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Show The PREFACE. difabled himfelf, f0 that he could not f0 perlcctly obferve the prime Laws engraven in the very principles of Na, 12:1:h by inter} perance; ‘ in the oblerxance of . ., being pill to lrs Neighbour, in domg as he to civil y, ard Equalit and ion Proport of to in LiiC Law the tip crclpr e, VIZ} Appetit his of ion regulat the in hinifclf li‘ fleet; of fqnhial Objc-fics, he may be maiter of mar clap» J : to which he is configned by l\ature. lmfe are 1 molt excellent methods of fecuring our living; well, aviar; a Duty to God in Religion, to our Neiglp , ,1 in j‘uftice, and to our Selves in Sobriety. Thefe are J K , - V r tune, and fo by rendring his firll Appetite irregular, difl compofed the beauteous Oeconomy of Nature;3 and there; fore it was requifite for Man to have his inordinate defires empaled within Natures great intendment in reference to Happinefs; for a blind Will without the conduct of a guiding upper function , a perfect underltanding, is like a Sword in a wild hand, defiined rather to mifchief than ufe, and rendred wholly Offenfive, not defenfive; Where; upon the great Law/giver ordained fuch pofitive Sancti/ ons , to improve thofe prime Laws of Nature tendingT 31'2"," to a happy Enfl'pyment; Firft, laying an obligation upon felovellilim th»: proper inllruments wherein we fpeak a fittisfaction to our regular Appetites, and ferve the ends of our Cre- him to love im above all things as his Creator , :hjfiiéesfas Preferver, and great Benefactor , and upon which terms mscmm' atfon, in the fruition of Health and a Happy life. "mm The manner is fomewhat indifletrent how thefe three " ."fg‘fil prime natural Laws have a binding power upon the Con. Lilo themes of Men, before any pofitive Lommand was enact"W" ed, how natural Laws {hould influence them, as univerfal Rules, obliging all People that have to have molt reverent elteems of him, to declare his Glory in his thoughts, words, and works, in conforming them to his divine Will, in obedience to God's Commands: And as an example of this, God gave a fuperinduced Law to our firll Parent of not eating the Forbidden Fruit, as an Infiance of that prime and chief Law of nourilhing received no fpecial Dictates from God by Revelation. It feemeth difficult to underfl‘and how fuch perfons having loft the ufe of right Reafon in the tranfgrefsion of their prime Parent; and af-« terward having no fupernaturalConduct, how they fliould fo govern themfelves by principles of Nature, as to be made partakers of a happy Life, or elle to incur an eveiu hailing punii'hment, for prevaricating the Laws of Nature, him in the obfervance of this politive Precept, for it carp not be conceived that God could be fo wanting to him» God pr;felf as not to preferve his own Glory and Honor, his giggly; great intendment in the Creation of Man , who had the 231,335," highefi obligation imaginable to pay a Duty and Obe' to"P0"obeyMa" . . . _ ‘ (hence to him, which was in effect the hrlt law of Na- himture, afterward reinforced by a pofitive Command given to the head of Mankind. which item to be very obfcure, after the forfeiture of our Hill Righteoufnefs in Paradife, andthcn how thele prime Laws of Nature being,r defaced, and not reinforced by {us perinducetl Sanctions, lhould yet fo univerfally oblige Man, So that thefe bonds of Nature did therefore pafs into Laws, becaufe the breach of them was Criminal, infer. kind, as to become meafiires of Virtue and ring a Penalty proportionable to the tranfgrefsion, teltified Vice; and fo COIKlZ‘tlUCflIl‘JV cfpouf: us to Happinels, or hdifery. in guilt a neceffiry confequent of Man's prevarication , darting a Sting into his Confcience (which is the practical (€933,va 3:; i t, r, God gave Man in his firf't Creation fuch natural aids, *r ' ' ‘ Ii. by the lght of Reafon, to accomplilh that end to which ""‘he was originally contigned by his Maker; and hlan had "i 1; part of the Soul) firiking a terror into Man, and is as a Judge, trying and fentencing him to fome great Temporal or Eternal punilhment. tsp-rm:- a power, as a free Agent, of electing fuch means as were CI "'9 limits proportionate to the obtainmenr of that delign of leadin a a happy LLC. happy Life; and in that firlt divarication, Man voluntarily dfabled And there is a great content in doing) our duty to Thcdoing GOd; to our Neighbour , and to our felvcs, which is a‘éflé‘i‘fiff V ' ' g ratelu 1 repofe of Bodles in their proper center. m a reatfa{gamut}. So |