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Show Of the chfcmzt I/e/fl'h‘ of. lit/03mm. Book l. l:;i:v: Book I. Part IV. But fome quel‘tionsmay arilb conducive to the better underlinndi the ufe of the Ovidue‘ls: 7 b 0f [/93 oat/Mai of trots; 60K Of Firlh, \Vhethet the Mafeuline Seed may h; in- jeoted into the VVomb: Secondly, How it may arriVe the Defer-mt Velfels, and from thence into the Teflicles: Thirdly, How the li‘i‘thl't'pnatcd Veficles of Seminal Liquor, the fruitful Eggs can be parted Ali'oiii the other Eggs, and defccnd through the Tubes into the Cavity of flu: Womb. ' As to the firl't quel‘tion, How the Semen relating to the l‘vlale, can Tl'c Seed is r unlit: to nuitcnpnutd. move upward, being a heavy Body, and reach the VVomb, by regfon the Internal Oril'ice in molt Animals is fo framed as not to admit the Semen? To which I anfwer, That though the Orifice is flint before Coition, yet the motion and heat of the Vagina will open the Oiillce to give reception to the Genital Liquor, which though heavy, yet it may be moved by It". pulfe, as ejected by force out of the Vagina; and in cafe it is injeéh-d , only into the Vagina, yet it may be forced upward by llelhy Fibres contrm fling it and fending up the Semen into the Cavity of the lrllcrm. And then another quelhion may be liarted as difficult as this, How it can afcend from the Unity of the "term into the Tubes; which may be folved after this manner, That the Feed hath been feen by Fallopiltl‘ in the Cavity of the Tubes, but the dilliculty {till remaineth how it getteh up thither 3 which I humbly conceive, is effected by Helhy Fibres contracting the Cavity of r the llrmrr, and premng it upward into the hollownefs of the Defercnt \r'ellels which is afterward lelletied by its Fibres and thereby carrying up the Semen into the Tellicles, which being Colliquated by motion of the Twit and the heat and ferments of the ‘Uterm, giveth it a difpofition to enter the Pores of the Coat of the Telliclc and Velicle encircling the Feminal Liquor; whereupon the Egg being rendred fruitful, is leparated from the other7 and received into the top of the Tube 'l‘, and afterward ‘is prelietl down through its Cavity by the flelhy Fibres into the bofomc of the womb. learned a'c Gwaf is of an opinion, That the Seed it felf needeth not afeend, but only the Spiriiuous parts through the Cavity of the VVomb and its Tubes, to the Tellicles: Air illc dc iW/tlierum Organis, p, 243, Dicimm (vars/I'm; ("It'll/{finial}! non efli‘, quad Semen ipfitm ad ermm ant Tuba/5 afttm/at; ' furl >f1/t7fl't';'E//Ita(l Samba/L5 1mm illd [0oz pertrimfemzda at! Ttfliculorum 07M , Jr. The fenfe of this Learned Author is plain, That not the Semen it felf in liihl‘mncc butmily the fubtle part of it, the Steams do afcend through the Cavity of the Womb and Tubes to the Teflicles, permeating their thick Coat to the Seminal Veficles or Eggs. This Hypothefis, though it feemeth to have much of Probability, yet it doth not fpealt a full Satisfaction to an Inqniiitive mind, by reafon it oppofcth Ocular Demonltration, if We may give credit to Fallopian a worthy Phylician (of great Repute) thAt he law molt perfect Seminal Liquor in the Tubes, which he lhewed to divers SF pm"?- And ingenious ale Graizf endeavoureth to confirm the Autoply of Pal/«Wm with Cogent Arguments, That the Mafcnline Semen reCChL'Ll in Coition, is not rejected in fruitful Women, but tranfinitted through the Aperture of the Tubes ( adjoyning to the VVomb,) and from thence doth pafs throngh their Cavities; as this learned Author aHirmeth in his Book dc Organ: Mulicrum, p. 23 9, 240. Cum q/cro Mulicrer in (aim Seminalcm librarian; era/idcnicr CXl'iPirllli; my], mildew, 7114:1010 fwcmzdce fin/It delmo re- 1/3/1171! (mi Wit/gar}: apinio cfl) muff} efl cam alimbi ficcdcre: [ed in "f0"? 