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Show I 64.7. The inward 0f t/JL' Uterus of Bea/Zr. Book 1. 13mm? Book I. Part IV. The inward Membrane of the uterus in. this Animal is befprinkled 53:21,? me with aclammy liquor, and rendred rough With many {mall Protuberancies Shérpto the extremities of the Comma. 'rhcvmmor The "term" of a Sow not pregnant, hath its body longer than that iniiivrhfiii‘. of a Sheep, and hath its Horns much more extended, and hath many ‘1‘" Tunicles, the firft Membranous, the feCond Carnous, as conlilting of many flelhy Fibres; the third Nervous, as made up of numerous Nervous Fibrils curioully interwoven. 0f the Ovaries of Era/Zr. The mouth of The mouth of the "term in this Animal hath Anfraéim or Gyres fomewhat $133352? refembling thofe of a Cow. Gym , The Vagina of the "term of an Ape is made rough by many folds, and 11. kinds of Animals, I humbly conceive, have Ovaries, and not . only Birds and Fifh and all forts of Viviparous but Infefis too, do propagate by Eggs, and all more perfeét Animals, as Cows, Sheep, Goats, 3:97:50" bath a large Protuberance feared in the middle of it, and many ‘Papillaz all over it fomewhat refembling thofe of a Humane Tongue or Palate , and the inward Orifice is very firm and folid, and the inWard part of the neck of the "term is very hard, and in fome part of a Cartilaginous fubflance. The'Urzrriiof The "term of awild Goat is endowed with a double Horn , and is ""6"" furnifhed in their inward Membranes with many Prominencies fomewhar like thofe of very final! Mamillae, and hath a Caruncle covering the inyvard Orifice. C H A P. X X X. Hogs, Dogs, Foxes, Hares, Cunneys, évt. have Teflicles, full of Glands and Velicles turgid, with a kind of Albuminous Liquor, the Materia fabflrata of feveral Foams in various Animals. The Eggs of different kinds of Animals, I mean the variety of Matter found in their Tefiicles , is near akin in fimilitude to the Albuminous Liquor of Eggs relating to Birds, by reafon the different Liquors lodged in Velicles of feveral Animals, do receive alike indumtion or Concretion being held over the Fire. And it may be obferved that Animals according to their different magnitudes, have Tellicles of divers dimcnfions; So that thofe of Hares and Cunneys do not much exceed the feeds of Rape; and Sheep, Hogs, Peas; and Cows:the bignefs of Cherries. And it may be worthy our remark, that in thefe Animals befides greater Eggs, alfo lefltr may be found, of which fome are fo fmall, that they can fcarce be difcerned, and other Eggs do very much increafe in greatnefs by reafon of age and Coition 5 in young Animals the Ovaries are very finall, The Ovaries of various Animals have Analogy to each other. The firs of the Eggs of Harts and Cnnncym The Orariu of Animals grow gr:atcr in mature age. and acquire greater dimenlions in more mature age, in which they are receptive of f0 great alteration, that they refemble large Globules, as being Veficles replenilhed with Cryftalline Liquor 3 thefe Eggs are {0 fruitful, that twenty or more may be difcovered in one Tel'ticle, which prove pregnant one after another by Coition. Learned Stem» hath obIEtved theTefiiclc-s of a Beare to be compofed of many round white bodies refembling the Eggs of Filh. His words are there; Tia/lituli in urflt con/rant plurimia granulit albicantibm- lag/tar owarii pifcinm, tu- Tthggr of a Bear, 9 . ing to Stem. barnm extrema expanfl; illor adeozmdiq; includunt, ut parwulum aluntaxat firmmen in Abdomen pateat, quo dilatato flionte elalmnmr tefiiculi. In a Calior may be difcemed two Teliicles (confining on the horns of The Eggs of a Calior. the Mrerur) which are integrated of many finall Veficles, refembling Eggs without (hells. Ingenious Stem) making a curious infpeé‘tion into Telticles of Animals, giveth a very good account of variety of Eggs, upon the Diffeé'rion of divers Does. Qltater in Damia (ait ills) in Teflicularum 07/4 inqui/i‘yi. @rima 7nm'or erar, mac pregnant, 115i plnrima Orya albicantia bumare tranfparmte p/em; cram. Secrmda prxgnam guide»: erat, fed nullum faztur printipium extabat, tumemilmr dunraxat interioribur partibm uteri: hujw alter Tefliculm inflgai; magnitudinis Orr/um continebar, par; teflimlifitbflarttia glarzdulofa con/fare wide- batur. Terlia fenior F(Elam integré formatum gefl‘abat, Iicet C/Jvrion ‘Utera nan Iii/i guam let/iflime adherent. In anrta mrumq; Mteri Coma bumorem Alhugimum continebat, qui £03m Albumini'r inflar induruit, qua mado Tofliculorum 071a coé'z'ione indurefcebam fimul @ Albicabant. Brant in iifa/em Teflituh'r qua:- dam cat/irate: amm' bamore vacate, alix bumore Cmm aal infiar Diapbam replem. E! bicfubflamia Alba @arencbymatoder tanflzima erat. AP CH . Sven/2's uber. vstionsupon the Egg; ofdiverSAnrmals. |