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Show Book I. Part IV. Booltl. Part IV. 0f the Penis, or yard, 53 5 bodies with Blood, and produce a uniform Erection of the (Penis. The Nervous bodies ofthe (Penis, are endued with a fpongy fubl'tance, 3,1333% CHAP. compoled ofa great company of Fibres, palling this and that way, in an the "Yard, is admirable Figure, which {trengthen and confine thofe loofe Compages with- iiiziiiyriiziift in their pmper bounds, lei} they fliould be too much difcompofed in an. V.' 0f the Penis, or Tani. over-gren Diftenlion. I earned Dofior Wharton, conceiveth thefc Nervous bodies, to be lined gig/£232; with a Glandulous fiibllance. Which Ingenious De Graaf denieth, aflirm- $233,253?" 3:33,," LAfcivious Poets, Paralires, and other Perfons in all Nations, fporting sarcoma/rem. . themielves in Venereal Proliques, and Drollery, being no better then . gentile Stallions, have found out many Names to treat their frothy Phancy, about Mans more obfcene part, l'tiled‘ by the Latiues, 'Pem's, Veretrizm, Coler, Memlmtm Virile, Mentnla, Sec. Which was in great veneration with the ing he could not difcover any thing but Arteries, Vital Liqubr, and Fi- 1"" Islam; bres : As he hath exprellhel it in his Treatife, De Virorum Organic, See. Page 13:23:?"- Iol. NM mrmm bunt Clzmr/ulofizm in Cafifiilis illis mmguizm abferw‘wimm‘, mm' nee prcex‘ur Arreriar,frmguilmn, (7v Fihras in illis guidguam norarI/imm‘, guod ut orflrir Urn/i: nobifi-iim oidere ,mflitir, in [mm modum Penir preparemr : Expriu matur primo lcniterjhvguir gut in ca femper magir, wel minim copiofw exzflit, @- Egyptian as fome Petty God, and bath fomewhat of Dignity, in reference Shiiqifihiiiii: to its nobler ufe of Propagation, which is performed by not indulging our fiivcof Gc- felves in too frequent kind Embraces, which difchargeth Genital Liquor, he- poflea z'mm/fla Tizbit/o in fitbflimtiam fpungiofam, e0 friliret in low, ubi ad oflh mrmn' fore it hath acquired a due Concoétion, and Confifience in the Tefiicles, Se- imp/mini, (5v mm Ct'l blande ugitemr: Agiizz i114 truenta efluflt, itemm nae/a minal Velicles, and Proliats; whereupon it being deltitute of its Volatil and adimylmmr, idgiie tcr gimter'z/e rciterdlzdo, dance mm amplim truenm prodeat, giro wijn cxpri/mmr Nana/c inter duo lintea aqua? guantitm, gut in corporibm Nerwfir mntz'ncmr, argue tandem flam ita dzflcndamr rPenis, dimer Naturalem magnum/inc)" acguimt; in gm: ut tonferq/emr, winculum injiciutur oportet : Ham fie di will/mi, ex/itcammwe rPenempro libitu examinare pate/2'16, Mt omnizz d fiioflnt Natltrali, ill eff rali, gualem in Vencris 11814 obtinere falet, dare argue dcflim'fz'e coir/llziciantztr. Spirituous Particles, is not conducive to the excellent end, deligned by Na. ture for the repair of Mankind WWW" The rPenis is feared in the lower region of the third Apartiment of the "' "my" Body, as the mol't fit place for Fruition, and taketh its rife from flrong 5m Animus Bones of the Pubes, into which its Roots are firmly implanted. Other Creatures, as Cocks, Crabs, Worms, évc. have a double @cmlr; mi." dwblc and Man, except it be Monftrous, hath only one, to be 3. Monitor, that we {hould not pleafe our felves in the indulgence of our fenfual Appetite. Kiwi? or , It hath an oblong roundilh Figure, fomewhar flartilh upon the Back, or ' upper Region, and various dimenfions of Magnitude and Length, in fieveral Bodies; and a Mediocrity in both, is mol't acceptable to the Sex, and advantageous to Generation. Tl." ,gmc The {Fem}: is an aggregate Body, confifting of various parts, of which g‘hg‘gM'mgl fome are External, as the Cutimla, and Membrane Camofa, which are fo many