel, ending about the Anm,' through which'the genital matter is thrown off, and caft upon the Eggs 0f the Female, call out of her Body, and fwimming upon the Surface of the Water, whereupon the Eggs being bedewed with this Milky Humou r of the Male, receive an Impregnation, and vauire Life, Nourilhment, and Angmentation, till it is formedinto a Worm. 527111535" The Silk-worm is a rare infect, in reference to its rare smi- various Forms it puts on before it cometh to maturit Birth, Structure, and y, and then fpendct Sl'ia'ifl‘ur fclf by laying numerous Eggs to Pmpagate others, and fo Dieth, not long haf-I! "'°""3ter it hath fpun a Nefi out ofits own Intrals, interwoven with Silken into a yellow oval Figure, of which Artificers make rich Attire. Threads) (Ellie‘iiiiinoin A Silk-worm hath various parts fubfetvient to Generation, as Teflicles, aSiIk-wormSeminal VclTels, Patallats, and (Penis. The Teflicles of this Infect. are feated about the middle of the Back, and . do fomewhar tefcmblc fmall Kidneys, or Kidney-Beans, confilting of a Canwx, concave part of the Tefiicles, and convey the Genital Liquor in. to the Paral‘tats, which are largefl: in their Origeu, and finaller in their Termination, about which they have divers Gyres. And as I humbly conceive the Parallats do give a farther Concoé‘tion to the Seminal Liquor, ( after it Effigy" hath received its firft Rudiments in the Tel'ticles) which is afterwards tranf. I mitted into Semina l Veiicles, which being lengthened out, do Conflitute the ejaculatory Veffels, terminating into one Duct, near the which conVeyeth Seed into it in the time of Coition. Root of the 73071;}, Near the Amu is feared a Cavity, guarded with a kind of femicircular bony The mid Sepiment; the extremity of the Penis of this Infect is placed about the termination of this bony Ring, which encircleth the Prone part of the Belly and the Arms : The @cm': hath a Perforation, immured with Cartilaginous or thin Bony enclofures, through which the Seed is ejected in the time of Comen. The Extremity of the Pam is confined within afemicircula which are affixed two Horns or Beaks ) and hath a Glam enamel r Bone (to $25??? VVreaths, and hath a Pratpuce {porting it felf up and down the ed in various Pm?rPemi/r. ' The parts of Generation in a Fly, calleda black Beetle, do much refem- Tfhfgmi‘a" ble thofe of Man, although in a fmaller Model; its Tefiicl es are made up of o y. Veffels, compofed in numerous Flexures, from which are derived deferent Veflels; about their termination are feared for Seed-Veficles , attend ed with divers Ducts, conveying Seminal Liquor, as Learned Simmm erdam hath obferved. A Gralhopper hath a rPenis compofed of two fmall Bones, whole ExtteTheGenitak mities are rendred rough by many uneveneflés, which conflit utc its termina- $1,ng tions or Glam, of which Learned Malpigbim givcth an account. |