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Show 0/ the ‘B/m/zlcr of Urine in other flnima/r. 502, Book I. Pam % fitories of watry I'mculencrcs, when the Bladder is not capable to receive any more Urine in a great {pace of repofe. 'l'7 c cit-1::rr The Pelvis relating to the Kidneys of Birds, is beautified with limit or i'JC an Clugant i‘ l'r it i". Form, by realbn a large white Veflel runneth all along the Concave part of lindi. the Kidney, From which many Syfleines of Veliels are derived, and pafs from the Circumference, and at lait are united in a common Cyflern as in a Center ; from whence are propagated two Tubes, carrying watry "firemen" into the more free receptacle of the Cloned, the larger part of the Izzttylimm, Ream/z. :11 in The Eftridg, Eagle, Swan ) Turkey, Coole, Bufhrd, Duck7 Tea], and t t~ other Birds, as far as I can obierve upon frequent Dii'ieai ons, have no Bladur .1Iil1ti.lr.l. der of :Urine; but have theirUreters defeending from the Kidneys, imp)"ted into the hittflimim 91136111111, which lei-veth in ltead of thc Bladder of Urine in Birds. Some Fiih hold Analogy with Beafis, and other more perfeét Animals, xzsliaving a Bladder of Urine; and other Fifh are akin to Birds, as having their Ureters implanted into the Cloam, which flipplietli the place of the Bladder oi" Urine. All Cetaeeous Fifh, are furnifhed with Cil'tcrns of watry Recrcmen : ts, and have their Ureters implanted into Bladders of Urine. A I'orpei's is endued with a Bladder of Urine, lodged between the Duplicature of the Rim of the Belly, and IS adorned With a Corneal Figure, as beginning: and ending in Cones'7 into it are infertcd two large Uteters, at a little diitance From the Neck, and the Bladder being opened, you may dilcover the Terminations of the Ureters, by immitti ng Probes into their . Eoolt I. Part I". \ . n . A t Holes. In a Carp, the Ureters coming from the Cruciiorm Procels, are implan« ' ‘ tcd near the Origen 'f- of the Bladder, which is iinaller then its Body 'f', which is endued with a kind of Orbicular Figure , and endeth after the manner of an Obtufe Cone. C H A P. XXXII. 0f~ ll‘t‘ Tet/.iO/ogic of weight/dc)" of ‘Urinc. *' He Bladder of Urine is obnoxious to divers Difeafes, Inflammation, :fl'lthrziglaacca Apoihimes , Ulcers, Gangtzns , Scirrhus , Cancers, Obltieétions, (for. overmuch Difiention and Straightnefs, and to the Stone, the moI‘t aflliétive DilE-ale of all. . . . An Inflammation hath for its Diagnofiick, Tenfion , Hardnefs, great 32111:??? ] eat and pain in the region of the Bladder, about the Share-Bone, to which middm ] . v - x . - may be added, a wealtnelis of Excretion of Urine, accompanied With a IT? rie/inni, by confent of parts, a Symptomatick Fever, Tliirft, and a Cunefs of the outWard parts. . . v. . . . . I r, f Caufes, as Vio- Tll‘cau m Difeale is derived fomctimcs from Extei nal This dancerous D . . _ its Inflammalent Riding, a Fall, Stroke, (75. whereby the .Hypogaflzrisk Cipillpiyifig- no", teries lit-int} often broken, do pour out a quantity oilblood, in (Bible :ihi‘tance of the Bladder, where it is Itagnant, as not beingha rniittlctflinto 6 Roots of the Hypogafii‘ick Veins 5 whereupon the Blood. , avling 0 $2113]: tion, doth lofe'its bounty too (which 15 preferved by Cncu mop and, oned quireth a corruptive Indifpofitiou, by turning the Scrous partf an A (fig-me) Chyle (aflociatingit) into a putrid IVIatter, (the cauyclo anI tpe [3mmwhich being of