1171 o fimn'o "It/[i meat»! five rereptacula flmt, 71w Jib/mam {rt/:0 margin", m 5:men, rccipcrc pqfliuzt, pnelerzywm Tubarum foramimz i/z lltcri filfldo bit/#1131 : jlrtlz'rzzbmt itnqg «viii/e Semen lm TRIM: fitbire, Hind/1; [ibcritm (1W1 Fallopius refit/Mr [C a in firle di‘gm}: Spefiatoribm pnejémibm, in Mcatilms illir Exp/[fa rifllmnm Semen re‘rcnfl‘e, fiwi/c quid ab 411i: quoqne ohfcrwatzcnz fit; and farther adds, That this Seminal Liquor, found in the Tubes, cannot proceed from the Tefticles, neither can it be generated in the Tubes, whence itmay be well inferred that the Semen is injected into the womb by an external Prin= ple, a/iur prowenirct, (Iltdlllloqltillelfl d refit/1m non pracedat,mc in T111117: generez‘ur. Non in thjl'iblfl generdri paler ex Fallopii difcurfu (exqztifiti zmi Semirzi/r rimlo Infignz'entit ) (yv fwflmm teflimom'o ton/fat, nullam flmilem Materiam in Mulierum Ttflibm comimri: Ntc alia fin-ma co deferri pofle per Membramu quibus Teflilmr alligamur, quid nulla in illit Semim' Vcbemzlo deflimzm Anatomi- (Drum unqlmm detexit induflria, my; in Titbi: ipfi: genemri, probatur indc, quad Organza}: il/ud pro Semi/Ls generatiom nimis fimplcx; And this Famous ThisA'uthpr Author farther confirms the Hypothelis, That the fubftance of the Seminal $312223" Liquor not only pallcth through the cavity of the Womb and Tubes, but 33:32,? alfo the Filllllritt or Fringes (adjoyning the Teflicles) with great pleafure, "5‘1"as infinuating it felf {as I conceive) through the Minute Pores of the Fimlzride confining on the Tefiicles; Cum Membrane/21 Fimbriarum expszza Manda fubezmtir Semim'r titillationz, undiq; fefe Teflibu: applicet, ita ut Semimzlir aura aliorfnm qudm ad Tcfler propemre "equal; To which I cannot perfectly affent, becaufe, I humbly conceive, that not only the Steams of the Seminal Liquor ( which could not fpeak f0 great a pleafure to the en- joyed Spoufe) but a thin Subltance is highly Impregnated with Spirits as it is firll: attenuated and colliquated in the Vefimloe Sewing/tnr of Man by the repeated motions of Coition, and afterward is farther exalted and rare- fied by heat and ferments of the Bofom of the VVomb, and it being Car~ ried thence through the cavity of the Tubes and fecret pallages of the FI'm» bria', doth afterwards infinuate it felf through the Pores of the Membrane of the Tefiicles (as well as Sweat through a much thicker Coat of the Skin) and lal'c of all tranfudes the thinner Membrane of the next Velicle, and there embodies with the Seminal Liquor (contained in in) whereupon it acquireth new fermentative Elements, derived from the Mafculine Semen, and thereby becometh more exalted and fruitful. Having given an Account in the former Chapter of the Veficles contained The Impreg~ in the Tefticles, called by the Modern Anatomifis Own, from the fimilitude 2:62;?le they have with the Eggs of Birds and other Animals, my task at this time 331%?ng is to fpeak of the deferent Velfels through which the Impregnated Eggs of $3333? the Ovaries do pafs down from the Tefiicles into the Bofom of the Womb _ ' to receive a greater Maturity. Some to have one fin~ Someaflirtn _ Profeffors of our . Faculty hold the Defetent . Velfels , . h 0 11 ct gle Origen near the Tellicles, and afterward too in their progrefs, till they hagmiloilh: approach the bottom of the Womb, where they have two Branches, the f;:";'l,,"ff broadeft and more {hort is implanted into the Fund»: uteri, and the other mm" Branch being more long and narrow, doth infinuate it felf between the Mem~ branes, encloling the {ides of the Womb, and extendeth it felf to the Neck of it: by the firft Branch they imagined Women not with Child to inject Semen into the bottom of the VVomb, and by the other Impregnated Wo~ men to tranfmit: their Semen into the Neck of the "term. I humbly con- ceive, the caufe of their Mifiake might be the Divilion of the Spermatiek Arteries near the bottom of the womb, which defcend on each lidc of it: PPPPPPP 0‘ |