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Show \- Of fermentation. Clmp. IV. 29 the Brain , The Vifccra. are antarctic: or the Blood. Chap. 111, 0/ Fermentation. 28 in reference to the formation of Animal Liquor and its. SPidnd in the Vifcera, the Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys, thefe noble Qolato. ties of the Blood, the Nervous Liquor is minilierial to the Purple nguor, and by enlarging its Pores, giverh it a difpolitron of Secretion, which is laftly accomplilhed by Percolation, made by various Cavrties {of different kinds of Vell‘els7 which Ilhall endeavour more clearly to fet forth in Trea, ring of Secretion and Percolation of Liquors. able fubflances, by reafon their diflaut parts will foon reduce themfelves clofe to each other, produced by an'equality of tides, which making their nearer applications to each other,thc intermedial fpaces, are filled up, and the inter. {line Motion confequently ceafeth. So that thefe minute fpirituous Particles flowing from the beams 01-"th Sun,and other Planets and Starrs ( of greater or lefs Magnitudes) are darted into the Pores of all fublunary Bodies, whofe nimble Motions could produce little or no impreflions (as Ferments in this loWer Orbe) if they lhould meet with liquid Subjeéts, only perforated with {freight Pores, accom- modated with regular Figures, by reafon they would find no refiliance, {peedily running through thefe regular Paflages, and caufe little or no InteMotion. CHAP. IV, 0f the Fermentatioe ‘Pomr of flit/aorta! and e/{ereal (Particles,advancing the Clay/e and Blood of Humane fBoa'zer. The highcfl Fer nicnrs are ctiellial Emanations. He molt exalted Ferments are fEthereal, which are as quick in Motion, as active in (halides, and is molt wifely Contrived by that moi-l: Glorious Agent,by an excellent [Economy in the flrft Confiitution of Things, that Inferiour Bodies (hould be afted by the Influences of Superiour 5 where. [Ethereal Parlitles hes inguia rubric La'urc, are Cahly concei- vtdintoihc upon Caelefiial Bodies, as common Parents in the produétion of Sublunary Entities, do improve their Seminal Vertues, by imparting new and more fpirituous difpofitions to their fluggilh Matter. So that [Ethereal Particles being of a kind of Divine Extraét ( as Emana, tions of Caeleftial Bodies, do penetrate into the Minute Pores of folid Subfiances, and the more free pallages of Fluid Bodies; and their Compages enlarged by a fublimed heat, and influences do caufe great Expanfions in the noble Liquors of Mans Body, raifing their Fermentation to a great Rea finemenr. Subtle Ethereal Particles do eafily infinuate themfelves into the lefs Afiive Bodies, Nutricious, Vital, and Nervous Liquor: And thefe fine Irradiati- . ‘Whereupon thefe atthereal Particles, not confifiing of irregular Angles, do naturally ltream with the greatelt fwiftnefs imaginable, in right Lines, through all Pores of other Bodies, adorned with uniform Figures, which give arhereal Influences free palfages readily to be tranfmitted, without giving check to their direét courle, thereby making, by reafon oftheir fmooth abode, little alteration in Bodies penetrated with fuch inexpreflible quicknefs. But the Liquors of Mans Body compofecl of Heterogeneims Prim ciples, are brought by Motion into minure Parts, furnifhed with variety of Maguitudes and Figures, holding no exaft fitnefs with each other, innit needs have empty fpaces interceding their fides; whereupon they cannot make fo near accclfcs to each other, by reafon of their difproportioned fides, and unequal Angles, giving freedom to the minuteagitated Parts, to play up and down, and continue their Motion. , Wherenponmrhereal Influences ac'ted with fubtil Particles, do infinuate thenilelms through the fccret Paffages of our Body in its fluid Parts, adorn~ Cd with numerous Angles, and irregular fides, which do hinder the orer-haliy Motion of Celeflia] Influences, and by dalhing them agaiufl the various Angles, and difagreeing {ides of fluid Particles, do diflort ons from Angle to Angle, and Side to Side, thereby forcing thefc aethereal Emanarions, embodied Wltll Air, to make along flay within the narrow limits of nnzricious, Vital and nervous Liquors, to impregnate them with WWS "r "‘6 rained below within the more fixed confinements of Earthy Bodies. And feeing all Inteltine Motion is celebrated between contrary Agents, quols. according to that great Philofopher, in his Book De GElll‘rdtiOIzt', ta min/v»? fpirituous Particles, and excite their molt fluggifh Principles to greater de- 7" "an? EU m‘v Emmi/w, Agere @- pati fmzt contrarioram. [Ethereal influences pro- pagated from bright Luminaries, being thin fpirituous Subftauces, do come from above to meet here below, with dull Earthy Bodies; Where they raife difputes in Waters, making great Inteltine Motions, to advance the grofs difpofitions of inferiour Beings, and elevate them to a higher degree of Perfeélion, by fomewhat of Allimilation, which thefe lower Bodies do gain by their Converfe with the more fublime ZEthereallnfluences, derived from Catlefiial bodies. Again, Bodies fuffering great comminutions, have their particles drefled with different {hapes and fizes, elfe they will be defpoiled of all inteflinc Motion, with which they are aéted, becaufe, when many Bodies are endued with an equality ofFigures, and Magnitudes, they cannot long, ifat all, partake of Motion, which confifieth in an open Compage of moveable Liquors of Mans Body broken into {mall partitles,are enducd with rli- vets (harm and Sizes. their natural Motion in right Lines, caufing them to make many Refleéii- ons, being of a Volatil Ingeny, have inclination to mount upward toward their former Stations, to alfoeiate with Similar Subfianccs, were they not de- Alimentary, Viral, and Nervous Li< r'Eth trtal l'iirr lLlCS made up ofrcguiar Anglcs, move w ith great {winners in right Lites. grees of aé‘tivity; whence procede Intel'tine Motions, to mature thofe indigeltedLiquors, to render them more fit Inf'truments of Life, Senfe and Motion. Having Treated of aethe'real Particles, as Fermentative in Humane Bodies. I Defign now to {peak fomewhat of Air, as receptive of thofe more CoelePtial Influences, and very much contributing to Fermentation, perfeét- ive of all orher, as well as Humane Bodies. And as preliminary to it, I will briefly difcourfe the nature of Air, as abl‘craftly taken, and afterwards of the different Influences of Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals, impregnating Air, and rendring it Fermentative. And Laltly, what Influences it hath upon the Body of Man, by iufinuatiug it felf, according to fecret pores into the Veins, and as received by more large cavities upon mafiicarion into the Mouth, Stomach, Inteltines, and by in-' fpiration into the Afpera Arteria, Bronchia, and Velicles of the Lungs, through which it is conveighed into the Subf'tance of them, where it meeterh the Blood, and by degrees impregnates the whole mafs of it. ‘ As Air is exalted by Ctrieliial Emanariom, |