a [harp corrofive nature, maketh its way thyrougi and deter- chyma of the Bladder to the outward Coat, which it per orates (' ‘ Hug. l.:.j. ig- T lit‘ I'rlfl'l‘it'r In a Codlin, the Ureters are implanted into the Bladde r +, (not far diIiant from its Neck) which is adorned with a kind of Pear-like Figure, and iTt;j.F.1./1I'. albendeth on the left {ide of the Izzteflz'nnm Refiiim , into which it dilthargcth nl' Urine ii; a (Dillin. The "lad 'cr ofaHonndu. lT, l-i- 1' [.71. i 1.1 l p. A Tlmrnlnrk hath no Bladder of Urine. H" ".1". :,1. i; b. its watry Excrements A Flounder, hath the beginning 1- of the Bladder fmnlle r in Dimenlions, and afterward groweth fomewhat larger, and hath its Body + endued with an oblong round Figurc, and hath its Termination + confining on the Vent, {cared on the right fide of this Filh. A Thornback, hath its Kidneys beginning 1- in finall Dimenfions, and afterward growlarger; they are compounded of many broad Lobules, fi't edgewife all along the Spine, which is very rare in the Kidneys of Filli, and are much larger toward their Terminations , and end in {hort Ureters, which are implanted into the Inte/iimwz Kcéhmz, which ferveth in Iteacl of the A Crntolile is rltlliiutcnf ihr Blirhler of of ll.ln(‘, Bladder of Urine. A Crocodile, [hith Learned Boricbim, hath oblong red Glandu lous Kid- neys, which have Ureters inferted into the Infefli mmz mam His words are thefe, Rene: oblngi, Glandnlofl, (av ruliicimtlz‘, ex 7141'an utrim], Due-I'm" 1711111111: , amplm , membranatenfq; dtflendere Progrediebatur ad ultiym Hf]; Innflim‘ @2672, at Liguorem Excrememitium urinofimzya eo aimmdarct, cum V?- fim' mtl/rmz riflimm vefli‘gium rcpertnm fucrir. 1111K; iliigifiiintziiioh, and Ulcer of the Bladder, is aAII‘o generated bdelgones 311$:th lodged in its Cavity, and grating upon the tender inward Coat, an, t, ringf a quantity of Blood into it], a§d$metimes by opening the termina iono . _ .. (IECF. r duce a )00 l ‘l l $12,131.33??? firl‘tdplazctéfithi301)":i the in indicate doth Bladdier, the oi. Lithiiklii‘iiiijtiiiiiiiitiit): inn of a \ein, after or before which, a ClyI‘ter maybe a?) milni tfeéhan immalo. If:1T]llllT0113 made of the Cooling Seeds, and temperate 131(1- d 1:1" ts o mum, fiai-Fa-pin‘illa; and Medicines contemperatmg the Bloo Lap]. lr)ine,.c:) g:- ftd of Barley-water, Seeds of Poppy, Syrup of Watelrl-I 1 it; :Pi)m',t[1 u, Outwardly "may be applied Fomentations-of Enio mi: der Fhwiaigns Dilcutients, which do highten the Inflammation; divers dlfl 7st: Hi0); of are profitable, as Milk and \Vatcr, Barley-water inixeflyul w tery to, Rofcs fireined, or Syrtip of Red Roles; oraDecoétiog 0_ at ey- 3.. ,red which may be added the white Troehii‘ccs of Rafis, a Emglullgpmlfi? prlep b mo icnt er s, with Milk and WJECF of tliejmffelvesi 011') \hliater borled vi it i ' ' a be adde a ter tie 01 ing. ‘0 glitiislzililhengiaddcr, in reference to grofs and {crops Iéeérlcinentg,rgo indicate Drying and Detergent Medicrnes, as Diet Drying 01," 11:21, 0.;th parilla, mixed with SafIliirafs, and Vulnerary Roots an ICH‘I' a .L gRorCS [initiatives of Caflia, Tamarindes, Senna, _S}'"1P_ of Pcacr Fog/tomb {re Solhiivc, (5w. may be added to the Diet Drinks; thelInyle miirujcfi, mentioned, may be mixed with Mattie-Ear the great, flip; 'méicamm in, Cumphrey, (7c. Thu/one [alum umtanr (which is the a in . , CHAP. . {_, phrey ii dried ulcers) Alh-ingent and Drying Powders, may be taken , nmzijn |