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Show 562 hum". Of the ‘Pam of generation in a Woman. Book I. Part IV Book I. Part IV. Below the Termination of the Urethra in Maids, is found fometimes a i'lgfijfigfi‘f thin Membrane (faltened circularly to the fidesof the Vagina lam-i 1,3,; men": mlkd its Origen,) interwoven with fine Carnous and Nervous Fibres, and Enameled with numerous fmall branches of Arteries and Veins, and is perforated HIM c H A P. XIII. in the Center, ordered by Nature for the tranfmillion of the Menlhua: Tm; Of the Tar" ofgc'neration in a l/Vaman. Membrane was called by the Antients, Hyman, ( hence they feined a God called Hymenarm, who governed the Marrying Virgins ;) others llyled this Membrane the Cloil'ter of Virginity, and Girdle of Chaftity, and flower 0f the Uterus. of Virginity, and Vulgarly Maidenhead. As to the lituation of it in Infants new born, Learned dc Craaf hath dif- covered it to be lodged betWeen the Nymph/a and the Urinary Trnnck and ‘Perinmun, in his Fifth Chapter of his Book dc Organir Afii/ierum, 84c. Fag. 37. In juniaribmév recent 7mm puellulir inter Nymph/15, inearmn ‘Urinarimn, (9» ‘T'erinocum lacmn medium tam exiguo fora/nine pert/inn: int/enimm, nt Iii/2W, gimme/i5 minufrulam, .r/ifl‘tu/ter admirterct. In moll: Maids when the Labia, the Enclofures of the 'Pltdendmn being opened wide on each fide, fome Membranousfolds may be feen (encircling the orifice of the Vagina uteri) which are lometimes f0 much expanded, that there only remains a Ddembranous Circle, fo narrow in compafs, that it cannot give admillion to the Tent); without Laceration And it is no infallible argument of loft Virginity, when this Membrane cannot be difcovered, which is often broken by :1 Violent Flux of the Men- firua and the immiflion of a Finger into the Vigina, and fometimes is fo tender, as fome will have it that it may be lacerated by the attrition of Cloths fretting it. The furefi fign of Virginity in all Maids is not always a Hymen or thin HAving Treated of the external parts of the "term, the Labia, and Nymplm, as the outward and inward Walls encompafling the Eritrance of Venus Temple, and of the Clitoris, which inviteth us by Pleafute and delight to make our Addrelfes in Sacrificing to this enamering Goddefs of Love. My defign at this time is to fpeak fomewhac of the more inward Receifes of the Gallery and Body of Venus Temple, and the Appendages belonging to it, of the Vagina uteri, and Body of it, and the Veffels, Li- L'S‘Eiih'ig". gaments, Fallopian Tubes, and Ovaries, commonly called Tel'ticles by the rat'on "$me". . . 'n antrent Anatomil'ts. winnair.a Man is called EMT/w Gav/"I'm. not only from his Soul, the Image of God, tanquam Diwinae Anne particular, as 3. Ray of Gods Effence wonderfully eH'ufed into the Body of Man, ennobled by its various operations, as fo many Irradiations darting forth Sparks of a Divine nature, and is called a Miracle of Nature, not only from the elegant Structure of his Body, beautified with variety of parts, difpofed in perfect order, but alfo as it is admirably formed with great Artifice and Wifdom in the Womb, excellently defcribed by the Royal Prophet. And let us pay an homage of Wonder and Eu- Membrane adhering to the Walls of the Vagina, but a l'traitnefs feared in the Orifice of it, and in greater maturity of Years there is lefs of Coarélation in the entrance into the Vagina, f0 that Coition in them may be made without any pain or elliifion of Blood. Some excellent Anatomilis have enumerated Four Caruncles ( which they call Carnntulaa Myrtifiirmer) becaufe they refemble the Berries of Myrtle, and have placed them as learning upon the l-lymen in this order, that each of them take up one Angle ; one of them, faith a Learned Anatomift, is larger than the ref}, and feemeth in fome part to be double, and is feared near the hole of the Urinary Duet, to clofe it after the Excretion of Urine : the fecond, as this Author faith, is placed as its oppofite, and the other two Caruncles are placed Collaterally, and are Conjoyned by the interpolition of thin Membranes, whofe union fome have taken for the Hymen or Membrane doling the entrance of the Vagina uteri. Thefe Myrtiform Caruncles fo much Treated of by melt Anatomil'ts, are nothing elfe (asl humbly conceive) but divers UneveneHES and Membranous Folds lodged in the Orifice of the Vagina uteri, which is nothing but charil't to our mofi Great and Glorious Maker, who hath covered us in our Mothers Womb. 0 let us Triumph in Thee the God of our Salvation, by whom We are fearfiilly and wonderfully made. Ohow marvelous are thy Works 0 Lord, our Subfiance was not hid from thee when we were made in fecret, and enrioully Wrought, as with Needle-Work, in the Lower Parts of the Earth. Thine Eyes did fee our Subfiance, yet being imperfeé}, and in thy Book all our Members were written, which day by day were falhioned, when yet there was none of them. The Temple (concerned in the Production of Man's Body) is feared in its lowel't Apartiment, (much worthy our Remark) in which we ought to confider and admire, with deep and challe Notices, the firli and wonderful beginnings ofout Life, and Formation of our Body part by part, ever thank- ing and adoring the Omnipotence of the All-Wife Creator of Heaven and Earth, who hath made Man to fpeak the great Praifcs of his wondrous Works relating to the Structure of a Humane Body, and particularly of that of the \Vomb, to be handled at this time, in which we will fpeak, the Contraétions (as I apprehend) of the inward Membrane of the Vagina: making a great firaitnefs in the palfage of the ‘Uterm. Firl‘t of the Vagina uteri, (as the Entry or Gallery into the Temple of 3,35%" Vemu) called by 'chalinr, and others, the Neck of the Womb, but impro- perly,by reafon the Neck is feared nearer the Cavity of the Mtcmr ; therefore the Vagina uteri is called by Greek Phyficians «"Wov 7vmx§on and x6M® wmfiaq as a Bofom to give Reception to the (Penir. Seat of It is feared in the Hypogafirick Region, under the Share-bone, in the low-f The the Vagina. 61' part of the (Pnzlcmlnni, and is fo fafiened to the Inteflinmn Radium, as i they were enwrapped within one common Membrane, fo that one being torn |