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Show Part ‘I I. 0f the Liquor: of 114471! find}. 2 co Part I l. Nervous Liquor, and attenuated with Lympha, into the Membranes and ‘ . . . . Tlxthwou" fubftance of the Brain. The Anim il Liquor, the feat of the moli refined Spirits, the Minifim il‘éi‘é‘hi‘ii-i‘f of the Senfitivc, and Intelleétual Operations, oweth its origen to the upper ""‘mmf region of the Brain, and is thence propagated by innumerable Fibres, E‘EC‘L‘E‘S‘EE? through its various Pr'oceffes, through its lower Confines, and then is tranfmit., ted through the numerous Filaments of Nerves (as fo many fine Outlets) ' and Channels, leading to the middle and lowel't Apartiment of the Body., Thcfr‘lYa‘PF Eigic'i‘ii hi‘tcirfliiiimg :li‘idr'tviiiiii‘h' pairolNCrvcs So that Liquor defiilling out of the Third, Fourth, and Seventh pair of Nerves, maketh the noblet part of the Juice, fqueefed in maltication out of the Tonfillary, and Maxillary Glands, as well as thofe of the Palate and Tongue, all befet with Minute Conglomerated Glands; whereupon the Mafiicatory Liquor being highly improved with Nervous Juice, is min, 0f the Liquor; of [Mam ‘Boa'y. 201 ture of Liquor, fqueezed by frequent Contraé'tions out of the Eritrean/rides of many Nervous Fribres inferred into the inward Wall of the right Chamn ber of the Heart; out of which the Blood being impelled through the Puln monary Artery, into the fubfiance of the Lungs, where ( as I humbly con-4 ceive) it receiveth a tincture of a Liquor deltilling out the Nervous Fibres- implanted into the Interftices of the Pulmonary Arteries, whence the Blood being tranfmitted through the Pulmonary Veins into the loft Ventricle, is into theMouth farther ineliorated with a Juice coming out of the Nervous Fibres ending in the infide of the Heart, from whence it is impelled into thebommo'n Trunk, and afterward into the afccndent Trunk' r the ‘i'r'i'lt, whvii: out- Fl" Mimi ward Coat is encircled with many Nervous Divaricarions, hid alfo divers 52:22:12; Nervous Fibres inferted into the inward Coat, de‘till their Liquor into the Wham"; rm'vucins‘h" glcd with the Alimentary Liquor ( exfiraéted out of the Meat chewed in Blood, pafling through the Aorta, and inward Carotide Arteries into the gr‘cgg‘gfi?‘ the Mouth ) which embodying with the fluid and Elafiick Particles of Air, Cortex of the Brain , in whofe Minute Glands a Percolation being made: :fi;2",i‘iiic‘éied doth open the Compage of the Meat, rendring it fit for Intel'rine Motion,and iurhsSromad‘ as a Ferment giveth the firli rudiment of Concoéiron of Meat in the Mouth, 36:30???" in order to the generation of Chyle afterward elaborated in the Stomach, Eif‘oi‘iiii‘ng aflilied with new accefs of Liquor, flowing out of the numerous Nerves, midi." derived from the Intercofial, and (Par Vagrant, and divers Mefenteric Plcxos, feared in the Belly, and emitting fruitful Branches into all parts, and at lali do terminate into the inward Coats of the Stomach ; out of which the Net: and the more refined ferous parts being feVC' ,d from the Red Cmflliinent of)" the Blood, are improved with volatil faline Particles in the fubfiance of the vous Juice is crulhed by the gentle Contractions of the Carnous Fibres ( en. clofing the Aliment ) into the Cruli, invel'cing the Nervous Coat all befet with minute Annular Glands, in which the Nervous Liquor is Percolated, and thence deftilleth into the Cavity of the Stomach: And being impregnated with volatil faline Particles, infinuateth it felf into the body of the Aliment, and openeth its Compage, fevering by a kind of Precipitation, or Colliquarion at leaf't, the Alimentary Liquor from the more grofs Faces; WWW whereupon the Nervous Liquor exalted with Spirituous parts, embodieth iiiiimnis‘i‘fri with the ferous parts of the Blood, and flowing out of the Extreamities of Corr" from whence they ar tranfmittcd into the Extreamities of the Fibres tn‘ v .g their rife in the body of the Cortex,and thence are propagated by nu: lllL‘l'C‘JS Minute Fibres, through the various Pr‘ocefibs of the Brain to the Trunks of the Nerves ( firft formed in the Medal/a Oblongzzta) and thence deitilling between the