W"Integuments, invefling the body of the @enir. The internal The Internal parts, are two Nervous bodies, the Sepmm, the Clans, the $3,210! "1: Mufcles and Velfels, which do import and export Blood into, and from the "Penis. The Nervous bodies do lean upon the urethra, and are like two oblong, The-Nervous 22,5"? °l "‘e fpongy Bodies, which are every way encircled with a thick, white, Nervous Coat; and do borrow their Origen from the inferiour Region of the Share. "213.1",1, Bones 'l‘, and have their beginnings from different places, and do feem to re_ 3323232535: fcinble the Letter Y, as having two Horns; and when they part With the Wirbis proximc asrcdit, argue l‘cnir Caviar/5 agtta beneficio Syringe ad dimidium , Wherefore it may be inferred with good reafori, that the Penis gtoweth 3315,1333" lefs and flaccid, upon a fmall quantity of Blood impelled into the Cap/um Proceedml NCY‘Z/Ofd', which, if Tumefied with, more free Rivulets of it, produce a great lfia‘hil‘y‘ii dilIEiitiOii of the @cm‘r, upon a large proportion of Vital Liquor, lodged lometiinc in the Nervous bodies. This Ailerrion may be farther proved, by the remarkable Inflance of a Gentleman, who being inflamed with Amorous Defires, Courted his Mi{'trefs in order to Fruition, and paid dear for his fporr, as having his un~ chal‘t flame quenched, before it was raifed to a hight 5 by reafon his unkind Millrefs gave a fpeedy check to his Amours in putting by his Thruflz, by Eggflcm‘," ilééfous bu: Tthacmt-I; 3:12:33". Eatdlécbmia, flrongchl‘fl: "firm taking his drawn Weapon into her Hand, whereby the Weapon and not her l-iind was wounded. So that the Arteries of the Nervous bodies, relating to the Yard, highly diltended with a great fource of Blood, and vialentlv eiufhed with a rough Hand, were thereby Lacerated, and a great eftiilion of Blood palled through the urethra; whereupon the Yard grew immediately lank upon a free difcharge of Blood out of the Arteries, furnilh- dtl m; "0::ch Share-Bones, they are both invefted with a Membrane, and are afterward ing, the Nervous bodies. ‘The ‘Uretlmz 'l‘ is lodged under the Nervous bodies, and bath fomewhat 11131. Lki united by the interpolirion of the Septum, and grow lefs and lefs, as they approach toward the Clans, and when they arrive the middle of the (Pew, they part with the urethra, and Climb up toward the upper region of the -;;,;F,mwf Yard, and when they pals nearer to the termination of the rPeru's, the Fiiiiifluiiih bres of the Nervous body are lellened, and difappear as conjoyned in the of the fame competition with them, except the fpongy fubl'tance which ad- $1,323 hatreth to its lower Region '1‘, as endued with linaller Pores, by reafon of its fr,x3_ r, I. M' more fine and plentiful Fibres. comm: The fpongy, and foft one the fubftance; double a of up made is The ‘Urelbm and the other Membranous. The fpongy part is clothed with a more thin 3:22:35]: iiil‘ifilgiiil. in St'pmm, near the. Claus, and both thefe fpongy bodies do Coalefce into one: And hence it proceedeth that the ram is equally erected, by teaforl ‘ Coat then the Nervous bodies, and accommodated with tranfverfe Fibres, rponimnd ' which contracting rhemfelves, do allift the expulfion of Urine and Seminal $3335"; m mm": Liquor, in time of Coition :iizldimcdh. ""3' l3",':,i‘f the Yard is parted in the middle by a Septum, dillinguilhing one part ofit ‘ from another; as learned De Graaf, hath well obferved. Whereupcn the [inpulfe of the Arteries feared on each lide, do equally fill the Nervsms bo iCS The fpongy fubllancc of the ‘Uretlmz being blown up, hath the bignefs (Ziggy, of a Finger, which as it cometh nearer to the Clans, groweth lefs and left mwmm.) by |