Filaments of the greater and lefferiBranches of the Nerves, are imparted to all parts of the Body, to give Senfe, Motion, and Nouriihment. The fubfiance of the Vifcem, and all Mufcular Flefh, are for the molt Tricfabflancq part, if not altogether", divers Syl'temes, made up of greater and leH‘er Vef- gridtiifciiifiiir‘: fels, confiliing ofMI Trunks, and numerous branches of Arteries, Veins, and We" ‘ clfcis. Caudcxes, and hates 0i Nerves, and Lymphaeduéis. Membranes are alfo Contextures, compofed for the mofi part of numc- "mm" rous Fibrils of Nerves, rarely interwoven with each other, interfperfecl with iiicfg‘itisi; Branches, and Capillaries of Arteries and Veins. 335,5": :iiiiii‘t‘iiii‘hc the Arteries into the Cavity of the Stomach, doth fitly qualifie a Menlltu- The Blood in the sztem being impelled out of the Terminations of the WWW"- um, to diffolve the Compage, and Colliquate the Meat, out of which the Arteries into the Interfiices of the Velfels, its more foft Particles being im- Chyle is exfiraéted by way of Tinéture ( Ad lenem balmai mlarem, by the proved with Liquor, dropping out of the Extreamities of Nervous Fibres, Ambient heat of the Stomach) which is afterward more matured by its far- giveth it a power to feparare from the Red Craifament; and afterward this 3533:2353. rher progrefs through the Intefiines, by Liquor dropping out of the Ter- Ettliutiweum minarions of the Nerves, derived from the Mefenteric Plexes_ and implanchm-‘3 our of red Into the inward Coats of the Intefirnes, furrounded wrth Minute Glands{Fig 05"": In order to which, the Milky Humour is thence tranfmitted into the Pores News! of the firfi Laéierc, fuitable in fhape and file to the Atomes of the Chylca Scrolls Liquor is the Matter, and the Nervous Juice is the form of the Sncn W I "Or - . . - - which is afterward difperfed into the body of the Glands, where it incor- mr Nutririur, which being embodied, is tranfmitted from the Interftices into many minute pores of the Coats of the Veliels, which perfectly correfpond 3:332 in Figure and Magnitude, with the Particles of the Surat: Nutritim, carried "1""13," rf' by the faid Pores into the fubliance of the Vellbls, wherein it groweth more f""3"":inkl‘iiiiiIi folid, and uniting it felf by Accretion to the body of the VeHcls, become The cup: is porateth with the Nervous Liquor, iffuing out of the Mefenteric Nerves; i‘,"w‘i,‘§iit‘;' and is then conveyed by the fecond kind of Milky Veffels into the common gigggdmcaflis Receptacle, in which the Lympha impregnated with Nervous Juice, dOTl‘ meth one entire fubfiance with them; which is vulgarly called Affimilati- Nu‘ridmg' on, and is principally performed by Nervous Liquor (infpiring the ferous part ‘s‘iiiir‘ihii‘: thcnmarricd borh Dilute, and farther Elaborate the Chyme., by rendring it more fit as arte- 0f Accretion, and by configuring it felf to the uneqUal inward furfaces of the [Ch-'33:}: lank folrd parts, doth replenrfh their fpaces rendred empty by the heat of the ‘0 "1° 1'0"? Blood, opening the Pores of the Body, and fending out confiant Efll‘uvi‘a. 3335:5335 23333253221; nuated, to be tranfmitted through the minute Thoracic Duéis, into the subSgcsgfigavr clavian Veins, where it again encountreth the Lympha (hightned with Nervous Liquor, conveyed thither by the Lymphaeducis of the upper Region) terminating into the Velfels, feared under the Clavicles, where the Chyme is firft of all received into the Blood,and adopted into the Vital family, and is forthwith carried through the Defcendent Trunk of' the Car", if!" the right Cifiern of the Heart 5 where it groweth more exalted by a mix‘ K116i? of the Blood with Animal Spirits) which giveth the 8mm: Nutriciur a power ""I'bmm. crctcd to the , Thus I have hinted as in a pallhge fome fhrort Remarks, relating to the ‘cd' embroidered Hangings and fine Furniture of the middle and lower Story of Mans Body, wherein I have mentioned the Elaboratory, confil'cing of the Retort of the Stomach, the Recipients, and Serpentine Units of the Intefirnes, and the Vifcem, as formuy Colatories of the Blood, attended with Drems, drlcharging its Recrements into common" ResEptaclesv' V" H G gg i f ' New |